尽管这并非核心体验的一部分,我还是觉得游戏里的 NPC 们才是游戏中最酷的部分,在看到有人试图从理论角度解释游戏的 NPC 设计之后更是如此。无论是 Pablo,Kingpin,Deidranna,或者其他哪个 NPC,玩家对于游戏这方面的讨论向来多于对实际战斗部分的关注。而且我也很乐意看到这一点,因为游戏的战斗部分是早已确定的,而在 NPC 设计上的成功完全是意料之外。
Even though it wasn't the focal part of the game, I found some of the NPCs to be the coolest part – especially watching people theorise on how the game worked in this respect. Whether it be Pablo, Kingpin, Deidranna, or any other NPC, there was more talk about this aspect of the game than the actual combat. And I'm happy with that, the combat in JA is a given, so it's the ‘extras' that I get off on.
Ian Currie,
《铁血联盟 2》导演兼制作人Ian Currie,
JA2's director and producer

You can control multiple squads at once, and train militias to defend liberated sectors once you've earned the support of the locals.
游戏中的昼夜循环系统增强了潜行要素,配套的工具(刀、迷彩服、静音武器、剪线钳)和技能也一应俱全。如果你不喜欢潜行,你也可也拿起一把 SVD 狙击步枪[3] 然后从地图的另一端一枪爆头。或者抄起火箭筒、迫击炮和轻机枪把一切都炸上天。当然你也可以尝试在铁人模式中单枪匹马披荆斩棘,只为了能在别人面前好好地吹上一番。无论你想要什么,《铁血 2》都能满足。

The final layer of the cake is the amazing turnbased combat. Powered by an elegant UI, a large pool of action points per unit and many nuances like cover, stances, aimed shots, morale, wounds, field of view, multiple ammo types and even destructable buildings, the wealth of options available is staggering.
The day-and-night cycle enhances stealth and the game provides both the tools (knives, camouflage, silenced weapons, wire cutters) and the skills required. If that's not your cup of tea, you can get a Dragunov sniper rifle and pop heads from across the map. Or set the world on fire with LAWs, mortars and LMGs. Or maybe play Ironman (and/or solo!) and try to carve your way to victory for massive bragging rights. JA2 will keep bringing you back, no matter what.
Finally, if you're looking for an alternative twist, you can also activate the Sci-Fi mode, a special mode where a new faction of enemies is added to the mix which can lead to chaotic 3-way battles.

More than just stats, gear and salaries, each unit has its unique personality, delivered via hundreds of voiced lines.
Sir-Tech 破产后,许多公司试图给《铁血联盟 2》制作续作,并做出了诸如《铁血联盟:卷土重来(JA: Back in Action)》,《铁血联盟:闪回(JA: Flashback)》,《铁血联盟:在线(JA: Online)》之类的作品,但很遗憾这些作品没有一个达到了《铁血 2》v1.13 的高度。
After Sir-Tech closed, many companies tried to make sequels to JA2, such as JA: Back in Action, JA: Flashback and JA: Online, but sadly none of them come close to JA2 v1.13.
游戏发售两年后,游戏的拓展包《铁血联盟 2:未尽的任务》(JA2: Unfinished Business)发售。虽然扩展包里的新战役流程很短也令人意犹未尽。但这款拓展包的重头戏是给模组社区带来官方认可的地图编辑器。时至今日,仍有许多新内容在被玩家们制作出来。
尽管发售《未尽的任务》没能救活 Sir-Tech,并且过早地终结了这一伟大的游戏系列,但游戏也从此变得不朽,它的未来将永远地由其粉丝社区守护下去。
适用于《铁血联盟 2》的模组:
《铁血联盟 2》v1.13:必备模组,v1.13 为游戏带来了成百上千的新特性和新装备,调整了 AI 和交互界面,还增加了天气和火力压制等新元素。它将《铁血 2》变成了一个对模组友好的游戏,还带来了诸多令人印象深刻的新特性,如多人游戏。
《铁血联盟 2:混乱的都市(JA2 Urban Chaos)》:最早的饭制续篇,提供了在 Danubia 的全新冒险,系统和战斗也有革命性的变化。
《铁血联盟 2:巧克力碎片(JA2 Stracciatella)》:对《铁血 2》源代码的大修,始于模组作者 Tron。这个计划最终将游戏引擎变成了一个真正的跨平台软件。《铁血 2》也因此得以被移植到 Linux,MacOS 和安卓上。
《铁血联盟 2:未尽的任务 越南战争(JA2UB Vietnam SOG'69)》:新的战役将你带到越南,还有许多有趣的新角色。这是玩家最多的《未尽的任务》模组之一。
《铁血联盟 2:未尽的任务 阴影任务(JA2UB Shady Job)》:这个俄国模组将《未尽的任务》变成了全新的游戏,加入了新的战术地图、新的市场、新的角色和新的武器。
Two years after the game's release, we got the JA2: Unfinished Business expansion. Its new campaign was short and left you hungry for more, but the game also brought a map editor, giving the official blessing to a modding community that, many years after, still produces fresh content for the game.
The sales of Unfinished Business failed to keep Sir-Tech alive and ended prematurely one of the greatest TBS/RPG series ever made. Yet, like the bite of a vampire, it made the game immortal, leaving its future to be safeguarded by its dedicated fan community.
Mods for Jagged Alliance 2
JA2 v1.13: A must-have mod, v1.13 brings thousands of new features and items to the game, changing the AI and interface, adding weather, suppressing fire, etc.
It transformed JA2 into a mod-friendly game, leading to many impressive new features, such as multiplayer.
JA2 Urban Chaos: The very first fan-made sequel of JA2 offers a completely new adventure in Danubia, with revolutionary changes to systems and tactics.
JA2 Stracciatella: An overhaul of the JA2 source code, started by modder Tron, transforming the engine into a true platform-independent piece of software. It allowed ports of JA2 to Linux, MacOS and Android.
Mods for Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business
JA2UB Vietnam SOG'69: BecomingX's campaign lands you in Vietnam, together with some very interesting new characters. One of the most played UB mods.
JA2UB Shady Job: This Russian mod turns JA2: UB into a whole new game, with new tactical map, new markets, new characters and new weapons.
3 译者注:一款由苏联生产的狙击步枪,设计者为 Yevgeny Fyodorovich Dragunov(俄文:Евге́ний Фёдорович Драгуно́в)。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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