开发博德之门那段经历,给了我两大感触:其一,工作量之大令人窒息。《安姆的阴影》包罗万象,涉及许多人物、情节、物品、法术、场景,我们只有倾注大量精力与心血,才能让这款游戏顺利发售。这也就带来了第二个感触——我们的创造力得到了充分发挥。在我看来,当时开发《博德之门 2》,我们占据天时地利人和[1],这样顺风顺水的体验可遇不可求。鉴于游戏引擎功能齐全,我们能集中精力,专注游戏内容的打磨,无须分心顾及程序上的细枝末节……
I have two primary memories from the Baldur's Gate days.
The first is the horror of crunch. Shadows of Amn was an enormous game with so many characters, plots, items, spells and places that it took a lot of work and passion to get that beast out the door.
That leads to the second memory: creative fulfilment. I think the stars aligned for Baldur's Gate II in a way that they probably won't again. We had a finished engine that allowed us to focus on content rather than basic functionality.James Ohlen,
《博德之门 2》联合首席设计师James Ohlen,
Co-lead designer of Baldur's Gate II

《博德之门 2》基于无限引擎(Infinity Engine),使用美轮美奂的等距视角画面,以及可暂停的即时战斗机制。
Baldur's Gate 2 uses the Infinity Engine, featuring gorgeous isometric graphics and realtime-with-pause combat.

别具匠心的美术风格与物品描述为这款游戏增色不少,UI 设计在 RPG 游戏里是顶尖水平。
Your quests will take you to many different places in Faerûn – from a pirate island, a beautiful Elven city, the Underdark (where the most fearsome and terrible creatures reside) – or even to different planes.
You will encounter interesting and often hostile inhabitants of the places you visit, which adds variety and fun to combat. You will have to come up with different tactics to survive some tough battles. Just one misplaced spell can make a battle extremely difficult as some spells affect not only your enemies, but your companions or even innocents in the area – and you will have to deal with the deadly consequences!
Magical combat is engaging and strategic, involving more than just blasting targets with fireballs, and the high-level cap means you'll see some of the most powerful spells AD&D has to offer. Mages often have layers of protection spells which will need to be dispelled, and will turn invisible or even stop time itself to prepare a devastating attack on your party.

The great artwork and item descriptions add a lot to the game, and the UI is easily one of the best among RPGs.
《博德之门 2》长达 262 页的游戏手册做工精美,采用螺旋装订设计,详细描述了 298 种法术。
BG2's game manual is an attraction by itself, spiralbound and 262 pages long, describing all the 298 spells in the game.
《博德之门 2》是一段无与伦比的冒险经历,诸多奥妙之处,非语言所能描绘,唯有亲身体验,才能领略其魅力!如果你通关了《安姆的阴影》和《巴尔的王座》(Throne of Bhaal,本作的扩展包),肯定会和我一样,迫不及待地向别人分享自己惊心动魄的冒险之旅。
博德之门三部曲 WeiDu 版(Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU):一个可以替代《博德之门:增强版》的民间版本,将《博德之门 1》和《博德之门 2》合二为一,相较原作,各方面都有提升。
剑湾策略(Sword Coast Stratagems):一款质量上乘的战术型/AI 模组,用于提高战斗难度。
法术修订(Spell Revisions):修改、平衡原作的神术与奥术。
巅峰之战(Ascension Mod):由《博德之门 2》开发者 David Gaider 设计,让结尾变得更精彩,加入新内容、新挑战。
大世界计划(Big World Project):大型兼容性整合模组。玩家可以借此为《博德之门 2》安装超过 500 个模组而不会出现任何异常。该模组内附一个便捷好用的自动安装工具。
Of course, your mages have the same abilities, and making best use of the limited number of spells they can cast per day can turn a nasty beating into a thrilling victory.
For the non-casting classes, there is a huge range of weapons available. The majority of weapons come with their own history and lore (or sometimes humorous conversations!), which are often interesting and fun to read. There are also a number of legendary weapons which can be forged using parts found during your journey – most of the time it's well worth it to hunt for these parts!
Baldur's Gate 2 is one hell of a journey; there is so much to experience, so much to see, it is hard to describe it all using words alone – you will have to experience it for yourself! By the end of your journey through both Shadows of Amn and the Throne of Bhaal expansion, you will be as eager to share your experiences with others as I am.
Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU: An excellent fan-made alternative to the Enhanced Edition, it combines both Baldur's Gate games into one vastly improved game.
Sword Coast Stratagems: An elaborate tactical/AI mod that makes combat really challenging.
Spell Revisions: Fixes and balances the game's spells.
Ascension Mod: Created by David Gaider, one of the game's designers, this mod aims to make the ending more satisfying, adding new content and challenges.
Big World Project: A massive compatibility guide on how to install over 500 mods for BG without issues. Comes with a handy automatic setup tool.
1 译者注:此处是采访的节选内容。根据此次采访,除了引擎功能强大外,《博德之门 2》的开发优势还包括:团队成员对无限引擎很了解;发售时间刚好在圣诞节前夕;游戏对系统硬件要求不高,游玩门槛低。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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