Obsidian Entertainment, 2015
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Obsidian Entertainment, 2015
Windows, Mac and Linux

2010 年代初,众筹的出现让主流 3A 级游戏和预算有限的独立游戏之间又多了一个新的级别。其中包括黑曜石工作室(Obsidian)的“永恒计划”(Project Eternity),该计划于 2012 年在 Kickstarter 上发布,承诺将重铸无限引擎(Infinity Engine,简称 IE)的荣光[1] ,打造能够媲美《异域镇魂曲》(Planescape: Torment)、《博德之门》(Baldur’s Gate)和《冰风谷》(Icewind Dale)的游戏。
对众筹结果屡屡失望[2] 的群众在这个项目上寄予厚望。这款游戏在 24 小时内就达成筹资目标,这一成功让 Obsidian 感到惊讶。他们急忙追加了长线计划和支持者奖励,使众筹者源源不断地涌入。这场令人振奋而又混乱的活动最终化作游戏中的印记:游戏世界里充斥着许多格格不入的路人 NPC,他们有着奇特的外观和蠢蠢的名字;坟墓里满是众筹者留下的纪念碑[3] ;游戏中还有一个附加的超大地牢[4] ,要是做成德拉格之塔[5] (Durlag's Tower)那样,效果也许会更好。
不管怎么说,《永恒之柱(Pillars of Eternity)》确实呈现出了在众筹活动中所承诺的宏大作品。游戏里有两个大型城市和两个作为任务点的小村子;野外地图、地牢、洞穴、废墟和大量的城堡;11 种职业;几十种怪物、法术和天赋;数百种物品和充足的任务,一轮游戏就能消磨许多个周末。
The emergence of crowd-funding in the early 2010s created a new class of games between mainstream AAA titles and shoestring budget indies. Among these were Obsidian's “Project Eternity”, which hit Kickstarter in 2012, promising to bring back the glory days of the Infinity Engine games, citing Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate, and Icewind Dale.
A public that had been disappointed time and again ate it up. The game reached its funding goal in under 24 hours, and its success took Obsidian by surprise. They scrambled to come up with stretch goals and backer rewards to keep the pledges rolling in. This exhilarating but chaotic campaign left its mark on the game: the world is peppered with out-of-place vanity NPCs with exotic looks and frankly stupid nameplates, tombs are full of backer memorials and the game has a tacked-on mega-dungeon and stronghold that would have worked better as a Durlag's Tower-style expansion.
Regardless, Pillars of Eternity delivers the big game promised in the campaign. There are two large cities and two smaller quest-hub villages; wilderness maps, dungeons, caves, ruins and castles aplenty; 11 character classes; dozens of monster types, spells, and talents, hundreds of items and enough quests for a single playthrough to soak up many weekends.
《永恒之柱》于 2012 年 9 月在 Kickstarter 上启动众筹,筹集了超过 400 万美元。一部名为《通往永恒之路》(Road to Eternity)的纪录片后来披露,这次众筹活动将 Obsidian 从濒临倒闭的危机中挽救回来。
The Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter launched in September 2012 and raised over 4 million dollars. A documentary called Road to Eternity later revealed the crowd-funding saved Obsidian from closing.

The inventory is very nostalgic, but offers modern conveniences like mouseovers and neat details like secondary weapons appearing on the character’s model.
游戏发布后,Obsidian 花了两年时间通过补丁对其进行迭代,来完善所有这些复杂的内容,同时也打磨了粗糙的细节,使得游戏最终实至名归。
一名玩过采用了无限引擎的游戏的老玩家进入《永恒之柱》会立即有种宾至如归的感觉。音效和视觉效果,与来自 Justin Bell 的优美配乐相结合,浑然天成;指挥队伍的那种实时暂停的感觉恰到好处;任务和对话还是熟悉的味道,甚至比以前更好——这要归功于一些改进,如鼠标悬停、加速功能和“收取全部”按键。只有在数小时的游玩之后,才能明显感受到这些差异。
虽然《永恒之柱》的战斗仍然是实时可暂停(RTwP)类型的,但其原始规则更接近于第四版《龙与地下城》(D&D)而非过往那些无限引擎的游戏采用的《高级龙与地下城》(AD&D)。所有的职业都会在等级提升时获得广泛的能力选择,其中许多能力都有在每次休息或是每次战斗之间使用次数的限制[6] 。
游戏的战斗基于缠斗系统,近战的战斗人员互相锁定位置,不能冒着有概率被借机攻击的风险移动[7] 。除非你不遗余力地建立一个以被动能力为主的机动性队伍,否则战斗将比其他无限引擎的游戏中的战斗更加静态化,玩家会更频繁地暂停,手动施放那些每次遭遇中都会重置使用次数的能力。坚守阵线或阻挡敌人的行动也要容易得多,而穿过敌人的阵线去切他们的后排法师则要难上加难。
《永恒之柱》也明显比《博德之门》或《冰风谷》容易。喜欢挑战的玩家建议直接选择“困难”或“诅咒之路”的难度,并避免过早进入“白色远征”[8] 资料片,否则有可能在游戏的后半部分出现等级压制或装备压制的情况。
It took a while for all this complexity to settle down, as Obsidian spent two years iterating upon it via post-release patches, but this smoothed out the rough edges and allowed the system to come into its own.
An Infinity Engine game veteran jumping into Pillars of Eternity will feel immediately at home. The sounds and visuals, complemented by Justin Bell's beautiful musical score, are just like they ought to be; the moment-to-moment feeling of commanding units is just right, and quests and dialogues behave exactly like they used to – or even better, thanks to quality-of-life improvements like mouseovers, a Fast-Forward function and a “loot all” button. Only after a few hours playing do the differences start to become apparent.
While Pillars of Eternity's combat is still of the RTwP variety, its original ruleset has more in common with 4th edition D&D than the old AD&D which powered the IE games. All character classes will acquire a broad selection of abilities selected on level-up, many of which will have per-rest or per-encounter uses.
Combat also features an engagement system, where melee combatants lock each other in position and can't move under the risk of taking an opportunistic attack. Unless you go out of your way to build a mobile party with mainly passive abilities, fights will be more static than in the Infinty Engine games, and you will pause more to fire off those per-encounter abilities. It's also much easier to hold a line or block enemy movement, and a good deal harder to run through enemy lines to get at their back-row casters.
Pillars is also markedly easier than Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale. Players enjoying a challenge are well advised to go straight to Hard or Path of the Damned difficulties, and avoid going into the White March expansion until the very end or risk out-levelling and out-gearing the second half of the game.
1 译者注:后文提到的三个著名的游戏,都是用该引擎打造的。
2 译者注:Kickstarter 并不能保证你交了钱就能拿到货,如果你参与众筹的项目失败了,那么你的钱也就打水漂了。
3 译者注:捐赠 1000 刀可以自己设计一个 NPC 或一件独特装备放进游戏里,捐赠 500 刀可以在游戏里的一块墓碑写下你的留言,这些留言都很有意思。捐赠 5000 刀甚至可以设计怪物或为游戏里的一座酒馆命名。
4 译者注:即游戏中的无尽之路(Endless Paths)支线地图,一共有 15 层。
5 译者注:《博德之门:增强版》中的一片新地图。
6 译者注:源自D&D规则,限制某种能力在两次休息或两次战斗之间只能使用几次,下一次休息或战斗会重置该次数。
7 译者注:游戏里有近战缠斗的设定,陷入近战的单位会有箭头指向对方,如果在近战中选择移动,有概率会吃到一记“借机攻击”。
8 译者注:White March,《永恒之柱》的一个 DLC。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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