Numantian Games, 2014
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Numantian Games, 2014
Windows, Mac and Linux

随着众筹活动逐渐步入大众的视野,游戏开发者们开始打造各种经典 RPG 的精神续作以迎合怀旧的观众群体。不幸的是,很多此类项目沦落为空洞的模仿者:效仿原作的画面风格、机制与主题,但却没能呈现原作那无形的品质。
来自西班牙,仅有六名成员的 Numantian Games 工作室达成了这个成就。《旭丽玛诸神(Lords of Xulima)》看起来并不像是一款经典的 RPG,但玩起来却像极了。游戏的主角——探险者盖伦(Gaulen the Explorer),决心远行至名为旭丽玛(Xulima)的地区,净化神圣的寺庙并帮助众神回归世界。和其他游戏相比,这里有个不同寻常的设定:你不能创造或者客制化盖伦。相反的,你将需要从九个职业中进行选择,创造一个陪伴盖伦的五人小队。
With the rise of crowd-funding, developers began to cater to a nostalgic audience by making “spiritual sequels” of classic RPGs. Sadly, many of these projects became hollow copies: games that mimic visuals, mechanics and themes, but fail to deliver that intangible quality of the originals.
Numantian Games, a small six-man studio from Spain, did exactly the opposite. Lords of Xulima doesn't look like any classic RPG, but definitely plays like one. The game tells the story of Gaulen the Explorer, a man chosen to travel to the land of Xulima, cleanse the sacred temples and help the gods return to the world. In an unusual twist, you don't create or customise Gaulen – instead, you create the five party members that will accompany him, choosing from nine classes.
《旭丽玛诸神》于 2013 年在 Kickstarter 上募集了 35000 美元。参与者获得了《高劳特的护身符(Talisman of Golot)》DLC,但很快发现它大大削弱了游戏的难度。
Lords of Xulima raised $35,000 on Kickstarter in 2013. Backers got the Talisman of Golot DLC, but beware that this can make the game too easy.

游戏中的战斗富有挑战性,怪物可以使用各种恶心的状态效果来消灭你的小队。如果你想体验究极挑战,就选择深渊(Deepest Dark)模组吧。
Combat can be very challenging, with monsters destroying your party with nasty status effects. Use the Deepest Dark mod for the ultimate challenge.

Xulima uses two mini-games for lock-picking and trap-disarming. They require character skill, player reflex and scarce resources.
游戏中的战斗类似《魔法门(Might and Magic)》的第一人称回合制,但又有些许不同。游戏中的角色被安置在一个 2x4 的小网格中,并且只能攻击与之互相接触的单位,形成了一个“战略性团体”。战斗富有挑战性,并着重运用了各种状态效果,比如受伤会导致能力降低、流血会每回合扣除体力、击晕则会延迟角色的行动等。这种深度搭配上厚重的怪物图鉴,创造出一系列多样的遭遇,时刻保持战斗的趣味性。
然而,探索的要素其实才是游戏中最出色的强项。你操作盖伦在等距视角下行动,探索巨大且设计出色的地图。每个区域都有足量的迷宫、宝藏和隐藏通道被隐藏在战争迷雾[1] 中,使得探索的回报非常丰厚。
尽管如此,野心过大并不总是一件好事。《旭丽玛诸神》的流程实在是太长了,总共有超过 70 个小时的内容,但在后半部分游戏的表现逐渐失色。角色的发展停滞、地图上的区域显得空旷、重复上色的敌人大规模出现,而游戏的剧情永远局限于“净化所有的神庙”。
不管怎么说,《旭丽玛诸神》依旧表现杰出——它是对经典老式 RPG 的狂热致敬,但在此之上仍旧成功地展现了自己的独到之处。
Combat is turn-based and in first-person, similar to Might and Magic, but with some tweaks. Characters position themselves in a small 2x4 grid and can only attack adjacent units, resulting in a “tactical blobber”. It's also quite challenging, and makes heavy use of status effects – wounds reduce stats, bleeding does damage every turn, stuns delay characters' actions, etc. This depth is combined with a large bestiary to create a nice variety of encounters, keeping battles interesting.
Exploration, however, is Xulima's main strength. You walk around controlling Gaulen in an isometric perspective, exploring huge and cleverly designed maps. Each area has its share of mazes, treasures and hidden passages, all covered with a thick fog-of-war that makes exploration feel rewarding.
The diversity of environments is staggering, and every area has its own gameplay trick: a labyrinth of poisonous mushrooms; a frozen tundra that quickly exhausts your food; a dungeon full of Tesla coils; a deadly monster that must be avoided; a burning forest; a teleporter maze; a lava lake; a massive desert; etc.
These are complemented by bold design choices. The world is huge and mostly open, with tough enemies serving as “progress gates”. Random encounters are finite and occur only in some areas, with other areas reserved for special puzzles (where saving is disabled). The constant need for food keeps exploration tense, and money remains important during the entire game.
However, too much ambition can be a bad thing. Xulima is far too long – over 70 hours – and declines in the second half. Character progression stagnates, areas feel empty, recoloured enemies appear in volume and the narrative never goes beyond “purify all temples”.
Regardless, Lords of Xulima remains impressive – it's a passionate tribute to classic old-school RPGs, but it achieves this while being its own, unique game.
1 译者注:战争迷雾,fog of war,指游戏中因为情报不足而无法确认具体情况的区域,通常是除了友军所在地外的大部分地区。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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