The point-and-click controls are very accessible, with verbs, items and spells placed in a hidden bar atop of the screen.

The game delivers a brilliant blend of horror and deadly situations with silly gags and a charming sense of humour.

战斗类似于街机游戏,敌人种类繁多,包括从毒属性的双足飞龙到巨蟒(Monty Python)[2] 式的杀人兔子。
Combat is somewhat arcade-like, and enemies range from poisonous wyverns to Monthy Python-esque killer bunnies.

《荣耀任务 5》体量庞大,也是对前作的彻底背离,它以 3D 图像和侧重于战斗闻名。
Quest for Glory V is huge, but also a radical departure, featuring 3D graphics and a heavy focus on combat.
旁白(由 John Rhys-Davies[3] 配音,他在《指环王》中饰演金雳 Gimli)听起来像一位老练的游戏主持人,为玩家描述景象、气味和声音。角色有大量的对话,既有严厉的警告,也有插科打诨。最令人难忘的是三位城镇居民,他们的声音听起来像 Jack Nicholson[4] ,Rodney Dangerfield[5] ,以及,呃,Jack Nicholson(这些配音演员被问起他们能模仿哪些名人的声音,结果有两个人回答 Jack Nicholson,于是他们就这么做了)。
当你遇到一个名为多莫沃伊(Domovoi)的房屋幽灵时,游戏的故事开始变得完整起来,它揭示了这座城镇承受了怎样的苦难。通常来说,NPC 们都会迫不及待地让陌生人来帮自己解决问题:当你走进镇子,你就会被那些满肚子苦水的当地人包围,他们就像那些在街头向游客兜售小玩意的熊孩子。
The narrator (voiced by John Rhys-Davies, who played Gimli in Lord of the Rings) acts like a skilled Game Master, describing sights, smells and sounds. Characters have pages of dialogue, ranging from dire warnings to throwaway gags. The most memorable is a trio of townsfolk who sound suspiciously like Jack Nicholson, Rodney Dangerfield, and, er, Jack Nicholson (the voice actors were asked which celebrities they could impersonate, and when two answered Nicholson, they went with it).
The story really comes together when you meet the Domovoi, a house spirit who reveals just how much the town has suffered. Usually NPCs can't wait to burden total strangers with their problems: step into town and you'll be mobbed by locals waving tales of woe like street urchins thrusting baubles at tourists.
But Mordavians are too guarded, too devoid of hope to even bother. It's the Domovoi who helps you realise these are more than one-joke characters. They're good people who've lived so long in darkness they've forgotten about the light. The goal isn't really to escape Mordavia, the goal is to set it free.
有三部流行的基于《荣耀任务》系列的粉丝游戏,它们是《伊洛格任务(Quest for Yrolg, 2008)》、《荣耀任务 4½(Quest for Glory 4½, 2001)》(这两部都是拙劣的模仿而已),以及优秀的《女英雄任务:诸神黄昏的预兆(Heroine’s Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok,2014)》。
There are three popular fan-made games based on the series: Quest for Yrolg, Quest for Glory 4½ (both parodies) and the excellent Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok.
表面上看,《黑暗之影》是一部轻松的喜剧,一款相当于《新科学怪人(Young Frankenstein, 1974)》的 RPG,但这是一个关于爱、牺牲和救赎的故事。它只是碰巧遇到了两位 Jack Nicholson 模仿者的对决,以及拥有足够多的双关语让旁白听起来都非常搞笑。相信我,你只有听到了 John Rhys-Davies 的笑声,才算真正玩过这款游戏。
《荣耀任务》的前四部诞生于 1989-1993 年,那是冒险游戏的黄金年代。但不幸的是,这一游戏类型在接下来的日子里急剧衰退,《荣耀任务 5:火龙试炼(Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire, 1998)》面临着是跟上游戏业的发展潮流还是取悦老玩家的两难境地。《荣耀任务 5》经历了一段噩梦般的开发历程,它是一款体量庞大的游戏,给整个系列画上了一个史诗般的句号,它以早期的块状 3D 图形和侧重于战斗闻名,为玩家带来了混合式的体验。
在《荣耀任务 5》发行后,Sierra 解散了该制作团队,这一系列的独特玩法仅仅被一些粉丝游戏所继承——直到 2012 年,Kickstarter 掀起了一股为其制作精神续作的浪潮,其中就包括《英雄大学:盗贼的救赎》(Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption,2018),它由《荣耀任务》系列的作者 Cole 夫妇[6] 开发。
On the surface, QfG4 seems like a light-hearted comedy, the RPG equivalent of Young Frankenstein. But this is a tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption. It just happens to feature duelling Jack Nicholson impersonators and enough puns to send the narrator into a giggle fit. And trust me, you haven't lived until you've heard John Rhys-Davies giggle.
The first four Quest for Glory games were released from 1989 to 1993, in a golden era of adventure games but, sadly, the genre declined heavily in the following years, and Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (1998) feels torn between moving on with the world and pleasing old fans. Troubled by a nightmarish development cycle, it's a huge game that offers an epic ending to the series, but also features blocky early 3D graphics and a heavy focus on combat, leading to a mixed reception.
After its release, the team was laid off by Sierra, and the series' distinctive gameplay was followed only by a handful of fan-games – until 2012, when Kickstarter brought a wave of spiritual successors, including one from the series' original creators, Lori and Corey Cole, titled Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption.
2 译者注:巨蟒剧团(Monty Python),英国著名喜剧团体。
3 译者注:John Rhys-Davies(1944-),英国演员。
4 译者注:Jack Nicholson(1937-),美国演员,代表作《闪灵》、《飞越疯人院》等。
5 译者注:Rodney Dangerfield(1921-2004),美国演员,代表作《杀手》、《天生杀人狂》等。
6 译者注:即游戏设计师 Corey Cole 和 Lori Ann Cole 夫妇。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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