The various plot-locked doors and undetectable traps make the Thief class almost useless.

本作的战斗是即时制的,其灵感来自《迷宫魔兽(Dungeon Master)》,但游戏里的魔法却遵循《高级龙与地下城》的规则,在施法前必须做好事先准备。
Combat is real-time, inspired by Dungeon Master, but magic follows the AD&D rules and must be prepared.

《魔眼杀机 2》在各方面都有进步,包括了许多高质量的 NPC 美术制作。
Eye of the Beholder 2 was an improvement in every regard, including much high-quality NPC artwork.

即使是大面积的室外活动区和奇特的怪物也无法阻止《魔眼杀机 3》成为三部曲中最差劲的一作。
Not even the large outdoor areas and fancy monsters could save EotB3 from being the weakest in the trilogy.
大概在我第一次玩《魔眼杀机》的时候,它的续作《魔眼杀机 2:隐月传奇(Eye of the Beholder 2: Legend of Darkmoon, 1991)》就已经出炉了。相对于原作,续作在各方面都有所改进,我甚至可以将我《魔眼杀机》里的小队导入到《魔眼杀机 2》里!这让我高兴极了!
Death was never far away, and while characters could be raised from the dead, there were few opportunities to do so. The early monsters didn't pose much of a threat, but then I stumbled upon spiders that wiped out my party several times due to their poison. And that was just the start of my adventure...
Around the time I first played EotB, the sequel Eye of the Beholder 2: Legend of Darkmoon (1991) was already out. The sequel improved on the original in every way, and I could even import my EotB1 party to EotB2! What a joy I felt!
1993 年,当《魔眼杀机 3:突袭米斯诺卓(Beholder 3: Assault on Myth Drannor)》发行时,我立刻就买了下来,希望能给我的冒险画上一个史诗般的句号。但实际上,我玩到手的却是一款缺乏前作精髓的游戏。原来,游戏的开发商已经和发行商分道扬镳了,随后发行商不得不在公司内部匆匆完成游戏的制作。
When Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth Drannor was released in 1993, I snapped it up immediately, hoping for an epic conclusion to my adventures. What I got was a game that lacked the magic touch of its prequels. Turns out that the developer had parted ways with the publisher, which then had to finish the game in-house in a hurry.
The result was a game more in tune with the AD&D rules, but not in a good way. Despite the poor third entry, the Eye of the Beholder series still stands tall, even after all these years.
1994 年,《魔眼杀机》的成功促成了本作向 SNES 和 Sega CD 平台的良心移植,移植版增加了一首由著名作曲家远藤裕三(Yuzo Koshiro)创作的新配乐。奇怪的是,2002 年本作又在 Gameboy Advance 平台上推出了重制版。重制版对原版做出了不少改动,比如采用了《龙与地下城》第三版的规则,增加了虚张声势和恐吓等非战斗技能,甚至在战斗上采用了一套全新的等距战术系统(isometric tactical combat),就像基于 God Box 引擎开发的游戏一样。不幸的是,慢节奏的战斗系统和笨拙的界面与原作的基调完全不搭,这最终导致了重制版的素质平平。

Ports & Remakes
Eye of the Beholder's success resulted in faithful conversions to the SNES and the SEGA CD in 1994 that added a new soundtrack by famous composer Yuzo Koshiro. Curiously, a new remake for the Game Boy Advance was made in 2002. This remake made various changes, such as employing the D&D 3rd Edition rules, adding non-combat skills like Bluff and Intimidate, and even using a new isometric tactical combat, similar to that of the Gold Box games. Unfortunately, the slow combat and awkward interface don't fit well, resulting in a mediocre game.

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明