Apple II 和 Atari 8-Bit*
Richard Garriott, 1981
Apple II and Atari 8-Bit*

创世纪是理查德・加里奥特( Richard Garriott)制作发行的第一部真正意义上 RPG 作品。作为一名创意满满的年轻电脑极客,他在创作时倾其所有,最终成果也极为出色!
游戏中包含一张创新性的庞大彩色世界地图,类似Akalabeth(中译:《阿卡拉贝斯》)里那样随机生成的地下城,甚至有一段类似雅达利 8 位机上的游戏 Star Raiders(中译:《星际奇兵》)的太空大战。在《创世纪》的世界中,玩家能做很多有趣的事情,此作品也毫无悬念的大获成功。
由于游戏进程和机制结合较为松散,你可以随心所欲的探索这个世界。这很酷,其实如果你真的很清楚下一步要做什么的话,《创世纪》的核心游戏流程估计只有 2-5 小时。
Ultima was the first real professionally released RPG from Richard Garriott, and it shows. He threw in everything his young computer geek self thought fun, so anything went!
Combining a huge, colourful and innovative overworld map, the randomly generated wire-frame dungeons from Akalabeth and even an incredibly frustrating space battles – similar to the Atari 8-bit game, Star Raiders – Ultima gave players many fun and interesting things to do, and it's easy to see why it was so successful.
As the game begins, the four continents of Sosaria have already been conquered by the evil wizard Mondain, who used the Gem of Immortality to become invincible. Your only hope is to collect four magic gems to power a time machine to go back in time and slay the wizard before he gains his powers.
You can basically explore the world as you want because of how loosely intertwined the game's solution and mechanics are. Which is good, as at its core Ultima takes about 2-5 hours to complete, if you know what you are doing.
*1986 年,《创世纪》以 Ultima 1: The First Age of Darkness(中译:《创世纪 1 :第一黑暗纪元》)为名重新发布,为当时的 Apple II,C64,IBM PC,以及各种日本电脑如 MSX2 和 FM-Towns 等,提供了全新版本。
*In 1986 Ultima was re-released as Ultima 1: The First Age of Darkness, with new versions for the Apple II, C64, IBM PC and various Japanese computers, such as the MSX2 and FM-Towns.

独具新意的世界地图。我在一片树林中和一个邪树魔(Evil Trent)战斗。北侧便是不列颠城和不列颠之王的城堡。
The innovative overworld map. I'm inside a forest fighting an Evil Trent. To the north lies the town of Britain and the Castle of Lord British.
Hit Point 值可以通过消灭地下城中怪物并成功脱身后获得,也可以用钱向大陆上的八位国王中的任意一位购买(其中之一便是著名的不列颠之王,加里奥特在游戏中的分身)。属性值的提升则是通过访问散布在世界地图上的告示牌,有四位国王会给你寻找告示牌的任务,完成后便会有额外的属性值奖励。另外四位国王也会给你诸如杀死地下城中的怪物,去城堡拯救公主等任务。
城镇和城堡均以单屏呈现,绝大多数的游戏线索要么从大声嚷嚷的弄臣那里听到,要么通过在酒馆消费获得。物品和食物可以买到,或偷到……但这样做可能会触怒守卫,要知道他们可不是好惹的。随着游戏进程发展,世界科技水平也会进步,商店里会上架新的武器和护甲,从剑、 弓到手枪、激光剑,玩家甚至可以搞到一把“相位剑”。游戏中还包括各式各样的车辆,如带激光炮的气垫船和航天飞机。
《创世纪》中你可以扮演人类、精灵、矮人或“波比特人(Bobbit)”(译注:此种族命名来源自《指环王》中的霍比特人(Hobbit),其类似于标准 D&D 规则中的半身人),可选职业为战士、牧师、盗贼和法师。种族职业仅仅影响你的初始属性值,因为任何角色都能使用任何类型的武器,当然只有法师可以施法。
Most of that time is spent gaining enough gold to buy food and supplies to survive, along with getting enough experience from killing monsters in order to qualify to acquire the time machine and complete the game. This is all XP is good for – character levels are otherwise irrelevant in this game.
Hit Points are gained through killing monsters inside of dungeons and then escaping, or by giving money to one of the eight kings that inhabit the world (one of which is the famous Lord British, Garriott's alter ego). Attribute scores are improved by locating and interacting with signposts spread throughout the world, with bonus points rewarded for going to these signposts as a quest for four of the kings. Doing quests for the other kings involves killing monsters in the dungeons you would go into anyway, and you can also try to rescue captive princesses from castles.
Combat itself is very similar to Akalabeth, but you have a time limit to act, or you'll lose your turn. And now there are random enemy encounters on the overworld map as well, not only inside dungeons.
Towns and castles are one-screen areas where most of the game's solutions are uncovered via jesters talking out loud, or by spending money in bars. Items and food can be bought – or stolen, though that may anger the tough guards. As the player progresses, the technology of the world advances, and various new weapons and armour begin showing up in the stores, going from swords and bows to pistols, energy swords and even a “phazor”. That also includes vehicles, such as a hovercraft with lasers and a space shuttle.
Ultima allows you to play a Human, Elf, Dwarf or “Bobbit”, as either a Fighter, Cleric, Rogue or Wizard. Those mostly just change your initial attributes, as anyone can use any equipment, but only the Wizard can cast some of the spells.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明