We used the term ‘kill/reward’ to describe our basic gameplay. Players continually kill monsters and get rewarded with treasure and experience. But the rewards don't stop there. We offer a steady stream of goals and accomplishments to entice the player to keep playing. There's always a quest that is almost finished, a waypoint almost reached, an experience level almost achieved, and a dungeon nearly cleared out.
Erich Schaefer,
《暗黑破坏神 2》主创Erich Schaefer,
Diablo II's project and design lead
《暗黑破坏神 2》不仅有经典的战士,法师,刺客等职业,它加入了有着强大 buff 的圣骑士,和能够召唤一群随从的死灵法师。
Diablo II's classes go beyond the classic Warrior, Mage and Thief trifecta, with Paladins enhanced by powerful auras and Necromancers that can summon armies of minions.
《暗黑破坏神 2》是 RPG 设计浪潮的前沿。它给了玩家五大场景和三个难度。对于大部分休闲玩家,这些内容可以说是相当多了。但是对于真正沉浸与其中的玩家,真正的游戏开始于在地狱难度中击败最后的 Boss 之后。
由程序生成的数百件独特稀有的装备意味着无限的可玩性。即使到了今天《暗黑破坏神 2》的死忠粉仍然会与朋友花费数百甚至上千个小时打败 Boss、清空地图。他们乐于去寻找最好最珍贵的道具以及超稀有的符文。将这些组合在一起可以拥有完全改变游戏体验的强大,充满新意与奇怪能力的装备。如果一个法师玩家找到了一些高端的野蛮人的装备,他可选择以卖掉它或者决定以野蛮人的身份经历一次全新的冒险。
《暗黑破坏神 2》不仅有经典的战士,法师,刺客等职业,它加入了有着强大 buff 的圣骑士,和能够召唤一群随从的死灵法师。
Diablo II was on the forefront of a new wave in RPG design. The game takes players through five acts and three difficulty settings. For casual, mainstream gamers this amount of content is plenty. But, for the truly devoted, the real game begins only after the player beats the final boss on the hardest difficulty.
Loot is procedurally generated, augmented by hundreds of rare, unique equipment pieces, meaning the game can go on indefinitely. Even to this day, Diablo II fans still spend hundreds – or even thousands – of hours online with their friends, killing bosses and clearing endgame levels. They search for the best and rarest items, or the even rarer runes, which can be assembled into equipment so powerful (and so full of new, strange abilities) that it can change the experience of the game entirely. And if a player's sorceress finds a few pieces of high-end barbarian gear, that player can trade it – or decide to play a barbarian, gaining a fresh perspective on the game.
Inspired by *Civilization II*'s tech trees, *Diablo II* created skill trees, providing three specialisations to each class.
《暗黑破坏神 2:狱火重生(Diablo II: Resurrected)》是《暗黑破坏神 2》的 2021 年重制版,增加了现代图形和一些便捷的功能,如物品自动拾取和更大的储物空间等。
Diablo II: Resurrected is a 2021 remaster of Diablo II, adding modern graphics and some quality of life features, such as item auto-pickup and bigger stashes.
《暗黑破坏神 2》的成功预示着它的重复可玩性将成为《魔兽世界(World of Warcraft)》和其他 MMORPG 游戏的典范。一名老玩家在通关后花费的时间要远远多于他们通关花费的时间,且只有一小部分人会达到角色等级上限。《暗黑破坏神 2》的终幕致敬了开发者喜欢的超硬核 roguelike 类游戏,比如《安格班德(Angband)》和《摩瑞亚(Moria)》。当然,《暗黑破坏神 2》仍然可以让休闲玩家无需重复数周目就能获得额外的游戏乐趣。
评论者对《暗黑破坏神 2》的最好评判就是回应历史的选择。它吸引了当时所有的砍杀类(hack-and-slash)RPG 玩家与 rougelike 玩家。如果销售量和对游戏不灭的热情能够作为一个衡量标准的话,这个游戏对与每一种类型的游戏玩家都是有意义的。大多数游戏都不能做到对某一游戏品类做出贡献,更不用说能对两类游戏都做出巨大影响了。
重返地狱火(Back to Hellfire):旨在重现最初《暗黑破坏神》,可以改变职业,技能,音乐等。
暗影王国(Le Royaume des Ombres):提供了新世界,新技能,任务,怪物,秘籍制作和超过 2000 个新道具。
地狱释放(Hell Unleashed):增强游戏性,增加地牢的面积,增加更强大的敌人,使 Boss 战更复杂。
魔电 XL(Median XL):《暗黑破坏神 2》最受欢迎的模组之一,彻底改变了技能,增加了独特的道具,增加了各种各样升级了 AI 的新怪物。也制作了新的任务和挑战给富有经验的老玩家。
In this, Diablo II prefigures the kind of long endgame that would become the norm in World of Warcraft and many other MMORPGs. A veteran player will spend far more time playing max-level content than they will in getting to that point, and only a very small group will ever get up to the character level-cap. The endgame of Diablo II recalls the ultra-hardcore roguelikes the developers enjoyed, especially Angband and Moria. Yet, it still allows for more casual gamers to squeeze some extra enjoyment out of the endgame without having to commit to weeks of repetition.
The best judgment that a reviewer can offer about Diablo II is simply to echo history's own judgement. It introduced an entire generation of players to both the hack-and-slash RPG and the roguelike. If the sales figures and continued enthusiasm for the game are any measure, the game has something in it for every kind of player. Most games cannot say the same about one genre, let alone two.
Back to Hellfire: Aims to recreate the experience of the original Diablo, changing classes, skills, music, etc.
Le Royaume des Ombres: A huge, total modification, it offers a new world to explore, new skills, quests, monsters, crafting recipes and over 2,000 new items.
Hell Unleashed: Enhances the game, increasing the size of dungeons, adding new tougher enemies and making boss fights more complex.
Median XL: One of the most popular Diablo II mods, it completely change the skills, adds various new monsters with reworked AI and new unique items, plus “uberquests” and challenges for veteran players.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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