在很多层面上来说,《创世纪 7:黑月之门》都是市面上出现的第一款模拟游戏!这要多亏于幕后制作了游戏引擎的天才设计师 Richard Garriott 和 Ken Demarest(主程序员)的绝妙创举。他们制作引擎最初的想法便是创造出一个可以真正在里面享受第二种人生的世界。并且其他编剧和我都花了很多心血去尽我们最大努力地让每一个 NPC 都具有鲜活的生命。
In many ways, The Black Gate was one of the very first SIMS! That was the genius behind the engine that was created by Richard [Garriott] and Ken Demarest (lead programmer) and his team. That was the idea – to create a world you could run around in and live in. The other writers and I took great care to make each individual NPC a whole person, as much as we could.
Raymond Benson,
《创世纪 7》主笔Raymond Benson,
Ultima VII's lead writer

Double-clicking on your character shows you his “paper doll”. From there you can drag items into him to equip, or drop them into the bags to store.
另一个缺陷在于游戏没有自动进食系统。虽然一款好的 RPG 游戏都会有这样需要进食的机制,但是在《创世纪 7》里的体验却是:沙米诺(Shamino)说他饿了,我便需要打开我的纸娃娃界面,再打开他的纸娃娃界面,再打开他的背包,找到一些食物给他。结果继续走了几步后伊奥洛又抱怨说他也饿了。
《创世纪 7》有一个扩展包名叫《美德熔炉(Forge of Virtue)》,圣者需要去火之岛(Isle of Fire)进行调查。虽然游戏流程很短,游戏的背景故事也很完整,不过其与主线剧情没有太大的联系。
1993 年发行了《创世纪 7(下):巨蛇岛(Ultima VII – Part 2: Serpent Isle)》,一款约等于正作长度的独立续作,游戏的故事与《创世纪 7》和《地下创世纪 2:世界的迷宫(Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds)》的故事所相连。在故事里圣者跟随着反派来到了与其同名的巨蛇岛上,而巨蛇岛实际上是《创世纪 1》里的“危险与绝望之地(Lands of Danger and Despair)”。下船不久之后,一阵魔法风暴将你和你的同伴的物品进行了调换。比如说把你的咒语书和一块浮石进行了对换。
Another flaw is that there's no auto-eating. Use of resources is the mark of a good RPG, but when Shamino says he's hungry I have to open up my paper doll, then his paper doll, then his backpack, click on some food and feed him – and then when I walk two steps and Iolo complains he is hungry as well.
Ultima VII had a expansion, Forge of Virtue, which sends the Avatar to investigate the Isle of Fire. Relatively short, the game's backstory is well-written, although it's not on par with the main quest.
In 1993 came Ultima VII - Part 2: Serpent Isle. A full-length stand-alone release, it continues the events told in Ultima VII and Ultima Underworld II. The Avatar follows a villain to the eponymous Serpent Isles, which are actually the “Lands of Danger and Despair” from Ultima I. Shortly after leaving your ship, a magic storm switches your items and companions with other things. For example, your spell book switches place with a piece of pumice.
《巨蛇岛》最初被构思成一款以海盗为主题的《创世纪世界(Worlds of Ultima)》系列游戏。之后它成为了一款正统《创世纪》作品,但是 Garriott 宣称不会有两款《创世纪》游戏使用同一个引擎,所以它作为《创世纪 7(下)》发售了。
Serpent Isle was first planned as a pirate-themed game for the Worlds of Ultima series. Later it became a main Ultima game, but, since Garriott had declared that no two Ultima games should use the same engine, it was released as Ultima VII - Part 2.
所以游戏一部分的任务便是需要找回属于自己的物品,以及找到你失散的同伴。当你不断的探索岛屿时,你会遇到三座城市,这三座城市都拒绝了游戏里的三大原则,分别为真实(Truth)、爱(Love)、以及勇气(Courage),这些原则首次出现于《创世纪 4(Ultima IV)》中。
《巨蛇岛》最终还有了一个迷你扩展包,《银色种子(The Silver Seed)》,这款资料片竟然附送了一个完整的游戏攻略。可惜的是,EA 在那时已经开始多管闲事了,这款扩展因此被赶鸭子上架,谜题做的一团糟,剧情也是支离破碎。
《创世纪 7》以及其扩展或是续作都可谓是大师之作,因为它们不仅是现代 RPG 的起源,同时剧情也是后来者难以企及的。
Part of the game's premise is you need to hunt down all of your old equipment, as well as your nowmissing companions. As you explore the Isle, you will also come across three towns which have rejected the Three Principles of Truth, Love and Courage, core of the Virtues which you defined in Ultima IV.
Serpent Isle has a very different tone from other Ultima games, having a more linear and event-based story, with a heavy emphasis on dialogues. This displeased some old fans, but inspired many developers later.
It eventually also got its own mini-expansion, The Silver Seed – which oddly came with a complete walkthrough in the box! Sadly, EA had already begun to meddle too much, and this expansion was a rushed release, with poor puzzles and a disconnected plot.
True masterpieces, both Ultima VII parts are well worth playing, not only to see where modern RPGs truly found their footing, but also for an incredible story that has yet to be surpassed.

You can give orders to your party in combat, but they work more like suggestions that will be kindly ignored.

《巨蛇岛(Serpent Isle)》给我们带来了界面上的优化,以及一个不同于以往的更加线性的故事。
Serpent Isle brought improvements to the interface and a more linear story, with a very different tone.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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