《神秘古域》的灵感来自几个 roguelike 游戏:最明显的是《迷宫骇客(NetHack)》,视觉效果来源于《安格班德(Angband)》,野外区域的设计来自《欧米伽(Omega)》。《废土(Wasteland)》,一个商业化的 RPG 游戏(恕我直言,这仍然是有史以来最好的电脑 RPG 游戏),是开放性叙事的主要标杆,桌面游戏《战锤(Warhammer)》则提供了腐败与混沌的灵感。
ADOM was inspired by several roguelike games: most prominently NetHack, Angband as far as early visualisations go and Omega for the wilderness area. The commercial RPG Wasteland (IMHO still the best computer RPG ever) was the prime sample as far as open storytelling goes, the pen-andpaper RPG Warhammer provided the inspiration for Chaos and Corruption.
Thomas Biskup,
《神秘古域》作者Thomas Biskup,
ADOM's creator

《神秘古域》的固定式世界地图的设计灵感来源于一款叫做《欧米茄(Omega, 1988)》的游戏,这将其与其他 roguelike 游戏区分开来。
ADOM's fixed world map was inspired by another roguelike, Omega (1988), and would set it apart from other roguelikes.
《神秘古域》是 roguelikes 游戏中被奉为圭臬的重要作品,但是这对于那些在几十年间都从未接触这一游戏流派的人来说意味着什么呢?在撰写本文时,Biskup 兑现了他的承诺:开发了带有彩色图形版本的游戏并把它发布于 steam 上。他同时添加了必要的教程模式和一系列的难度选项,使 ADOM 成为市场上最容易玩到的传统 roguelike 游戏之一。
尽管对于许多的传统 roguelike 游戏来说,程序生成的部分已经非常复杂,但仍会包含一些手工制作的部分。但这样人工创作的内容通常只专注于小型谜题,而与大地图脱节。
While dungeons are procedurally generated, the overworld in ADOM remains static. The starting town, Terinyo, is always in the same spot, as are the dungeons. Ancardia is a lived-in mess of a place, with quests to complete and people to meet. The quests come in a range of flavours: many require the player to kill a monster somewhere, some are epic, world-changing fare – stop (or join) the chaos that threatens all of Ancardia – and, to my delight, a few are cheerfully banal: save a cute puppy at the bottom of a dungeon.
ADOM is an important game in the roguelike canon, but what does that mean to someone who hasn't followed the genre for decades? At the time of writing, Biskup has made good on his promise to implement graphical tiles and release the game on Steam. He has added an indispensable tutorial mode and a range of difficulty options, making ADOM one of the most accessible traditional roguelikes on the market.
Many traditional roguelikes, for all their procedurally generated content and complexity, still dabble with handcrafted sections, but that authored content is often exclusively focused on small puzzles that are disconnected from a wider world.
如果你想了解更多关于《神秘古域》的历史,请查看 Thomas Biskup 在 2016 年的 Roguelike 庆典大会(Roguelike Celebration)上做出的 演讲。
If you want to know more about ADOM's history, check out this 2016 presentation Thomas Biskup gave at the Roguelike Celebration event.
如果你还没有在挑战游戏难度的路上一去不复返,那么你就没有任何动力继续玩下去。只有极少数早期的 roguelike 游戏关注到了地牢与外面更加广阔的世界的联结。
《神秘古域》的策略则是关注更加广阔的世界,而不是在地下城中简单地找到关键道具(MacGuffin)[3] ,或者杀死邪恶的敌人。毫无疑问,《神秘古域》的设计思路影响了后世的一些现象级的 roguelike 游戏,例如《马基埃亚尔的传说(Tales of Maj'Eyal, 2012)》和《卡德洞窟(Caves of Qud, 2015)》。然而《神秘古域》真正的独特性在于无论经过了何种挑战,无论历经了多少岁月,它仍然流传至今。
If you are not already sold on banging your head against a vertical difficulty curve, there's little there to motivate you to stay; very few of those early roguelikes care about the stakes of a wider world beyond their dungeons.
ADOM's gambit is that there are wider stakes than simply getting the MacGuffin or killing the evil in the dungeon. It's no surprise that ADOM's design decisions inspired some truly phenomenal modern roguelikes, such as Tales of Maj'Eyal (2012) and Caves of Qud (2015). But what really makes ADOM special is how it still holds up even in the context of that kind of competition, even after so long.

《神秘古域豪华版(ADOM Deluxe)》已经于 2015 年在 Steam 上发售。它支持彩色图形显示、鼠标控制、成就系统、更多的玩法自定义选项、特别挑战和一些其他的提升。
ADOM Deluxe, sold on Steam since 2015, comes with graphical tiles, mouse support, achievements, more gameplay customisation options, special challenges and other nice updates.
3 译者注:原文的 MacGuffin 指用来推动剧情的发展,但其本身并不重要的人物或物品。MacGuffin 一词这个名字是由英国编剧 Angus MacPhail 创造。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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