与最初构想相比,这款游戏最后遭到大幅删减(当然,所有游戏都是这样),但我们自始至终都没想过删掉叙事者模式这个设定。我们一直想要将这个机制引入如今的 RPG 世界,而《吸血鬼:避世血族》这个玩法恰到好处的游戏就是最好的载体。
The game is scaled back from the very early designs (as any game is), but storyteller mode was not something that we would have considered cutting. This was something that we wanted to introduce to the RPG world, and there's no better property for this type of moderated gameplay than Vampire: The Masquerade.
Ray Gresko,
《救赎》项目负责人Ray Gresko,
Redemption's project lead

“叙事者模式”(storyteller mode)下,玩家们在一名人类 GM 的主持下开展多人游戏,致敬往昔桌游。
Storyteller mode allows for multiplayer campaigns controlled by a human GM, in a throwback to the tabletop games.
每名血族都有通用异能[[5](如进食,Feeding),还有各个氏族所对应的专属异能。《救赎》有超过十支不同的氏族,每个氏族最多能解锁五种不同的异能。你可以化身为狼、喷射火球;掌握隐形术、召唤术;习得迅捷术(Celerity),血焰术[6] (Cauldron of Blood)等等。组合搭配多种异能,其乐无穷。对角色来说,所搭配异能的重要性丝毫不逊色于手里的武器,有时甚至比后者更重要。
道具和敌人也是千奇百怪。从剑、钉锤,再到现代的火枪与火焰喷射器,每种武器都会对敌人产生不同的效果。除了血族敌人外,玩家还会遇到敌对的人类、鬼魂、以及黑暗世界(World of Darkness)设定里的其他怪物——狼人可能是最难对付的怪物。虽然这款游戏难度不大,但许多 Boss 都很棘手,他们能频频施放高等级异能,大量消耗你的补给品。

Every vampire gets basic disciplines (such as feeding) but also more exotic ones linked to his/her clan. In Redemption, there are more than ten of those and each one unlocks up to five different powers. You get wolf form, fireballs, invisibility, summoning, celerity, cauldron of blood, etc. Combinations are pretty fun, and tailoring the disciplines used by your characters usually ends up being as important as the weapon they use, maybe more.
Items and enemies are pretty varied: swords and spiked maces turn into guns and flamethrowers in the modern era, each class of weapons affecting enemies differently. Non-vampiric enemies range from humans and ghosts to other monstrosities from the World of Darkness – the Werewolf probably being the nastiest of all. While the game isn't very difficult, bosses are tough, usually spamming high-end disciplines and draining most of your resources.

The game offers a wild variety of powers, armour, weapons and companions, both medieval and modern.
先不提口碑两极化的游戏玩法,《救赎》的美术风格一以贯之,画面氛围感很强。除了稍显滑稽的“积木手”[7] 外,整体来说,游戏画面经得起时代考验。游戏音乐让人毛骨悚然,游戏原声带制作精良。由于游戏分为古代线与现代线两部分,开发团队雇佣了两个风格不同的艺术家负责游戏作曲,这也让音乐成为了这部作品的一大亮点。中世纪的背景音乐黑暗阴森,而现代线的音乐则带有浓郁的泰克诺舞曲(Techno)风,说唱味儿十足。
《救赎》的多人模式很新颖,不过玩过这一模式的玩家可谓寥寥无几。它力图还原传统桌游的“跑团”模式,由一位全知全能的“叙事者”(Storyteller)作为房主,主导游戏进程,超过一年后,采用类似模式的《无冬之夜(Neverwinter Nights)》方才问世。“叙事者”可以在多人模式下无所不能:增设怪物、发放道具、赋予经验值等。可惜的是,该模式只有两个内置场景,也没有好用的桌游工具[8] 。
救赎年代 2014(The Age of Redemption 2014):玩家们可以联机完成原作的单人剧情任务
黑暗之中(Within the Darkness):大型 mod,更忠实其桌游原型的规则设定。
The polarising gameplay aside, Redemption succeeded in offering a nice atmosphere through a coherent art direction. Graphics have aged well, except the blocky-handed characters, and offer a nice vision of the World of Darkness. Sound design is creepy as hell and the soundtrack is fantastic. Composed by two different artists to follow the story's division, music is probably one of the best in the genre. The medieval bits are dark and dreary while the modern elements rely on techno and rap vibes.
Only experienced by a few people, Redemption's multiplayer was extremely original. More than a year before Neverwinter Nights, it tried to recreate the tabletop experience with an omnipotent storyteller as a host. The storyteller could change everything in the multiplayer sessions: add monsters, props, give experience points, etc. Unfortunately, only two scenarios were built within the core game and no user-friendly toolkits were given to the players.
Redemption is a schizophrenic game using a well-thought-out universe and a compelling narrative to promote a Diablo variation. It is definitively a good game and is worth a look. If you manage to bypass the boring tutorial dungeon, then you will definitively enjoy yourself.
The Age of Redemption 2014: Allows you to play the game's single-player campaign in multiplayer.
Within the Darkness: A huge mod that attempts to be more faithful to the source tabletop game.
More mods can be found at: www.planetvampire.com
5 译者注:所有血族都拥有 7 个通用异能,进食(Feed,即吸血,在不杀死对方的情况下吸取对方的鲜血)、血之愈(Blood Healing,消耗血池中的血量,来恢复自身生命值,等级越高恢复效果越好,甚至还能清除疾病等负面效果)、血之力(Blood Strength,消耗血量暂时强化力量)、血之敏(Blood Dexterity,消耗血量暂时强化敏捷)、血之耐(Blood Stamina,消耗血量暂时强化耐力)、复生术(Awaken,让濒死或沉睡的同伴复生)、深渊穿梭(Walk the Abyss,创造双向传送门,让庇护所与当前所在地区相连,传送门会被魔法手段干扰,甚至中断)。
6 译者注:血焰术,是奇术(Thaumaturgy)的一种。奇术由辛摩尔族(Tremere)创立并掌控。辛摩尔族的初代是渴望获得永生之力的人类魔法师,他们通过炼金术、魔法与血族长老之血获得永生之力,后来结合人类魔法与永生之血的力量创造出奇术。奇术按“道”(Path)划分,每条大道分为五个等级。而血焰术正是血之道的五级法术,让目标的血液在血管里如炉子里的开水般沸腾,最后化为火焰,威力极大。
7 译者注:blocky hands,积木手,即角色的手看起来像是一个个方块堆砌而成,这是由于早期技术限制的一大体现。
8 译者注:桌游工具,tabletop game toolkits,以前玩纸笔桌游时往往需要一些道具予以辅助,如计时器(simple timer),摇点器(dice roller)等
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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