Combat is very simple. You can dodge or parry attacks with a shield, but often it's better to just keep attacking.

游戏使用了与《国王密使 IV:罗塞拉的冒险》相同的开发引擎 Sierra's SCI0,可使用鼠标控制,不过还要支持文本解析程序。
The game uses Sierra's SCI0 engine from King's Quest IV, allowing for mouse control but still requiring a text parser.

《荣耀任务 2》将你送到一个迷宫般的阿拉伯城市,受到元素的威胁,并被一个巨大的沙漠包围。
Quest for Glory II sends you to a labyrinthine Arabic city, imperiled by elementals and surrounded by a vast desert.

该系列第三款游戏使用了 VGA 图形技术,文本解析程序被替换为鼠标控件。
The third game made the transition to VGA graphics and replaced the text parser with point-and-click controls.
这样做的坏处是,RPG 元素是有限的。特别是战斗,从系列的一开始到最后都是小型游戏的地狱,只有细节上的变化。装备方面的内容也很少,每次游戏升级也不多。
《荣耀任务 I》的故事发生在主角熟悉的斯皮尔堡(Spielburg)。《荣耀任务 2:火之审判(Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire , 1991》则发生在阿拉伯(Arabia),你要在一座大城市里行动,任务是有时限的,你要抓紧时间处理,找出幕后黑手然后离开商队。
The downside of this is that the RPG elements are limited. Combat especially is mini-game hell from the very start to the very end of the series, only the details changing. There's very little in the way of gear too, with usually only a couple of upgrades per game.
It's best to think of these elements as seasoning rather than a major part of the meal, manifest more in elements like side-quests that you can take on, the ability to wander more or less freely around the world, day-and-night cycles where the worst monsters usually come out at night, and the need to eat and sleep.
Being based on adventures did however allow for much stronger narrative than most RPGs had back in 1989. The series made great use of this, with each game set in a different location with its own rules.
For Quest for Glory I, it's the European village of Spielburg, where everything is familiar. Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire (1991) took the hero to Arabia, with most of the action taking place in one big city where events happened on set days and had to be dealt with before it was too late – before then leaving on a caravan to sort out the mastermind behind it all.
虽然系列第二部只支持 EGA 图形技术,但 2008 年由 AGD Interactive. 制作的粉丝重制版发布,支持 VGA 图形。
While the second game was only released with EGA graphics, a free fan remake with VGA graphics was released in 2008, made by AGD Interactive.
《荣耀任务 3:战争的代价(Quest for Glory III: Wages of War , 1992)》是少数背景在非洲的游戏,重点是战争和寻找失落之城。
比如说在《荣耀任务 I》中有一伙恐吓民众的强盗,其幕后主使是当地男爵的漂亮女儿,不过接下来的事让你明白她不只是一个彻头彻尾的恶棍:她的一个手下伤害村民时,她亲自上前干预并让村民得到治疗。她是有感情的,虽然不是每个坏蛋都可以类似的去看待,但这种细微的情感表现贯穿全作始终。
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War (1992) remains one of the few games to explore Africa, focusing on war and the hunt for a lost city.
Collectively, these become more than just a travelogue, with the hero constantly being exposed to both what people want, and what they really need facing evil enemies who have to be stopped, but also learning that appearances can be deceptive.
In QFG1 for instance, there's a group of bandits terrorising the valley. The big reveal is that their leader is the local baron's enchanted daughter, but the route to learning that makes a point of showing her to be more than just a snarling villain. She has honour. She makes a point of personally intervening when her men attack one of the villagers and getting him medical treatment. She has nuance, and while not all of the baddies are similarly redeemable, that nuance runs through every plot point and every decision made in the series.
Heroism, it repeatedly emphases, relies just as much on seeing the good in people as the bad. There are worse lessons for a game to teach, whether you want to be a hero or not.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明