Your party moves as a block, but you can split them into various parties to explore, solve puzzles, train and work.

Combat is turn-based and quite simple, but you'll have to manage character's ammo, food and rest to succeed.

《魔法之烛 2》引入了鼠标控制并提升了画质,但是也删去了队伍分割功能。
Magic Candle II introduced mouse control and improved graphics, but also removed the ability to split your party.

《魔法之烛 3》的故事与画质都相当不错,但是玩法已经相当过时了。
Magic Candle III had nice graphics and a good story, but its gameplay felt archaic next to other RPGs at the time.
说到名字,你将扮演一名年轻的游骑兵卢卡斯(Lukas),从三十名来自五个种族九个职业的 NPC 中挑选最多五个同伴,他们个性鲜明特色十足,都有着自己的初始属性与技能,一些角色有着较为罕见的能力,比如狩猎,制甲;还有的角色有着自己的独有技能,如宝石鉴定,裁缝,木工。
同多数 CRPG 相比,《魔法之烛》就像是硬核的生活模拟,要在野外生存,你需要做相当多的准备:食物、绳子、箭,加上许多在地牢里用得上的特殊物品。游戏内有昼夜的循环,所以角色需要睡眠与休憩,武器与盔甲也要进行整修,商店有着自己开门和关门的时间,船还会定期离开。如果你喜欢后勤工作,那么你会喜欢《魔法之烛》。
Speaking of names, you take the role of Lukas, a young Ranger, and can recruit up to five companions from around 30 NPCs of five different races and nine different professions, who have different strengths and weaknesses. The characters have most of the traditional CRPG stats and skills, but also some rare ones like hunting and armourer, to unique ones like gem-cutting, tailoring and carpentry.
There are no XP or levels; character's stats and skills increase through various methods, from practice and training to more adventurous ones, and various characters have different aptitudes in various stats and skills.
The Magic Candle feels more like a simulation than most CRPGs do. You need lots of items to survive in the wilderness, like food, arrows, ropes, and many special items that are useful in dungeons. There is also a day-and-night cycle, a need to sleep and rest, and need to repair weapons and armour. Shops open and close, and ships leave on certain days. If you like logistics, you'll like The Magic Candle.
《魔法之烛》在 1989 年被《计算机游戏世界(Computer Gaming World)》评选为“年度最佳 RPG 游戏”,它还在 1996 年获得了“最佳结局”的奖项。
The Magic Candle was chosen “RPG of the Year” by Computer Gaming World in 1989, where it also won an award for “Most Rewarding Ending” in 1996.
说到结局,魔烛的结局也很独特,不是一场 BOSS 战或者无限地牢,而是要求你精心准备一场仪式来重构魔烛。
《魔法之烛》之后有两个续篇:《魔法之烛 2:四与四十(The Magic Candle II - The Four and Forty, 1991)》和《魔法之烛 3(Magic Candle III, 1992)》。虽然剧情仍然十分独特,但游戏玩法却有所简化,而且过分偏重于战斗部分,与其他同类型游戏诸如《创世纪 6(Ultima VI)》的竞争中表现不佳。
Mindcraft Software 还制作了同一世界观下的其他两部作品,《马拉蒙之钥(The Keys to Maramon, 1990)》是一款早期的动作 RPG 游戏,和《血石:史诗矮人传说(Bloodstone: An Epic Dwarven Tale, 1993)》,基于《魔法之烛 3》的引擎开发。该公司不久后就关门了。
If there are any negative things I can say about The Magic Candle it's that the weapons and armour selection is rather sparse and there are no random drops, and maybe that the game is a bit too long, with too much combat towards the end. Skills and stats maxing before the end and no random loot, makes combat too much of a chore in the end.
Speaking of the end, The Magic Candle has one of the most unique ways of winning a CRPG, ending not on a battle or dungeon crawl, but by asking you to perform an elaborate ritual to rebuild the candle.
The Magic Candle was followed by two sequels: The Magic Candle II - The Four and Forty (1991) and Magic Candle III (1992). While their plots remained unique, gameplay was streamlined and padded with combat, faring poorly against games like Ultima VI.
Mindcraft Software also produced two spin-offs set in the same world: The Keys to Maramon (1990), an early Action RPG, and Bloodstone: An Epic Dwarven Tale (1993), based on Magic Candle III's engine. The company would close doors soon after.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明