简而言之,《轨道之下(UnderRail)》就是世纪之交以来所制作的最伟大的 RPG 之一,它为如何制作一个有生命,充满活力的世界建立了教科书般的标准。正如曾经一度流行的老起源系统(Origin Systems)的标语所说:“我们创造世界。”
角色系统非常的传统:有七个基本属性;超过 20 种技能,可将它们分为进攻(Offense),防守(Defense),诡计(Subterfuge),技术(Technology)(制造物品),超能力(Psi)(精神力量)以及社交(Social),多样的技能搭配提供了多种不同的过关途径以及游玩风格。
UnderRail is, quite simply, one of the greatest CRPGs created since the turn of the century. It exemplifies the concept of building living, breathing worlds, popularised once upon a time by the old Origin Systems tag line: “We create worlds.”
A post-apocalyptic game clearly reminiscent of the original Fallout, UnderRail certainly pays homage, but also manages to stand as its own unique game.
The character system is very traditional: there are seven base attributes; over 20 skills divided into Offense, Defense, Subterfuge, Technology (item-crafting), Psi (mental powers), and Social; and loads of feats tailored for various paths and playstyles.
Players can create just about any type of character: a blockhead who wears tailored heavy armour and swings an electrified sledgehammer; a blaggard who sneaks around with a serrated knife; a psi-user who traps enemies behind force walls and pulps their brains with a thought; a commando who uses his customised assault rifle, flashbangs, and grenades to blast his way out of everything; a ranger who uses stealth, deadly traps, and a silent crossbow to eliminate his enemies one by one; a diplomatic sniper; and many, many more viable combinations.
Yet, for me, the exploration aspect of UnderRail is its greatest achievement. Rooms are packed with interactions, from the usual boxes and crates to vents you can peek or crawl through, locked doors to pick, ladders to climb and hidden nooks to uncover. The game's level design makes clever use of intricate, interconnected, multi-level rooms and terrain featuring dead ends, one-way passages, and so on, in such a way that navigating the environment is a challenge by itself.
It's also rewarding, thanks to the Oddity system, which awards XP for exploring and uncovering hidden items – an alternative non-combat experience source.
《轨道之下》于 2012 年首次在 Desura 上发布,粉丝可以在该平台购买游戏的 Alpha 版本以协助游戏开发,在其登录 Kickstarter 众筹以及 Steam 内测之前,该作也在这一平台备受欢迎。
UnderRail was first released in 2012 on Desura, where fans could buy the alpha version to help fund its development; it was a way for indies to crowd-fund before Kickstarter and Steam Early Access.
《轨道之下》也并非是完美无缺的作品,其缺乏复杂的对话树和有意义的选择和结果。尽管如此,考虑到这部作品是由一个人做的,有这些缺点也可以理解。《轨道之下》绝对是一款佳作,CRPG 玩家绝不容错过的佳作。
Heavily inspired by Fallout, UnderRail's combat is turn-based, isometric, and based on action points.
It's simple but challenging – and highly satisfying, thanks to the sheer variety of weapons, skills and enemies. The denizens of UnderRail have many unique tricks that the player must learn to recognise and counter in order to survive. Many times during some of my playthroughs, I'd inch my way into a room, toss a flashbang in a likely direction, then dash back out again, hoping to flush out possible lurkers and avoid being back-stabbed.
UnderRail isn't without flaws, lacking in intricate dialogue trees and meaningful choices and consequences. Still, considering that it was mostly made by one man, these are understandable shortcomings. UnderRail is a massive incline, and no CRPG fan should miss it.

While you control only one character, the combat succeeds at providing plenty of interesting options and challenges.

The crafting system is very detailed; you can create almost anything that can be equipped or used, and the wide variety of materials offers plenty of customisation.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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