我们研究过《命令与征服(Command & Conquer)》、《魔兽争霸(Warcraft)》等即时战略游戏。鼠标轻轻一点,对应角色就能与玩家交流。当时,人们觉得这很新鲜。到了《铁血联盟(Jagged Alliance)》,游戏角色一言不合就会掏枪决斗。开发《博德之门》那会儿,我们希望能创造出更逼真的游戏角色,而非一个个遵循 AI 指令的工具人。他们应该性格迥异,有血有肉。
We looked at RTSs, such as Command & Conquer and Warcraft. You'd click on characters and they'd say something back to you, and it was a surprise. In Jagged Alliance, one character would take out a gun and start shooting the other because they'd had an argument. We wanted to make [the characters in Baldur's Gate] feel like real people, not NPCs who were AIcontrolled. They really felt like they had personalities and came to life.
Dr. Ray Muzyka,
Bioware 联合创始人Dr. Ray Muzyka,
BioWare's co-founder

The main quest is fairly linear, but the side-quests often allow you to pick sides, such as helping Edwin to kill the witch Dynaheir, or joining Minsc to rescue her.
但不要忘了,原本 AD&D 提供一个庞大的游戏框架——在《迷宫魔兽(Dungeon Master)》[3] 全知全能的引导(或帮助或阻碍)下,玩家扮演不同的角色随机应变。但《博德之门》并不具备传统 AD&D 的灵活性,很可能出现敌我战力悬殊的情况。只有灵活利用战术、摇点,以及 SL 大法[4] ,玩家才能克敌制胜。[5]
随着质量过硬的扩展包《博德之门:剑湾传奇》(Baldur's Gate: Tales of Sword Coast)与更胜一筹的续作《博德之门 2:安姆的阴影》(Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn)相继出炉,一个经久不衰的游戏系列就此诞生,而这也离不开早期民间粉丝的支持与如今 Beamdog 的努力。
The excellent voice work and elegant mechanical quirks (the ranger Minsc has one quick-slot assigned to his pet hamster; the married couple, Khalid and Jaheira, will only stay in the party as a pair) gave these companions personality, while the fact that equipped weapons and armour were represented on the in-game models gave the player a way to make them his own.
Lest we forget, however, the AD&D system was created as a framework on top of which tabletop players would layer improvisation and role-playing, helped or thwarted by the all-seeing Dungeon Master player. No such flexibility exists here, resulting more often than not on unbalanced encounters that require one to rely on the dice as much as strategy – and sometimes on the saving graces of the save and load.
Followed by the solid Tales of the Sword Coast expansion and by an even better sequel, Baldur's Gate remains an often replayed classic, thanks to extensive curation, earlier on by fans and currently by Beamdog.
2016 年,开发商 Beamdog 发布了《博德之门:增强版》的 DLC——《博德之门:围攻龙矛堡(Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear)》。
In 2016 Beamdog released Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, an expansion pack for the Enhanced Edition of BG.
曾在 Bioware 工作的员工们创立了 Beamdog。为了让游戏与现代台式机(与笔记本、平板)相兼容,该公司重置了《博德之门 1》及其续作,并加入一些新内容。现如今,如果你想在电脑上顺利体验这款传奇之作的完整剧情,《博德之门:增强版(Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition)》绝对是首选。更妙的是,它还能兼容许多适用于原版的模组,玩家能如愿提升角色的等级上限。
《博德之门三部曲 WeiDu 版(Baldur’s Gate Trilogy-WeiDU)》:一个可以替代《博德之门:增强版》的民间版本,将《博德之门 1》和《博德之门 2》合二为一,相较原作,各方面都有提升。
《博德之门 1 修正包(BG1 Tweak Pack)》:提供大量个性化改动与微调,如提升等级上限、隐藏已装备头盔等。
《未了之事(Unfinished Business)》:增添了一些原先删掉的任务。
《亡者之域(The Fields of the Dead)》:一款大型模组。在增设大量内容的同时,提高对 AD&D 规则的还原度。
The company, formed by former Bioware staff, re-released the game and its sequel, adjusting them for modern computers (and tablets) and even adding some new content. As a result, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is accepted as the most complete out-of-the-box way to play this legendary game. And blissfully compatible with original mods – because you'll still want to unlock that level cap.
Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU: An excellent fan-made alternative to the Enhanced Edition, it combines both Baldur's Gate games into one vastly improved game.
BG1 Tweak Pack: A pack of customisable changes and tweaks, like unlocking level caps or hiding helmets.
Unfinished Business: Restores a lot of cut content.
The Fields of the Dead: A huge mod that make rules more faithful to AD&D and adds a lot of content.
2 译者注:鉴于明斯克与戴娜黑绑定,似乎玩家只能在超强法师艾德温和强力游侠明斯克之间二选一。但如果玩家解救戴娜黑时不让艾德温陪同,而后说服艾德温不杀戴娜黑,艾德温便会不情愿地罢手,并以监视戴娜黑为由,加入团队。
3 译者注:即 DM,地下城主,即龙与地下城桌游里的主持者,负责交代各玩家可能遇到的各种状况、任务触发情况、剧情进展等。DM 需要对 D&D 游戏规则了然于心,同时给予玩家随机应变的空间。
4 译者注:即存档读档(save and load)。
5 译者注:游戏采用事件触发战斗这一机制,即 NPC 原本处于中立状态,玩家进入视野后,NPC 会上前对话,对话后进入敌对状态。所以如果正面打不过,有以下骚操作:1.可以在敌人视野外法术轰炸;如果敌人周围有大量群众,利用对话机制将敌人引诱到空旷地带;或者利用不触发战斗的范围控制技能(如臭云术、蛛网术等)控制住所有中立目标,防止误伤。2.人物休息后不会刷新之前设好的骷髅陷阱,所以玩家也可以利用这个机制无限埋雷。3.野外休息也有几率遇袭,从而进入强制战斗状态。这时,SL 大法就有了用武之地。

虽然游戏采用即时制战斗方式,但保留了大量 AD&D 规则,让人印象深刻。
While combat was translated into real-time, BioWare kept an impressive amount of the AD&D ruleset's depth.

The charismatic companions, diverse equipment, iconic classes and efficient UI makes party-building a joy.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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