The story offers a glimpse into Chinese culture, but the translation is wonky and the voice acting is quite bad.

Classes have a linear progression, but there’s a bit of wiggle room to customize your attributes and skills.

It’s important to carefully consider the elements of each character and enemy, as they’ll heavily impact battles.

In Seal of Evil, the prequel, you play as Lan Wei, who must find who killed her father and stop an impending war.
优秀的打造系统是游戏的一大特色:扶苏可以打造附魔的武器和装备,通常要比在冒险过程中你发现的许多特殊物品要更强大一些。你在游戏中做出的决定也会导致一些变化,因为可用的 NPC 阵容会受到你的选择的影响[5] 。由于 NPC 阵容的多样性,以及掉落战利品和制造物品的随机性,队伍的最终构成将因不同的游玩过程而产生难以置信的差异。
游戏中还有另外四种职业类型,比如名字非常贴切的力士(Muscleman),这类角色擅长近战和召唤生物来帮助战斗;刺客(Assassin)是一种很有用的远程战斗人员,具有部署陷阱的技能;而术士(Wizard)则是运用五行元素之力的施咒者(spell-slinger),从队伍的后方发射法术炮弹,但稍有不同的是,术士还可以治疗伤害和消除状态效果;最后是巫师(Witch)[6] ,该类角色一样可以从远处释放魔法冲击,但同时也有能力在战斗中为你的同伴提供增益。
The game features an excellent crafting system in which Fu Su can produce magical-infused weapons and equipment, often quite a bit more powerful than many special items you find during the course of the adventure. The decisions you make during the course of the adventure will also create some variation as the cast of NPCs available will be affected by your choices. Due to the diverse cast of NPCs available, and the randomness of dropped loot and created artifacts, the final composition of the party is going to vary incredibly from game to game.
There are four more character classes, such as the well-named Muscleman, who specializes in melee combat and the summoning of creatures to help fight in battle. The Assassin character class is a helpful ranged combatant with trap springing skills, and the Wizard is your elemental-based spell slinger, firing artillery blasts from the back of the party formation, but in a twist he can also heal damage and status effects. Finally, there is the Witch who can also fire magical blasts from afar, but also has the capability of buffing your companions in battle.
《秦殇》也有一个多人游戏模式,在这种模式里玩家可以进行一场单独的(且更简单的)战役,该模式支持多达 500 名玩家以类似 MMO 的方式进行游戏。多人模式在中国这一主要市场取得的成功,促使了《天骄- 秦殇世界(Prince of Qin Online - The Overlord of Conquerors,2003 年)》独立扩展版的发布——后来改名为《秦殇世界(World of Qin)》。
目标软件(Object Software)[7] 后来继续推出了一部伟大的单机前传《秦殇前传:复活(Seal of evil,2004 年)》,其中加入了更多的魔法元素和一段描绘秦帝国建立的剧情故事;以及《天骄 2(World of Qin 2,2005 年)》,一款发展成熟的 MMO 游戏[8] 。
Although you are limited to five characters, you are not forced to have each character class represented in the party, and so you could have two Paladins, two Wizards and a Witch if you really wanted to roll that way. Without a Wizard, you have no healing magic and must really on different types of food to replenish health. Without an Assassin of appropriate skill, you will not be able to open every chest and find some of the uniquely powerful in game items.
Prince of Qin also came with a multiplayer mode, where you could play a separate (and simpler) campaign, which could support up to 500 players playing in a MMO-like fashion. Its success, mainly in China, led to the release of the online-only standalone expansion Prince of Qin Online - The Overlord of Conquerors (2003) – later renamed World of Qin.
Object Software would still a great single-player prequel called Seal of Evil (2004), with more magical elements and a story showcasing events that led to the creation of the Qin Empire, and World of Qin 2 (2005), a full-fledged MMO.
5 译者注:游戏中让 NPC 加入队伍常常需要完成各种各样的前置条件,而且队伍中不同的人对结局也会有不同的影响。
6 译者注:这里的各个职业翻译使用的都是游戏中的名称,与英文表达稍有出入,比如这里 Witch 直译是女巫而游戏里的名称是巫师。但实际上这里的英文表达并没有问题,因为在游戏中术士角色均为男性,而巫师角色均为女性。
7 译者注:目标软件(北京)有限公司成立于 1995 年,《秦殇》的开发商
8 译者注:因为网游运营策略的缘故,导致这些游戏的命名非常混乱。《秦殇》的开发商目标软件先是将《秦殇》网络版交由欢乐时代公司运营,即《天骄-秦殇世界》,后来又将运营权收回,改名为《秦殇世界》,随着版本更迭又改名为《新天骄》,《天骄 2》是新故事背景下的另一款网络游戏。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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