GSC Game World, 2007
GSC Game World, 2007

早在《孤岛惊魂 2(Far Cry 2)》和《僵尸末日(DayZ)》以无情的游戏环境挑战玩家之前,乌克兰工作室 GSC Game World 就开发出了《潜行者(S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl)》,一款发生在平行世界中的切尔诺贝利封锁区(Chernobyl Exclusion Zone)之中,混合了 FPS 与 RPG 两种类型的游戏。
在第二次核灾难发生之后,封锁区(Zone)现在充斥着变种人和否定物理法则的特异区——还有“潜行者”(stalker)们心心念念的,带有放射性的珍贵遗物(artefact)。玩家扮演一个失去了记忆的“被标记者”(Marked One),他需要穿越封锁区广大的开放世界,追杀一个名为“史特列洛克”(Strelok)的人。封锁区的每个地区都存在独有的挑战与兴趣点,并且提供了大量与 NPC 交互的机会,玩家可以交易物品,或者在仓库和地下实验室之中搜刮战利品。
《潜行者》混合了包括 FPS、RPG、生存恐惧以及沙盒在内的多种玩法。《潜行者》的战斗独具特色,不仅有姿势、潜行和探头射击之类的战术元素,而且每一次开火的物理反馈都是真实的。真实的受击伤害再加上广阔的开放空间意味着激烈的枪战可能刚一开始就结束了,这也进一步让玩家体会到自己的脆弱。如果想在这片已经宛如地狱的游戏世界中毫发无损,那么玩家必须利用好每一份资源,小心谨慎地前进。
Before Far Cry 2 and DayZ challenged players with their unrelenting ecosystems, Ukrainian studio GSC Game World created STALKER, an FPS/RPG hybrid set in an alternate reality version of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Struck by a second disaster, the Zone is now home to mutants and anomalies that defy the laws of physics – as well as valuable radioactive artefacts hunted by “stalkers”. As the amnesiac Marked One, players will be advancing through the Zone's large open world in their quest to hunt down a figure called Strelok. Each of the Zone's regions comes with unique obstacles and points of interest, offering plenty of opportunity to interact with NPCs, trade items or scavenge loot in warehouses and underground labs.
STALKER blends several styles of gameplay, such as FPS, RPG, survival horror and sandbox. During combat it distinguishes itself with tactical elements like stances, stealth and leaning, and by applying realistic physics to every shot. Lifelike hit damage and wide open spaces mean that the intense gunfights can end as soon as they start, reinforcing the sense of fragility. Players must leverage their resources and play carefully if they are to emerge relatively unscathed in the already hellish game world.
《潜行者》大体上基于阿卡迪 · 斯特鲁伽茨基(Arkady Strugatsky)和鲍里斯 · 斯特鲁伽茨基(Boris Strugatsky)创作的苏联科幻小说《路边野餐(Roadside Picnic, 1972)》改编。安德烈 · 塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)在 1979 年将这本小说改编为电影《潜行者(Stalker)》。
STALKER is loosely based on the Soviet sci-fi novel Roadside Picnic (1972), by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. The same novel also inspired the 1979 film Stalker, by Andrei Tarkovsky.

The Zone is filled with anomalies, such as unstable gravitational fields and clusters of high temperatures. To help navigate around them, you can throw metal bolts as you walk.
尽管没有 RPG 式的经验值和升级系统,但装备和道具管理在本游戏中至关重要。游戏中有多种类型的武器、子弹和护甲可供使用,但玩家必须仔细考虑它们的重量和耐久度。玩家还需要处理饥饿、流血、放射性物质以及其他各种各样的危险。遍布在封锁区中的遗物能够增强抵抗力,尽管它们也会带来负面效果,例如减少辐射值的同时增加流血值。
遗憾的是,同 NPC 的交互通常仅限于接受任务、交易或者打听流言。不过《潜行者》中提供了多种不同的结局,决定结局的因素包括玩家在封锁区中各个派系和 NPC 中的声望,以及玩家在某些重要的主线任务中所做的抉择。
封锁区中存在各种各样的危险,从匪徒到变种人,从辐射区到特异区,不过其中最大的危险是整体的自然环境。《潜行者》使用的 A-Life 引擎根据 NPC 各自的目标为他们生成了动态的行动轨迹。这导致时不时会有匪徒和独行的潜行者交火,或是狂暴的狗群冲进居民地,就算玩家不在该区域内,这类事件也会自发地发生,同时也会自动地产生出新的任务,种种这些让封锁区的游玩体验更为真实,活灵活现。
尽管压迫感十足,封锁区同时也展现出了一种奇异的壮丽感。从篝火边弹奏吉他曲的陌生潜行者,到展示出惊人光照效果的昼夜循环,《潜行者》中的世界就像是大自然从文明中夺回土地的一个生动寓言一般。植物在苏联时代的废墟上肆意生长,而动物则穿行于其中,这幅画面给人带来了一种历史的失落感,就如同《地铁 2033(Metro 2033)》等作品一样。《潜行者》鼓励对世界的持续探索,因此玩家会渐渐熟悉周边的环境,最终沉浸在封锁区危险又迷人的风景之中。
While there's no RPG-style XP/level-up system, equipment and inventory management are vital. There are several types of weapon, ammo and armour available, but their weight and durability must be carefully considered. Players also have to deal with hunger, bleeding, radiation and other types of hazards. The artefacts scattered across the Zone can be used to boost resistances, though usually with a drawback (e.g. reducing radiation but increasing bleeding).
Sadly, interaction with NPCs is usually limited to just accepting quests, trading or asking about rumours. However, STALKER does offer several different endings based on the player's reputation with the Zone's factions and NPCs, as well as how they chose to act in certain important story quests.
From bandits and mutants to pockets of radiation and anomalies, the Zone offers many dangers, the biggest of them being its systemic nature. STALKER's A-Life engine gives every NPC in the game a dynamic routine set by personal goals. Whether it's bandits fighting lone stalkers or rabid dogs charging into settlements, events can be spontaneously triggered even when the player's not around, giving the Zone a sense of place and generating new quests.
In spite of its oppressiveness, the Zone plays host to an eerie sense of wonder and beauty. From guitars being played near campfires to the day-and-night cycle that showcases striking lighting effects, STALKER's world acts as a picturesque allegory to Mother Nature reclaiming her property. Soviet-era ruins stand out from the fauna and flora, evoking a feeling of lost history titles such as Metro 2033. Because STALKER rewards constant exploration, the player gradually becomes acquainted with their environment, allowing them to take in the scenery and contemplate the Zone's threatening and alluring nature.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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