我喜欢角色表现得就像是真人一样——当陌生人敲门的时候他们不会简简单单的来个‘嗨’,而是疑心重重的问‘你是谁啊’。他们会套你话或者隐瞒一些事情,或者他们压根不在乎这些事情。我是真的不喜欢 NPC 傻站着,玩家跟他们说话的时候他们就是活的,一旦跟他们说完话就变成死人了。以那些角色自己的角度来看,他们就是这个世界的主角。
I like the characters to come off like people actually do – they don't say ‘hi' when strangers come knocking, they say ‘who the hell are you?' or they're expecting you and know more then they let on, or they don't care. I don't like my NPCs to be standing around as if their lives begin when the character starts talking to them and end when the player leaves. Characters are the protagonists of their own game, from their perspective.
Brian Mitsoda
《吸血鬼:避世血族 – 血脉》编剧Brian Mitsoda,
VtM:Bloodlines' writer

Not only there are various dialogue skills such as Intimidate and Seduction, but all dialogues are completely different and twisted when playing as a Malkavian.
结合 Rik Schaffer 所创作的强劲音乐以及对于成人主题的成熟处理,你将体验到一个黑暗氛围的 RPG,完美地贴合了《黑暗世界(The World of Darkness)》的设定。
同样让人印象深刻的还有该游戏对于原作[5] 忠实程度之深。除了上面提到的末卡维氏族以及他们的独特对话以外,诺斯费拉图氏族(Nosferatu)[6] 也非常独特,这种丑陋的吸血鬼必须不计一切代价避免被人看到。他们无法正常与 NPC 沟通,这就迫使你需要巧妙地应用潜行技能。
尽管 Troika 仅仅在发布了两个官方修复补丁之后便倒闭,但是社区介入并制作了一个“非官方补丁”(Unofficial Patch),该补丁修复了大多数未解决的游戏漏洞,并且恢复了许多未完成的和被删减掉的内容,其中大部分都隐藏在游戏文件中。该补丁在游戏匆忙发售的十年后仍在更新中,多亏了这个补丁,《血脉》[7] 才真正成为了 Troika 的最终杰作!
Combine this with the powerful music of Rik Schaffer and the mature handling of adult themes and you get an atmospheric dark RPG that fits the World of Darkness setting perfectly!
Also impressive are the lengths the game goes to honour the source material. Besides the aforementioned Malkavians and their unique dialogues, there's the Nosferatu, hideous vampires that must avoid being seen at all costs and cannot communicate with NPCs normally, forcing you to make clever use of stealth.
Although Troika closed its doors after releasing only two official patches, the community stepped in and an Unofficial Patch appeared that fixed most of the open issues and restored a lot of unfinished or cut content, most of which was still hidden in the game files. The patch is still being updated ten years after the rushed release of the game and, with it, Bloodlines finally becomes the last masterpiece of Troika it deserves to be!
2014 年,一群粉丝开始了沃尔德雷项目(Project Vaulderie),试图将《血脉》用 Unity 引擎重置。可惜的是该项目收到一封来自 CCP Games 的中止信,因此不得不放弃开发。
In 2014, a group of fans began Project Vaulderie, an attempt to port Bloodlines over to the Unity Engine. Sadly, the project received a Cease and Desist letter from CCP Games and had to abandon development.
非官方补丁(Unofficial Patch):基本补丁修复了无数的游戏漏洞,而可选的添加补丁则恢复了大量被删减掉的内容,包括对话、任务、甚至地图。体验该游戏必不可少的补丁。
VtM:最后一夜(VtM: The Final Nights):一个由粉丝制作的拓展包,增加了七个新的氏族,新的戒律(discipline)[8]、NPC、物品、任务以及讨价还价系统和其他惊喜。
氏族任务模组(Clan Quest Mod):在游戏中添加了一系列任务,包括每个氏族都有一个的特殊任务
VtMB 密盟版(VtMB: Camarilla Edition)[9]:大改戒律运作方式,以及其他有趣的改变,像是你需要经常喝血来避免饥饿。
《血脉》反部族模组(Bloodlines: Antitribu Mod):一个大型模组,加入了七个新氏族,新的戒律和武器以及数百个角色,并对战斗和视觉效果做出了一些调整。强烈推荐。
Mods and Patches:
Unofficial Patch: The basic patch fixes countless bugs, and the optional plus patch restores a lot of cut content, including dialogues, quests and even maps. Mandatory for anyone trying to play the game.
VtM: The Final Nights: A fan-made expansion pack that adds 7 new clans, new disciplines, NPCs, items, quests, a haggle system and other surprises.
Clan Quest Mod: Adds a series of quests to the game, including one quest specific to each clan.
VtMB: Camarilla Edition: Overhauls how Disciplines work and other interesting changes such as making you constantly need to drink blood to avoid starving.
Bloodlines: Antitribu Mod: A large mod that adds seven new clans, new disciplines and weapons and hundreds of new characters, plus several tweaks to the combat and visuals. Highly recommended.
5 译者注:该游戏基于 White Wolf,Inc. 推出的《黑暗世界》系列桌面游戏规则。
6 译者注:诺斯费拉图氏族也是十三个吸血鬼氏族之一,特点是外貌扭曲,无法像其他吸血鬼一样潜藏在人类社会中。
7 译者注:《赛博朋克 2077(Cyberpunk 2077)》开发人员称该游戏受《血脉》影响极大,因此其本计划对标《血脉 2》,但是很可惜《血脉 2》无限延期了。
8 译者注:戒律(Discipline)指吸血鬼掌握的超自然力量,也被翻译成血律、血术或异能。
9 译者注:密盟(Camarilla)是一个吸血鬼组织,由七个氏族组成,最初是为了应对宗教审判庭对吸血鬼的捕杀而成立。密盟的最高宗旨就是“避世”,规定吸血鬼必须隐匿于人类社会,不得暴露身份,以免导致族群的生存危机。

Melee combat is done in third-person mode, but the game switches to first-person when you equip guns.

The game offers various amusing side-quests, most of them with various different approaches and solutions.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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