Stoic, 2014
Windows, Mac, Xbox 360 和 PS3
Stoic, 2014
Windows, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3

诸神陷入永眠,太阳不再移动,石巨人正大肆侵袭一个个村落——《旗帜的传说(The Banner Saga)》开篇呈现的正是这样一幅末世景象。这个游戏由三位前 BioWare 员工开发,于 2012 年 3 月登上 Kickstarter,共筹集到 72 万 3886 美元,是最早一批获得大额资金的众筹游戏,仅仅比《Double Fine 冒险(Double Fine’s Adventure)》[1] 晚了一个月。
我本人有参与那次众筹。今天的读者可能很难想象,他们的宣传在当年是有多么大胆。当时,独立游戏还是个新事物,而且大部分走的都是复古像素风;回合制游戏更是稍显过时,直到 2012 年 10 月《幽浮(XCOM)》问世,这一体裁才重获生机。但就在那种情况下,一个只有 3 人的小团队竟然在开发一部战略 RPG 三部曲,不仅提供分支选项,还采用了华丽的 2D 美术,颇有迪士尼动画《睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)》(Sleeping Beauty)背景画师 Eyvind Earle [2] 笔下的神韵。
游戏于 2014 发售,整体有三个核心要素:剧情抉择、旅队管理以及策略战斗。虽然《旗帜的传说》的定位是战略 RPG,但它的战斗系统其实颇有争议——每个单位都有护甲(armor),可以吸收伤害;有生命(health),但生命本身也代表着单位的伤害。因此,受伤的单位打出的伤害也更低。这个设置本身没什么问题,问题在于游戏采用了一个古怪的轮换回合制系统——如果敌方有 2 人,己方有 4 人,那么在这一轮里,每个敌人都会攻击两次。因此,如果杀死一个较弱的敌人,玩家反而会遭到惩罚,因为强大的敌人将获得更多行动次数。
The gods are dead, the sun has stopped moving, and now stone giants are raiding villages. This apocalyptic scenario is how The Banner Saga begins. Developed by a trio of ex-BioWare developers, it was one of the first big crowd-funded games, raising $723,886 dollars on Kickstarter in March 2012, a mere month after Double Fine's Adventure appeared.
I was a backer, and it's hard to explain today how bold their pitch was. Indie games were still novel and mostly stuck on retro pixel art, while turn-based games were considered outdated (this was before 2012's XCOM helped revive the genre). And yet, just three guys were developing a trilogy of tactical RPGs with branching choices and a gorgeous 2D art inspired by Eyvind Earle's work on Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
Released in 2014, the game can be split into three major elements: story decisions, caravan management, and the tactical combat. Despite being a tactical RPG, Banner Saga's combat is rather controversial: units have armor, which absorbs damage, and health, which also doubles as the unit's damage – so wounded units are weaker. That's not bad, the problem is that the game uses a bizarre alternating turn system – if the enemy has two units and you have four, enemy units will play twice each. So killing a weak enemy means a stronger enemy now acts more, punishing the player.

每个英雄都有 6 项属性以及 1 个装备槽,通过累积杀敌数来升级。这是个简单的系统,较为完善,但沿用到第三部就是极限了。
Each hero has 6 stats and an equipment slot, levelling up as they kill enemies. It’s a simple system, that it’s functional but at its limit by the third game.
话虽如此,它也不至于毁了整个游戏,因为战斗的目的其实在于烘托剧情。你会在两组人物之间来回切换:一组是猎人父亲和他的女儿,另一组则是一群巨人和他们所护卫的王子。两队人马都竭尽全力,在不见尽头的末世之中挣扎求存。你将会面临一些抉择,比如是否要将食物分享给其他幸存者。与其他 RPG 相比,这些抉择所造成的影响要更为深远,因为游戏中共有二十多个独特的角色;根据你的具体选择,他们可能会加入你的队伍,可能会将你弃之不顾,还可能会丢掉性命。
随着剧情推进,你的旅队将会四处游历、拯救村民,还得像《俄勒冈之旅(Oregon’s Trail)》[3] 那样处理随机事件,比方说有盗贼偷走了你的物资。不过,这其实是整个游戏最没存在感的部分,几乎不会对你造成任何影响,因为村民并不会战斗,哪怕他们全部饿死,游戏本身也没有任何反馈。
两年后,《旗帜的传说 2》发售,允许玩家导入前作的存档,在剧情上无缝衔接。这意味着,基于玩家在第一部中的选择,有些角色可能已经死亡,甚至连游戏的主人公都可能不一样。这个设计相当大胆,它使玩家的选择更有分量,但也为开发者带来了巨大的负担,毕竟他们需要分别为两个迥异的主角设计剧情。游戏给出了一个折衷的处理方案:对于两位主角而言,主线剧情基本是一致的,但是一些特殊事件和支线任务则截然不同,在故事基调方面尤其如此。
It's an obnoxious system, that dictates a strategy of wounding all enemies before killing any. The entire trilogy suffers from this but the first game is particularly bad due to poor enemy variety. You'll get used to it, but it stops the combat from ever being truly satisfying.
Still, it doesn't ruin the game, for its combat's true purpose is to frame the story. You alternate between two groups of characters – a hunter with his daughter, and a group of giants escorting a prince – as they try to survive the ongoing apocalypse. You'll make several choices, such as sharing food with other survivors or not, and they have much heavier consequences than other RPGs, as over 20 unique characters can join you, abandon you or die depending on your choices.
That's one of the biggest strengths of Banner Saga: its characters are believable and charismatic, but also actually vulnerable to your decisions – you might lose your favorite fighter right before an important battle.
As the story progresses your caravan will travel across the world, rescuing villagers and dealing with random Oregon's Trail-like events, such as thieves stealing supplies. It's the weakest part of the game, barely impacting anything – the villagers don't fight and the game won't even react if they all starve to death.
Released two years after the first game, The Banner Saga 2 allows you to import your save file and continue right where the story left. This means not only that some characters might be dead depending on your choices, but even the game's protagonist might be different. It is a daring choice, that lends weight to player choices, but also a massive burden to the developers, that now must write for two very distinct protagonists. The solution was a compromise: the main story is exactly the same for both, but some unique events and additional lines manage to make them feel distinct enough, especially in tone.
1 译者注:2012 年,这个名为《Double Fine 冒险》的众筹游戏项目登上 Kickstarter,目标金额为 40 万,最终却筹到了 333 多万美元,轰动一时。游戏最终于 2014 年发售,并更名为《破碎时光》。
2 译者注:美国梦幻现实主义画家,上世纪五十年代曾作为背景画师参与创作了迪士尼的许多动画,笔下景致华丽壮美。2020 年卒于美国加州,享年 84 岁。
3 译者注:《俄勒冈之旅》是一个基于文字的策略游戏,于 1975 年由明尼苏达州教育协会计算联盟(MECC)正式推出。游戏的初衷是向学龄儿童科普 19 世纪美国俄勒冈小径(Oregeon Trail,虽然叫做“小径”,但实际上全长 3490 公里,是美国西部拓荒时代移民通行的主要道路之一)边境拓荒者的生活。在游戏里,玩家将带领一支大篷车旅队前往俄勒冈市,一路上需要购买物资以及打猎,还可能会遭遇风暴、马车破损一类的随机事件,需要做出相应的选择。在这一方面,《旗帜的传说》和《俄勒冈之旅》有点相似。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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