Like in adventure games, you can explore locations and use a list of verbs to interact with characters and items.

为了拯救一名少女,埃克托爵士(Sir Ector)与莫里克(Morwick)进行了决斗,战斗是实时发生的,不过你也可以下达命令。
Sir Ector duels Morwick to rescue a maiden. Combat is real-time and mostly automatic, but you can give orders.

在军团战斗时,你可以命令个别部队使用法术或 特殊道具。
During army battles you can order individual troops to perform tactical actions or use special items and spells.

在《复仇圣剑(Vengeance of Excalibur)》中你的骑士将开赴西班牙,他们将遇到吉普赛人,巴斯克人,撒拉逊人乃至神灵。
Vengeance of Excalibur sends your knights to Spain, where they’ll meet Gypsies, Basques, Saracens and even Djinns.
续集《复仇圣剑(Vengeance of Excalibur, 1991)》很大程度上沿用了与《圣剑之魂》同样的引擎与游戏机制。一群骑士追赶着偷走了王国领地内文物的叛徒,一路来到了西班牙。续集的寻路系统与游戏界面都进行了改进,游戏体验大大提升,故事的更偏向于单线叙事因而试错的次数也大大降低,游戏进行起来更加轻松。
Losing certain characters or using key items before their “right” time might get you through one episode, but make the game unsolvable because you needed those characters/items later. Needless to say, maintaining a save from both start and end of each episode is recommended.
While the game has a problematic interface, horrid pathfinding and at times frustrating gameplay, I nonetheless remember my elation at finally “solving” it, figuring out the puzzles and completing battles with strong knights equipped with the right items. The story is well-done, the world was beautiful for its time and the exploration, the curiosity to see what the next sleepy hamlet or gloomy ruin held, was captivating.
The sequel, Vengeance of Excalibur (1991) largely reuses the same engine and gameplay mechanics as Spirit. It moves the action to Spain, as a band of knights chase after a traitor who stole the artefacts of the realm. The game has improved path-finding and interface, making it potentially less frustrating, as well as markedly easier gameplay due to more linearity in the story and less trial and error.
Locales are evocative however, and the game retains the attractiveness of its predecessor in exploring and fighting your way across a detailed and changing map, though you only control four knights and hardly need to split your party this time around. One new, nice feature of the sequel is the ability to import your knights from Spirit, complete with gear and stats.
In summary, Vengeance is a smoother, more streamlined and linear experience, with a completely fresh setting, retaining most of what was good about Spirit, although failing to evoke quite the same level of fondness. Still, if you like the first, you will like the second as well – it is a charming game in its own right and certainly more forgiving than its elder brother.
Both games are quite forgotten by now, but I see them as rough gems with lots of enjoyment to be had for the right aficionado looking for both challenge and atmosphere. As a child I stayed up many long nights playing, admiring the graphics and making up Arthurian lore of my own – as such, this series definitely sparked my imagination and still shines clearly in my memory decades later.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明