黑暗史诗(Fate)始于卑微,在不到 5 个月的时间里深入地模仿《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》并被开发出来。这款游戏取得了巨大成功,并产生了四种独立版本:2005 年的原版游戏,2008 年的《黑暗史诗:未知领域(Fate: Undiscovered Realms)》,2009 年的《黑暗史诗:背叛的灵魂(Fate: Traitor Soul)》以及 2011 年的《黑暗史诗:被诅咒的国王(Fate: The Cursed King)》。每个版本都增加了全新的内容和特性,然而游戏本身基本相同:一个类暗黑的地牢爬行游戏,从一个城镇出发去探索其地下无尽的地牢。
Fate had humble beginnings, born an accessible yet deep Diablo clone developed in a mere five months. The game was quite successful, leading to four stand-alone versions: the original 2005 game; Fate: Undiscovered Realms in 2008; Fate: The Traitor Soul in 2009 and Fate: The Cursed King in 2011. Each release adds new content and features, but the game itself is basically the same: a Diablo-like dungeon crawler with one town and an endless dungeon under it.
你可以在 www.surdin.net/archive 上找到 Fate 的 mod 和工具的文档以及如何设置它们的指南。
You can find a handy archive of Fate's mods and tools, plus guides on how to set them up at www.surdin.net/archive

《黑暗史诗》被设计得就像休闲版的《暗黑破坏神》和 roguelike 游戏的混合体一样,艺术风格可爱又不显幼稚。
Fate was designed as a casual-friendly mix of Diablo and roguelikes, with an art style that tries to be cute without being childish.

每个新版本都保持了核心的游戏体验并增加新的内容和特性,例如更多宠物、新的玩家种族以及可招募的 NPC 们。
Each new version keeps the core gameplay but adds content and features, such as more pets, new player races and recruitable NPCs.
每一代游戏都提供了种类繁多的怪物,随机生成的地牢以及无穷无尽的装备变种。在每一个地牢中,你需要完成一项随机的主线任务来取得胜利(通常是在深层杀死一个 boss),同时在探索途中你会完成诸多随机生成的支线任务。
如果这些让你觉得很眼熟,是因为《黑暗史诗》的作者 Travis Baldree 在之后制作了一款沿用了《黑暗史诗》的绝大多数特性的游戏——《火炬之光(Torchlight,2009)》。
本作另一个分享性的特性是支持 MOD,粉丝为本作增加了诸多内容、调整了游戏性、修改了怪物密度以及摄影机操纵性等。
Each game offers a wide variety of monsters, random dungeons and an endless diversity of suffix/prefix-constructed loot. In each dungeon, you'll need to finish one random main quest to win (usually killing a boss at a deep level), and in the process you'll complete many randomly generated side-quests.
Where differs Fate from the most Diablo clones is the ability to adventure infinitely: there's no level-up limit and dungeons are endless: you can descend lower and lower, gaining more and more powerful loot and fulfilling new random quests. After finishing the main quest you can retire your hero, creating an “inheritance” to be given to his descendant in the next game.
The character system is quite straightforward, with several stats and skills that can be upgraded at level-up. The different races (added in Traitor Soul) differ only in initial parameters and appearance. What really determines your hero is your equipment and spells, so you can tune your playstyle freely.
Other features include a gambler, an equipment enchanter and a pet – initially a cat or dog, but you can transform it into much more powerful monsters by feeding it fish. Ah, yes, fishing! You can fish for progressively more powerful fishes and items.
If all this feels familiar, it's because Fate's creator, Travis Baldree, later also worked on Torchlight (2009), taking most of Fate's features with him.
Another shared trait is the extensive modding, with fans adding a lot of content, gameplay tweaks, changing monster density, camera controls, etc.
Unfortunately, Fate has one big issue: it's not pretty. Graphics are quite simple, muddy and have barely been improved in the subsequent versions. Yet, while Torchlight might be more polished, the infinite randomness of Fate is worth trying for those who can overlook graphics in favour of addictive gameplay.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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