无冬金库(The Neverwinter Vault):
IGN(Imagine Games Network)在 2002 年主导建立了正式的无冬金库(《无冬之夜》的 mod 库),但是在 2014 年被毫无征兆地关闭了。一群粉丝努力保存了其中数千款 mod,模组(Modules)和自制内容,并将它们搬到新无冬金库里——这是个资源宝库,有许多爱好者自制的优秀作品。下面推荐一些目前可以玩到的优质 mod 和模组:
Pretty Good Character Creator, PGC3:这款方便的角色编辑器可自由调整角色等级,更换装备并自定义角色,经调试后加入其它模组。
Aribeth's Redemption:作者 Daniel Mute,围绕《无冬之夜》原版高人气角色艾瑞贝斯(Aribeth)的续写故事。在如何描绘 RPG 的浪漫问题上属于教科书般的存在。
Almraiven 和Shadewood:作者 Fester Pot,为法师量身定制的极佳模组。
The Aielund Saga:作者 Savant,由 7 个史诗般的冒险组成。《无冬之夜》的原版理应也是这个水平。
Revenant:作者 McV,一个创意十足且质量上乘的模组,玩家扮演一个试图解开被谋杀之谜的不死亡魂。
Cave of Songs,Honor among Thieves 和The Prophet Trilog:作者 Baldecaran,《无冬之夜》所有模组里的最佳叙事担当(通常故事基调是灰暗、悲剧性的),是 Vault 中数一数二的作品。
Sands of Fate:作者 John McA,为高等级人物制作的三部曲,玩家可以从 25 级升到 40 级。确实得感谢《幽城魔影》(Hordes of the Underdark)或其它用高等级角色开局的系列游戏的制作人,为如何制作同类型游戏指明了方向。
Tales of Arterra:作者 Kevin Chan,质量极佳的两部曲,致敬了许多经典 RPG,如《博德之门(Baldur's Gate)》和《异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)》。
Swordflight:作者 Rougeknigh333,一个极具野心,不断推陈出新的系列作品,有几大特点:充满挑战性的策略战斗,经典地牢探险模式,海量的游戏内容、针对职业,种族与阵营设计的支线任务和丰富的角色扮演体验。
Defense of Fort Tremagne:作者 Guthlac,上佳的角色扮演与战斗体验,一款优秀的模组。
Saleron's Gambit:作者 Tiberius209,由五款高质量模组构成、面向低等级角色的系列作品,因其“低魔世界”而著称。讲述了许多《被遗忘的国度》(Forgotten Realms)的故事,在设定上能看到些类似《博德之门》等经典 RPG 的影子。
只要是喜爱《被遗忘的国度》的人都不该错过 Alazander 制作的三个模组,口碑最好的是第二个:Crimson Tides of Tehyr。
Steve B. 的Blackguard,Yaballa 的Sapphire Star,Commche 的Shadows of Darkmoon,Balkoth 的A Peremptory Summons,Siege of the Heavens 提供了充满挑战性的战斗,献给希望测试下自己战斗技巧的玩家。
大量的 P&P* 游戏也转变成了《无冬之夜》的模组。如果你有一个特别喜爱的 P&P 游戏,那么便有可能在《无冬之夜》里找到一个它的电子版本。推荐一些这类型的佳作:SirOtus 的C2: The Ghost Tower of Inverness 和S4:The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth;Rich Barker 的N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God;Heresiologist 的 UK2: The Sentinel;Ghool 的 S1: Tomb of Horrors。
永恒的世界(Persistent Worlds):
《无冬之夜》的一些模组支持线上运行,就像一个小型 MMO,最大支持 96 位玩家在线。
由 GM 组成的团队时刻引导着游戏,添加新的任务,扩展游戏内容。这样的模组被称为“永恒的世界”。尽管距《无冬之夜》发售已过了 10 多年,仍然有许多世界可供游玩。你可以在以下网址查看所有可用的在线世界:https://www.nwnlist.com/
- 译者注:Paper and pen,即纸笔游戏,P&P 相较于 D&D 更注重简化与趣味性。
The Neverwinter Vault:
The official Neverwinter Nights Vault was hosted by IGN since 2002, but was shut down without warning in 2014. Thousands of mods, modules and fan-made content hosted there were only saved by the effort of a group of fans, who now host them at the new Neverwinter Vault – an invaluable resource, full of excellent fan-made adventures. Here are some of the best mods and modules you can play today:
Pretty Good Character Creator (PGC3) This handy trainer allow you to freely level up, equip and customise your character, testing it and preparing for other modules.
Aribeth's Redemption by Daniel Muth is kind of a sequel to NWN's OC, focusing on Lady Aribeth. An example of how RPG romances should be written.
Almraiven and Shadewood by Fester Pot are extraordinary modules designed specifically for mages.
The Aielund Saga by Savant is a six-part epic module. The NWN OCs should have been something like this.
Black Thorn by El Dano represents an innovative use of the NWN toolset to make a murder mystery game.
Revenant by McV is another innovative, high-quality module in which one plays as an undead revenant attempting to solve his own murder.
Cave of Songs, Honor among Thieves and The Prophet Trilogy by Baldecaran includes some of the best (if usually grim and tragic) storytelling in NWN modules, and are generally among the best the Vault has to offer.
Sands of Fate by John McA is a trilogy for epic characters, which will take you from Level 25+ all the way to 40. Great for those who completed Hordes of the Underdark, or some other series taking you to the beginnings of epic levels, and are wondering what to do with their epic-level character.
Tales of Arterra by Kevin Chan is a high-quality two-part module series, with many allusions to classic RPGs like Baldur's Gate and Planescape: Torment.
Swordflight by Rogueknight333 is an ambitious, ongoing series featuring challenging tactical combat, old-school dungeon-crawling, extensive content and side-quests specific to class, race, and alignment, and numerous role-playing opportunities.
Defense of Fort Tremagne by Guthlac is an excellent module combining good combat and role-playing.
Saleron's Gambit by Tiberius209 is a series of five highquality modules for low-level characters, notable for its “low magic” approach. It is filled with Forgotten Realms lore and allusions of other classic games in that setting such as Baldur's Gate.
Alazander's three modules should also not be overlooked by fans of the Forgotten Realms, with the second in the series, Crimson Tides of Tethyr, probably being the best.
The Blackguard series by Steve B., Sapphire Star by Yaballa, Shadows of Darkmoon by Commche, and A Peremptory Summons and Siege of the Heavens by Balkoth offer some very challenging combat to players looking to test their tactical skills.
Numerous P&P modules have also been converted into NWN modules. If there is a P&P adventure of which you have fond memories, there are good odds of finding an NWN version of it. Some of the best conversions are C2: The Ghost Tower of Inverness and S4: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth by SirOtus, N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God by Rich Barker, UK2: The Sentinel, by Heresiologist, and S1: Tomb of Horrors by Ghool.
Persistent Worlds:
Some of NWN's modules are designed to run online, like a small-scale MMO, with up to 96 players and a team of GMs that continuously directs play, adds new quests and expands the game. These are called persistent worlds. While it's been over 10 years since NWN's release, there are still many persistent worlds around. You can find a listing and status of all active ones here: https://nwnlist.herokuapp.com/
第二个优点是由玩家与 mod 制作者们建立的社区,社区成员就是现成的体验者与反馈者,其中不乏有许多习惯游玩模块化和可定制化游戏的 D&D 玩家。
Had I been making an indie game, those would, realistically, have been mutually exclusive goals. Using the NWN toolset allowed me to spend my limited time working on the actual “meat” of the game, designing quests and encounters, writing dialogue, etc., and not waste it reinventing the wheel by designing a basic game system from scratch.
Second is the existence of an established community of players and modders who provide a ready-made audience and source of feedback for NWN toolset products, including many D&D players who are accustomed to playing a modular and customisable game.
如需要《无冬之夜》及其 mod 的安装帮助或更多的模组推荐,请前往:Lilura's excellent intro guide and blog posts
If you need help installing Neverwinter Nights and its mods, or want further module recommendations, then check Lilura's excellent intro guide and blog posts.
This community is, alas, not as large these days as it once was, but still has the potential to greatly simplify the task of actually finding players for one's experiments in game-making. Players, too, can benefit from having an established and well-documented game system that does not require them to learn a completely new set of rules every time they start a new game.
The toolset is, in short, an extraordinary tool that has produced extraordinary results. You do not need to take my word for this, as countless high-quality modules can be found on the Neverwinter Vault.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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