The basic idea was that I wanted a game where you could make this horde of creatures to serve you, and care for them or let them get slaughtered according to your whim. I had to think of what sort of people could gain this power, and how they would treat it. And then I thought about how they would interact with the world around them, and, more importantly, how they would interact with the creatures they make. And that's where the plot came from.
Jeff Vogel,
Spiderweb Software 创始人Jeff Vogel,
Founder of Spiderweb Software

You can use Shaper magic to create creatures, in whatever fashion fits your playstyle best.
这种自由度正是《基因制造》真正的闪光点。你的抉择,从角色构建到与 NPC 交流,最终都真正地影响到了游戏中的世界。一个角色的家乡可能会是另一个玩家的敌营。是想不惜一切代价获得力量还是只做你认为是对的事情?只要你想,你就能获得各种力量,前提是你足够强大或者足够狡猾。当你看着自己的造物逐渐成长,自己的魔法日益变强,自己的战技日渐精进,你一定会获得力量上的满足感。

苏西亚岛(Sucia Island)地形辽阔。探图模式是节点式的,要找到隐藏区域可得下一番功夫。
This, in my opinion, is where the game truly shines. Your choices, both in character build and NPC interaction, have tangible consequences in the game world. What is one player's hometown is another's enemy fortress. Do you consume power at all costs, or do you try to do what you think is right? All options are available, and power is yours for the taking if you are strong enough or cunning enough. The sense of power, as I mentioned earlier, is satisfying as your entourage of creatures grows, your magic gets more powerful, and your combat skills improve.
The choices continue to lead up to the ending of the game. There are several endings possible, and not just of the “last-minute good or evil” type. Your choices throughout the game lead up to a set of ending slides, which describe the impact of your choices. Again, the game does not disappoint: “good” choices do not always lead to the outcome that you might think.

Sucia Island is massive, and exploration is node-based. You'll have to search carefully to find hidden areas.
画质增强版 mod(The Graphics Enhancement mod)替换了游戏原先不成熟的 UI 设计,修改了一些图像问题并更新了些生物。
The Graphics Enhancement mod replaces Geneforge's amateurish UI, fixes graphical inconsistencies and updates some of its sprites.
对我而言,此作作为系列第一部作品只是一个伟大系列的起点。游戏制作者 Jeff Vogel 想要做的是横跨五部游戏的宏大故事。游戏的体验过程中既有高潮也有低谷,但总体而言《基因制造》带给了我一段绝佳的体验和一个发生在光怪陆离的世界中的绝妙故事。
2020 年,Spiderweb 在 Kickstarter 上启动了 Geneforge 1 - Mutagen 众筹,这是第一个游戏的重制版。它筹集了 85,141 美元,于 2021 年发布,适用于 Windows、Mac 和 iPad。

For me, the first game was just a starting point of a wonderful series. What creator Jeff Vogel has done with this series is create a coherent story of the Shapers that spans all five games. There are highs and lows along the way, but taken in total they provided me with a wonderful experience, and a fantastic story of a strange world.
Throughout the series, the choices continued to provoke my thoughts about the morality involving the control of power, and whether ends of containing deadly power or ending unjust slavery justify whatever means necessary. By the end of the five-game series, I had become attached to the world of the Shapers, and sad to see the journey end.
The Geneforge games, like both Fallout and Arcanum, impress me as games where not only does the player explore the world, but the player shapes the world.
In 2020 Spiderweb kickstarted Geneforge 1 - Mutagen, a remaster of the first game. It raised $85,141 USD and was released in 2021, for Windows, Mac and iPads.

The remaster adds new content and streamlines some systems, but still has no music and the UI lacks quality-of-life features.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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