我觉得我们在剧情中设置的反转非常成功,其冲击力堪比达斯· 维德(Darth Vader)对卢克(Luke)说‘我就是你的父亲’。我们在设计反转类剧情时也参考了有着优秀反转的电影《第六感(The Sixth Sense)》。我们从这部电影中学到的经验之一是你必须留有足够的线索,使得大部分玩家可以在反转被正式揭露前就对其存在有所预感。如果前期没有埋下足够的线索,反转就是失败的。
I thought we managed to pull off a twist that almost had the same impact as when Darth Vader revealed to Luke that he was his father. We used The Sixth Sense as a guide for how a good twist was pulled off. One of the lessons from that movie was that you had to leave enough clues that a sizeable percentage of the audience would figure out the twist before you revealed it. If you didn't leave enough clues, then the twist
would ring false.James Ohlen
《星球大战:旧共和国武士》首席设计师James Ohlen,
Star Wars:KotOR's lead designer

这部游戏的角色扮演体验是 BioWare 作品中最棒的之一,尤其是在你学会使用原力之后。
The role-playing options are some of the best among BioWare's games, especially once you learn how to use the Force.
游戏提供了一些不同的技能,但技能的选择显得无关紧要。因为敌人既没有强大的防护手段,也缺乏有力的反击能力,随便哪个技能都可以很好地对付他们。因此你没必要在遭遇战中调整战术,也鲜少需要进行治疗。所有的遭遇战都差不多,直到遇到最后的 boss 时难度陡然上升。尽管问题很多,但游戏中用剑(和光剑)对战的动画是一流的,这绝对是战斗系统中最出彩的部分。
游戏音轨由知名作曲家 Jeremy Soule 负责,在充满感染力的同时又有着精妙优美的旋律。它既贴合游戏主题,又触动了玩家的情感,还充满了《星球大战》所特有的感觉。
The game offers a few different skills, but their choice is irrelevant, as any will work well enough against the enemies, who lack strong resistances or hard counters. Thus, there's no need for a change of tactics during encounters, and only sporadically will you use some healing. All encounters practically play themselves until the final boss, when there's a radical spike in difficulty. Keeping all weakness in mind, the sword/lightsaber fighting animations are top-notch – definitely combat's strongest aspect.
The soundtrack was composed by the famous Jeremy Soule and it's full of pathos, yet subtly melodic. It's fitting for the game and manages to touch player emotions while feeling very Star Wars-y.
Overall, KotOR achieves everything it wanted to achieve. We may sometimes be disappointed that it didn't aim higher, but that would be foolish, as it does provide a great experience. Besides, any desire for something more ambitious can be sated by its sequel.
游戏完美地还原了《星球大战》的感觉,我也强烈推荐那些比起战斗更在意故事和对话的玩家尝试这款游戏。《旧共和国武士》也很适合作为新玩家接触的第一款 RPG 作品,因为它温和地向玩家呈现了这类游戏的常见内容和情感体验。
兄弟会之影——所罗门的复仇(Brotherhood of Shadow - Solomon's Revenge):一个惊艳的饭制扩展,增加了海量的新内容,像是道具和任务,甚至还有一个新的同伴。
雅文四号星(Yavin IV Planet Mod)[1] :加入了一个可供探索的新星球,还有精妙的新故事线和支线任务。
格里夫 · 文德的绝地学徒扮演模组(Grif Vindh's Roleplay Padawan Mod):允许你以绝地学徒的身份开始游戏,还能跳过大量的新手教程。尤其适合在多周目游戏时使用。
光剑七式(Lightsaber Forms):在游戏中加入了七种风格迥异的光剑剑法,每种都有其独特的优势。
The feeling of Star Wars is very strong with this one, and it's a game I highly recommend for anyone who prioritises story and dialogue above combat. Knights of the Old Republic also serves quite well as a first RPG, gently introducing new players to the genre conventions and sensibilities.
Brotherhood of Shadow - Solomon’s Revenge: An amazing fan-made expansion, adds tons of new content, such as items, quests and even a companion.
Yavin IV Planet Mod: Adds a new planet for you to explore, with a new dedicated storyline and quests.
Grif Vindh’s Roleplay Padawan Mod: Allows you to start the game as a Jedi Padawan and skip a good chunk of the game’s long tutorial. Great for a replay.
Lightsaber Forms: Adds the seven lightsaber combat styles to the game, each with unique advantages.
1 译者注:这颗星球也是《星球大战 4:新希望》中义军基地的所在地。

游戏系统基于《星球大战角色扮演游戏(Star Wars Role-playing Game)》,还用到了龙与地下城(D&D)的 d20 系统,再加上道德条。
The game is based on the Star Wars Role-playing Game and uses D&D’s d20 system, plus a morality bar.

There are three mini-games in SW:KotOR: swoop racing, space turret battles and the popular Pazaak card game.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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