Square-Enix, 2017
Windows, 3DS, PS4 和 Switch
Square-Enix, 2017
Windows, 3DS, PS4 and Switch

即使在西方观众的眼里不是多么出名,《勇者斗恶龙》这一富有影响力的作品确实在 1987 年奠定了 JRPG 类型游戏的基础,并在日本市场名声大噪。系列中所有的主要作品都坚守着同样的模式:简单易懂的小队制 RPG、着重讲述高魔设定下的冒险与鼓舞人心的善恶对抗。
《勇者斗恶龙》在一直都遵循着一系列可靠且严谨的传统同时,开发者也在每一款新作品中不断加入新点子。这使得它的进步在如《最终幻想》(Final Fantasy)等更敢于创新且知名度更高的系列面前仍显得很有意思。
但《勇者斗恶龙》在西方观众的眼里显得就有点难以上手了,特别是考虑到其本地化过程不断被推迟、早期的名称更改[1] 和许多作品在各种大不相同的平台上独占发售的历史。
Widely celebrated in Japan, but a relatively niche franchise for Western audiences, the influential Dragon Quest has essentially laid down the foundation for JRPGs in 1987. All mainline entries are adhering to its formula: straightforward, turn-based RPGs with an emphasis on high fantasy-themed adventuring and uplifting, “good versus evil” type narratives.
The most impressive thing about this series is how it maintained its identity throughout decades, with an immediately recognizable artwork by Akira Toriyama (of Dragon Ball fame), the unmistakable symphonic score of Koichi Sugiyama, and Yuji Horii's direction. From its first entry to its last, Dragon Quest has stayed true to its fairy tale-like atmosphere and overall structure, down to the smallest details (progression system, sound effects, colourful cartoon monsters).
While developers kept adding many new ideas with each entry, it was always a reliable series of rigorous tradition. This makes its evolution quite interesting to compare to a more experimental, and more widely known series, such as Final Fantasy.
But Dragon Quest might seem also somewhat unapproachable in the West, given its history of delayed localizations, an early title change (Dragon Warrior), and entries being exclusive to vastly different platforms.

Some dungeons allow you to ride defeated monsters, using their abilities to reach new areas and find hidden treasures.
幸运的是 Square-Enix 为一大群全新的玩家在多个平台上发售了《勇者斗恶龙 11》(Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age),使得其成为系列中首个登录 Windows 系统并且完成了本地化的单人主线作品。这在日本之外的市场为该系列大大提升了急需的曝光度。
和系列中大多数作品一样,《勇者斗恶龙 11》大体上是一场独立的冒险,并且对于刚开始可能会被过度鲜艳的画面与不断“嘶吼”的交响乐这两个系列主要特点惊吓到的新玩家来说,是认识《勇者斗恶龙》的绝佳起点。
遵循系列里将玩家角色设定为白纸一张的传统,游戏的主角是一位没有姓名、不会说话且没有任何实质个性的人物(也没有提供任何可供调整的个性化设定)。随着他在厄尔迪亚(Erdrea)的世界里朝着世界之树(Yggdrasil)以获取光之剑(Sword of Light)为目的前行,他最终会组建共含有八名伙伴的小队。这些角色各自都拥有类型丰富的个性、独特的个人剧情和与之相对应的预设职业。
Fortunately, Square-Enix introduced Dragon Quest XI on multiple platforms to a massive new audience, making it the first mainline, localized single-player Dragon Quest ever to be introduced on a Windows-based PC as well, giving the series a much-needed boost of visibility outside of Japan.
As with most other episodes in the franchise, Dragon Quest XI is largely a stand-alone adventure, and a perfect entry point for new audiences, who at first might be taken aback by the overly colourful presentation and the constantly blaring orchestra, two key features of the series.
The game follows the story of the orphaned Luminary, who bears the mark of a chosen one and must save the land from an ever-growing evil – this formulaic premise sets up a highly detailed and nuanced adventure on a very large scale.
As tradition goes, the main hero is a nameless, voiceless character without any real personality to speak of, serving as a sort of blank canvas for the player (there's no customization, though). As he travels the world of Erdrea towards Yggdrasil to obtain the Sword of Light, he encounters colourful characters, eventually assembling a team of eight companions. These characters are a wide range of personalities, each having their unique storylines and a matching preset class.
This translates into the turn-based combat rather well, each character having equipment and a distinct set of abilities that reflect their personalities, and the team is always well balanced. During combat, four active combatants can be switched freely for a passive member, even while they are dead.
Traversal is done in a third-person view, either on foot or mounted, visiting easily recognizable – and to an extent, video-gamey – locales from grasslands, through deserts and frozen kingdoms, to lava-soaked hellscapes.
1 译者注:《勇者斗恶龙》早期在西方市场的名称曾是 Dragon Warrior(龙战士),之后被更改为现在的 Dragon Quest。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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