毫无疑问,《电子世界争霸战 2.0》的艺术和关卡设计师团队成功抓住了《电子世界争霸战》的精髓。游戏中人物和环境不仅仅与电影中展现的内容相符,其表现甚至在有些情况下超过了它们。《电子世界争霸战 2.0》的艺术方向作为游戏的主要特性可以说是尤为出色,特别是相较于最近流行的超写实军事游戏,《电子世界争霸战 2.0》可以说是一个新鲜的替代品。
Without a doubt, the artists and level designers on the TRON 2.0 team successfully captured the essence of TRON. Not only do the characters and environments look like those found in the movie, but in some cases surpass them. The art direction of TRON 2.0 really stands out as one of the primary attributes of the game, especially with the recent trend toward hyper-realistic military games. TRON 2.0 is a fresh alternative.
Frank Rooke
《电子世界争霸战 2.0》首席游戏设计师Frank Rooke,
TRON 2.0's lead game designer

在《电子世界争霸战 2.0》中,所有的一切都紧扣主题。你需要花费能量从档案箱中下载物品,而不是直接拾取道具。其中的一些档案箱甚至含有病毒。
Everything in TRON 2.0 is well-tied to the theme. Instead of looting items, you download them from archive bins at the cost of energy. Some of those can even contain a virus.
游戏会在持续的 FPS 环节中偶尔插入模拟电影中相同要素的光轮摩托(Light Cycle)比赛。但它在赛道上加入了可被玩家拾取的道具,以此添加了策略和运气的成分来帮助玩家击败 AI 对手。
游戏的环境很巧妙地在向经典《电子世界争霸战》电影致敬的同时加入了更加丰富的细节。Monolith 对高光效果的使用富有开创性且及其广泛。它重现了电影中著名的霓虹效果,而不仅仅是一个噱头。游戏征求了两位来自原版《电子世界争霸战》电影的概念艺术家:Richard Taylor 和 Syd Mead 的意见,同时原电影的导演 Steven Lisberger 也参与了游戏故事的创作(未署名)。
游戏的配乐不仅优秀,也相当忠于原作。其主题曲的灵感来自《电子世界争霸战》电影作曲家 Wendy Carlos 的作品。
The continuous FPS action is occasionally broken up by Light Cycle races that very closely emulate the ones seen in the TRON movies. But it introduces power-ups that can be picked up by the player on the grid, adding new elements of strategy and luck in helping to defeat AI Light Cycle opponents.
The environments brilliantly walk the fine line between paying homage to classic TRON, while at the same time updating them with a richer, more detailed look. Monolith's pioneering and extensive use of Bloom here is more than just a gimmick, reproducing the neon glow the film is known for. Two conceptual artists from the original TRON movie, Richard Taylor and Syd Mead, were consulted; and the movie's director, Steven Lisberger, had an (uncredited) involvement in the creation of the game's story.
The excellent soundtrack is also quite faithful, with themes that use the work of TRON's original composer, Wendy Carlos, as a motif.
当时曾有计划推出《电子世界争霸战 2.0》的一个扩展包和《电子世界争霸战 3.0》游戏,但后来由于《创:战纪(TRON Legacy)》的电影与其同步推出游戏导致计划被取消。
An expansion for TRON 2.0 and a TRON 3.0 game were planned, but later cancelled in favour of the TRON Legacy movie and its tie-in game.
所以如果你正在寻找一款不完全是 FPS,也不完全 RPG 的作品,同时其各个方面还是一封写给原版《电子世界争霸战》电影的情书,请给《电子世界争霸战 2.0》一个机会。对粉丝来说,这款充斥着计算机术语、巧妙的双关语和直接引用了原版电影的游戏是一款为大多数人所爱、印象深刻的作品。此外,由于游戏的背景设定和艺术风格,他并没有与许多其他游戏一样变得陈旧或过时。
网站 www.ldso.net 组建了一个社区论坛。他们的团队为 TRON 2.0 创建了许多适用于 Steam 和原始零售版本的模组。
《杀手应用》(Killer App)模组:
增加宽屏分辨率,恢复了破损的多人在线游戏,还包括了如 Xbox 独占内容在内的许多其他功能。
《用户错误》(User Error):
So if you're looking for a title that's not quite an FPS, not quite an RPG – and a love letter to the original TRON in every way – give TRON 2.0 a try. Littered with computer jargon, clever puns and direct references to the film, it's a fondly remembered favourite with most fans. Furthermore, thanks to its setting and art style, it hasn't aged or become dated in the same way many other titles do.
The site www.ldso.net hosts a community forum, and their team creates many of the mods for TRON 2.0 – both for Steam and the original retail release.
Killer App Mod: Adds widescreen resolutions, restores the broken online multiplayer, and many other features, including content that was exclusive to the Xbox.
User Error: A fan-made series of original single-player missions with new stories and protagonists.

The System Memory screen, where subroutines are managed and your stats are increased.

Light Cycle races are part of the campaign, but can also be played in tournaments with customisable rules.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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