Whenever you enter one of Stone Prophet's dungeons, the interface changes to fit the theme of the level.

The game's exotic companions all have different abilities. The Wemic, for instance, can jump to reach high places.

Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession was the first of the three games and featured a distinctive horror atmosphere.

《高级龙与地下城》中最受欢迎的角色之一崔斯特 · 杜尔登在《魔索布莱城》中有大量戏份。
Menzoberranzan capitalised heavily on the presence of Drizzt Do'Urden, one of AD&D's most popular characters.
游戏中的法术遵循典型的《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》设定,与《魔眼杀机》三部曲中的非常类似,常见的法术有火球术(Fireball)和魔法飞弹(Magic Missile)。一些法术特别有用(例如,敲击术 Knock 和传送 Teleport),还有一些法术是完成游戏必不可少的,例如与关键 NPC 对话时可能需要动物交谈术(Speak with Animals)。
《魔域传奇:石之预言者》以其庞大的埃及风开放世界提供了一种与典型的地牢探索不同的游戏风格。哈拉基尔沙漠广袤且危险,但也有很多有趣的事件,包括偶遇 NPC、独特物品和地牢。这些地牢涵盖了从古老的墓穴到装饰华丽的寺庙等风格,每个场景都丰富了游戏情节并提供了主线任务的必需品。
These harsh inventory limitations force players to make tough choices, as the world is so full of useful items that one is frequently faced with the dilemma of which items to keep. Especially since characters also need to carry plenty of water skins to survive the blazing desert – or rely on a Create Water spell.
Spellcasting follows the typical AD&D magic system, and is quite similar to that in the Eye of the Beholder trilogy, featuring typical spells such as Fireball and Magic Missile. Some spells are particularly useful (such as Knock or Teleport), and a few are actually essential to complete the game (such as Speak with Animals, which allows conversation with key NPCs).
Ravenloft: Stone Prophet provides a welcome departure from typical sewer treks with its massive Egyptian-style open world. The desert of Har'Akir is vast and fraught with dangers, but also provides many interesting encounters, in terms of NPCs, items, and dungeons to visit. Each of the dungeons, ranging from ancient burial catacombs to richly decorated temples, provides important insight into the plot as well as items necessary to progress in the quest to leave Har'Akir.
《魔域传奇:石之预言者》实际上是 DreamForge 公司使用相同引擎开发的第三款 RPG 游戏。该引擎开发的第一款游戏是 1994 年出品的《魔域传奇:神圣之符(Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession)》,这两款游戏有着共同主题:落入一个到处都是不死生物的陌生土地后,玩家必须想办法打败这片土地的领主并安全回家。
使用该引擎开发的第二款游戏是 1994 年的《魔索布莱城(Menzoberranzan)》,它以广受欢迎的《被遗忘的国度(Forgotten Realms)》为背景:为了营救被卓尔(Drow)俘虏的村民,一行人潜入幽暗地域(Underdark)。途中,他们寻求传奇游侠崔斯特· 杜尔登(Drizzt Do’Urden)的帮助。为了解放村民,该小队最终卷入了魔索布莱城各家族之间的争斗中。
不幸的是,这些几款游戏并不出名,整个系列都经常被人忽略。但是无论如何,《魔域传奇:石之预言者》都值得一试,如果你喜欢 DreamForge 对地牢探险类游戏的演绎,也许还可以尝试该公司的其他游戏。
Stone Prophet is actually the third RPG developed by DreamForge using the same engine. The first of these is Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (1994), which shares some common themes: after being drawn into a strange land crawling with undead, the party must find a way to defeat the dark lord of the land and secure their safe passage back home.
The second game is Menzoberranzan (1994), which is set on the highly popular Forgotten Realms setting. In order to rescue villagers captured by Drow, the party descends into the Underdark. On the way, they enlist the aid of Drizzt Do'Urden, the legendary Drow ranger. The party eventually becomes embroiled in a feud between various Drow houses of Menzoberranzan, in a bid to free the villagers and Drizzt himself.
Unfortunately, these games aren't quite as good, which led to the entire series being often overlooked. Regardless, Ravenloft: Stone Prophet is more than worth a look, and if you enjoyed DreamForge's take on dungeon crawlers, perhaps give the other titles a try as well.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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