Bethesda Softworks, 1994
Bethesda Softworks, 1994

上古卷轴系列是 Bethesda 的代表系列,经久不衰,而《上古卷轴:竞技场(The Elder Scrolls:Arena,后简称为《竞技场》)》正是该系列的开山之作。1992 年,《创世纪地下世界(Ultimate Underworld)》将第一人称开放世界游戏的概念带进大众视野。约两年后,《竞技场》对外发售。
虽然《竞技场》发售较晚,但 Bethesda 有他们自己的想法。在 1990 年,通过让玩家在一小块模拟洛杉矶的开放世界地图中扮演 Kyle Reese[1] 或者终结者,他们利用《终结者》这部作品锻炼了打造开放世界的技术。最后的结果很粗糙,但是这么做却为开发《竞技场》铺平了道路。Bethesda 没有单单打造一座地牢或者一座城市,而是开始创造囊括了这两者的一块完整大陆。
主设计师 Vijay Lakshman 和他的团队受传统的纸笔 RPG 启发,创造出他们自己的世界观和传说。这块叫做泰姆瑞尔(Tamriel[2] )的大陆(《竞技场》是系列里唯一一款展现了整块大陆的作品)横跨三到四千公里的距离,居住着多样的种族,拥有类型丰富的动植物与地貌。它还拥有昼夜循环以及自己的日历,日历上甚至带有节日和各个地区的独特日期。这一切都被装在一叠 3.5 英寸厚的软盘里。
The Elder Scrolls: Arena is the first game in Bethesda's long-running Elder Scrolls series. It came out in 1994, roughly two years after Ultima Underworld opened everyone's eyes to the concept of a first-person, free-roaming RPG.
But Bethesda had their own ideas. In 1990, they sharpened their open-world teeth with The Terminator license, casting players as either Kyle Reese or the Terminator and set them loose in an open-world slice of Los Angeles. It was crude, but it paved the way for Arena. Instead of a dungeon, or a city, Bethesda set out to create an entire continent filled with both.
Lead designer Vijay Lakshman and his team went out to create their own world and lore, inspired by old pen-and-paper RPGs. The continent of Tamriel (Arena is the only game in the series to feature the entire continent) measures “three to four thousand kilometers east to west”, and is populated by a variety of races, environments, flora and fauna. It also includes a day-and-night cycle and even its own calendar, with holidays and special dates unique to each region; all that inside a stack of eight 3.5” floppies.
使用 DOSBox 正常地运行《竞技场》可能会有点困难,所以我们推荐这款 ArenaSetup 实用工具,默认应用最优设置。
Arena can be somewhat tricky to run properly under DOS Box, so we recommend the handy ArenaSetup package, that comes preconfigured.

天气和服装会随着季节更替而变化,地区和地貌,比如晨风省(Morrowind [3])地平线上可以见到的红山(Red Mountain [4])则会影响种族的分布。
Seasons alter the weather, clothing and races change with each region and even landmarks, such as Morrowind's Red Mountain, can be seen on the horizon.
拼接图 CRPG 已经在更小的 2D 世界里这么做过数年了,但是把这些概念放进互动性更高的 3D 开放世界之中,可以说是像《地下创世纪》一样把 CRPG 的标准拉高了许多。
故事开头的剧情是《上古卷轴》系列的粉丝都能够马上认出来的桥段——玩家扮演一位被捕的囚徒。在《竞技场》里,你被困在帝都(Imperial City[5] )下的地牢中。若不小心翼翼地探索,或许你早早地就死在这地牢里,错过踏上寻找混沌之杖(Stuff of Chaos)碎片的史诗级冒险,导致你无法结束披着国王皮囊的贾加· 萨恩(Jagar Tharn)的暴力统治。
《竞技场》中有十八种职业,类似 D&D 的数值系统与八个种族,玩家可以利用这些游戏提供的内容来打造自己的角色。又或者,借助 Origin 的《创世纪 4(Ultima IV)》的一系列提问来做出最适合某位玩家的推荐职业。我记得我花了大概一个小时来仔细地搭配不同种族与职业,然后在新手地牢里通过与下水道害虫战斗来测试这些组合,接着又从头开始,来测试其他的组合与数值。
虽然《创世纪 4》为《竞技场》提供了不少灵感,但玩家需要遵守道德准则这一点并没有被后者采用。[6] 只要你愿意,你大可以在半夜踢开商店的大门,偷走所有东西并在逃走的路上杀死守卫的时候,顺手寻找结束贾加·萨恩统治的方法。
Tile-based CRPGs have been doing that for years with smaller, 2D worlds, but taking those concepts into the interactive intimacy of a free-roaming 3D experience raised the CRPG bar as much as Ultima Underworld did.
Fiction filling the opening pages of the manual layout is a familiar starting point that Elder Scrolls fans will immediately recognise – a captured prisoner. In Arena, you languish in a dungeon beneath the Imperial City, where careless exploration could easily kill you even before beginning your epic quest to find the pieces of the Staff of Chaos and end the rule of the usurper hiding in the Emperor's skin, Jagar Tharn.
18 classes await in Arena, along with D&D-like stats to shape their your character from one of the eight races in the game. Or, borrowing a page from Origin's Ultima IV, a series of questions suggest which class will be best for the player. I remember spending an hour or so carefully mixing different classes and races together, testing them in the opening dungeon against sewer vermin, and then starting over again to try another class and mix of statistics.
Despite the Ultima IV inspirations, there's no alignment or strict moral fibre tying players' hands. You're free to bash down doors in the middle of the night to break into stores, steal everything and kill the guards on the way out with the loot if you want, while searching for a way to end Jagar Tharn's rule.
Combat appears to be simple button-mashing, but hides some unexpected depth. Melee attacks are done by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse across the screen. Each movement executes a different type of attack: moving sideways leads to a slash, while a vertical movement results in a thrusting attack. Attacking at the same time as your enemy will parry the attack.
1 译者注:Kyle Reese,终结者系列电影中登场的虚拟人物,是系列第一部电影的主角,并在后续电影中作为配角登场。
2 译者注:Tamriel,泰姆瑞尔大陆是《上古卷轴》系列的故事发生所在地。
3 译者注:Morrowind,泰姆瑞尔的省份之一,《上古卷轴 3:晨风》的故事发生地。
4 译者注:Red Mountain,是组成晨风省最大一部分面积的区域,也是泰姆瑞尔最大的活火山。
5 译者注:Imperial City,位于赛洛迪尔省(Cyrodiil),曾是历史上多个帝国的首都。
6 译者注:《创世纪 4》的道德系统提供了八种不同的道德方向。游戏中的许多系统,比如城镇和职业都与各个道德系统有关联。玩家需要根据自己的角色设定来遵循相应的道德准则。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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