我们都喜欢的一点是它的多样性。它从各类题材中都摄取了一些东西,并且将其整合为了一款非常棒的游戏。它不仅仅是回合制的太空战斗或是 RTS 版的机器人大战。它还是一款 RPG,允许你通过定制角色的能力来创造你想要的角色。它又是一款冒险游戏,你可以探索一个活生生的宇宙。它是一款有着一大堆细节和秘密等待着被人发现的游戏。
One of the things we really enjoy about it is the variety; it really pulls something from just about every genre out there and rolls it up into one really great game. It's not just about turn-based space combat, or RTS robot battles. It is an RPG with you customising your character's abilities to create just the character you want, it's an adventure game where you explore an immense living and breathing universe, it's a game that's packed with hidden details and things to discover!
David Mercer
《太空游侠 2》制作人David Mercer,
Space Rangers 2 producer

Space exploration and combat are turn-based, and you can contact allies and enemies at any time to trade, make requests or join forces.
在太空游戏的外表之下还有着许多精心设计的“支线游戏”。地面战斗中的载具战斗、塔防元素以及资源采集总会让人想起《命令与征服(Command & Conquer)》[1] 这类的 RTS 游戏。游戏中还有像 CYOA 那种基于文字描述的场景,内容从盗取飞船越狱到经营一家空中度假胜地皆有。
To do this, the character can take missions to hunt pirates or protect convoys. Alternatively, he or she can decide to be a miner of asteroids, a trader of commodities from planet to planet, or perhaps engage in a little of that piracy action.
There are also elaborate “side-games” inside the main space game. Ground combat missions hearken back to the RTS games like Command & Conquer, complete with vehicular combat, tower defense and resource-gathering. And the several CYOA text-based scenarios range from stealing a spaceship to escaping from prison or simply managing a sky resort.
Since there are so many various factions in the game and ways to interact with them, the player will find his popularity changing through his decisions. For instance, if he saves a member of a certain faction from a pirate attack, then the aided faction will trust the player more, while pirates will see him more as a threat and may start attacking him on sight.
《太空游侠 2》具备一种沙盒游戏的魅力。尽管游戏中的战斗和入侵事件是永无止境的,但支配者们也永远不会彻底征服银河系。因此玩家可以按照自己的节奏在宇宙中探索、做任务、升级、战斗以及发家致富,尽情享受这款充满魅力、危险却又有些疯狂的独特游戏。
2013 年 10 月,《太空游侠 2》的新版本《太空游侠 高清版:分裂战争》(Space Rangers HD: A War Apart)在 Steam 上发布。它添加了许多内容,如全新的文字冒险、任务、装备、行星战斗和一个关于银河系中海盗威胁的全新情节。
You truly get the feeling that the developers were themselves gamers that worked passionately to create something inspired by games that were popular when they were in school.
There is a sandbox charm to Space Rangers 2, as, despite the constant battles and invasions, the Dominators will never completely conquer the galaxy. Therefore, the player can take his time exploring, questing, upgrading, fighting and enriching at his own pace, enjoying this unique game, full of charm, danger and a sprinkle of zaniness.
HD Version:
In October 2013, a new version of Space Rangers 2 was released on Steam: Space Rangers HD: A War Apart. It adds a lot of content, such as new text adventures, quests, equipment, planetary battles and a new sub-plot regarding a pirate threat to the galaxy.
1 译者注:《命令与征服》系列是西木工作室(Westwood Studios)于 PC 上发行的经典 RTS 游戏,该系列第一作发布于1995年。

You’ll face amusing Choose Your Own Adventure mini-games, such as escaping prison or running an election.

当在星球上进行 RTS 战斗时,你可以设计自己的自定义部队,甚至直接操控他们。
When fighting RTS battles on planets, you can design your own custom troops and even directly control them.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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