秦殇(Prince of Qin)是一个迷人的游戏,对西方玩家来说,它有着既熟悉又陌生的方面。它似乎受到了《博德之门(Baldur's Gate)》系列和《神界(Divine Divinity)》的影响。像《博德之门》一样,它是一款实时可暂停(Real Time with Pause)的等轴视角 CRPG 游戏,你从沿途遇到的一些 NPC 中组建一个冒险者队伍。与《神界》一样,你可以通过技能树学习特殊能力,在以后的战斗中可以通过消耗法力池来发挥它们的作用。也与《神界》一样,它通常被误认为仅仅是一个《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》的仿制品。
Prince of Qin is a fascinating game, with aspects both familiar and alien to a western gamer. It seems to have been influenced by the Baldur's Gate series and Divine Divinity. Like Baldur's Gate, it is a real-time with pause, isometric CRPG in which you form a party of adventurers from a number of NPCs you meet along the way. Like Divine Divinity, you can learn special abilities through skill trees in order to later perform them in combat via an expendable mana pool. Also like Divine Divinity, it's commonly mistaken for just another Diablo clone.
Despite these influences, Prince of Qin runs in a completely unique direction, using a magic and combat system based upon five elements (Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Earth). In this five element system, some elements are stronger or weaker against the others, similar to rock-paper-scissors or Pokémon. Each character in your party, and the enemies they fight, have an element associated with them, and so you have to keep this in mind in larger fights and set characters against opponents whose element they have an advantage over.

The crafting system is very unique. There are only 5 types of ingredients, but each type features a wide variety of items and abilities.
游戏在某种程度上还具有教育意义,因为情节的发展是基于真实的历史人物和事件,充满了悲剧、希望、背叛和遗憾。同时,拥有改革思想的扶苏更能引起现代自由主义情绪的共鸣,所以有时也作为编剧的传声筒,以批判农民的困境和古代商业制度遭到的摧残[2] 。
角色职业系统与游戏的其他部分一样,遵循着一种奇怪但熟悉的形式。扶苏在游戏中是一名游侠(Paladin)[3] ,但与 D&D 改编的那种典型的《三颗心和三头狮子》(Three Hearts and Three Lions)故事中 Poul Anderson 式的圣武士(Paladin)[4] 并不一样。相反,《秦殇》中的游侠是一种具有工匠技能的战士,允许扶苏在游戏中打造特殊装备。
Exploration is interesting since the enemies are fairly diverse up through the middle of the game, and many of the sidequests are long and related to the game's historical lore. One aspect I found satisfying is that you can fail a quest if you do not make the correct decisions – it may frustrate some players, but it's a gutsy move by the game designers to forces player to think about the consequences of the their actions.
A poorer game design decision was the inclusion of respawning enemies in certain locations. I suppose they added those so that players could grind for experience if they so desired, but the creatures respawn so quickly that you party might get overwhelmed.
The story itself is a revealing microcosm of ancient and modern Chinese culture. You play a prince called Fu Su, a historical figure from one of the many chaotic revolutionary periods of ancient China. The actual Fu Su died through nefarious political maneuvers, but the story twists events slightly to enable him to survive and act against his conspirators.
The game is still somewhat of an educational experience as the plot progresses based on true historical figures and events, full of tragedy, hope, betrayals, and regrets. At the same time, the reform-minded Fu Su is sometimes made to be a sounding board of the writers, criticizing the plight of peasants and abuses of the ancient mercantile system with a voice that resonates more with modern liberal sentiment.
The character class system follows the same sort of strange, but familiar behavior as the rest of the game. Fu Su is a paladin in-game, but that does not equate to the typical Poul Anderson sort of paladin of Three Hearts and Three Lions fame that D&D ultimately adapted. Instead, a paladin in Prince of Qin is a warrior with artisan skills, allowing Fu Su to craft special equipment through the game.
1 译者注:这五种原料分别是木材、矿石、兽骨、兽皮、兽筋,材料配比决定了打造的物品类型,而材料的品质则影响了属性。
2 译者注:这里原文是“abuses of the ancient mercantile system”,如何理解这句话值得商榷。从历史角度来说,秦统一全国前有过重商时期,在统一之后则是重农抑商为主流。这里有可能是原作游戏写得不准,也可能是英文本地化的偏差。所以这里使用了比较中立的表达。
3 译者注:游侠是游戏中的名称,但因为早期 Paladin 在国内的通用翻译便是游侠,所以这里英文原文使用的词是 Paladin。实际上中国游侠的形象应该更接近于 Ranger,后来 Paladin 才改译为圣武士使其更贴合本意。
4 译者注:《三颗心和三头狮子》是 Poul Anderson 于 1961 年创作的奇幻小说,是 D&D 中圣武士职业的原型。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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