A lot of it came from deep-rooted feelings and opinions about the Star Wars franchise, both positive and negative, and especially what it would feel like to be a Jedi or Sith in that universe. I've always had an issue with the Force because of its predestination aspects, and I wonder if any Jedi or Sith would ever want to rebel against it entirely... and if they'd be willing to give up their ties to the Force
(and all that power) to do it.Chris Avellone
《旧共和国武士 2》首席设计师Chris Avellone,
KotoR 2's lead designer

Kreia is one of the most memorable characters in gaming, and brings a unique perspective to the Star Wars universe.
游戏的音乐只能用优秀来形容。Mark Griskey 成功地衬托出了游戏的黑暗基调,在保持了《星球大战》音乐所应该具有的那种独特气质的同时传达出了每个场景希望营造的氛围。
遗憾的是,由于发行商意向的突然变动,Obsidian 不得不提前中止开发过程,发布了一个未完成而且满是 bug 的版本。最初发布的版本中删减了相当多的内容,但在多年的努力之后,mod 制作者们奇迹般地让这部分游戏内容再现于世。
If writing is The Sith Lords' highlight, combat is its weakest aspect. It hasn't changed much from its predecessor, except that the new skills are massively unbalanced – which has its good sides, as it enables players to get through encounters faster. The crafting system, on the other hand, has been greatly expanded and polished, providing many customisation options and allowing for power gaming, which manages to squeeze some additional fun from the combat.
The soundtrack is nothing short of excellent. Mark Griskey's work successfully complements the game's dark undertones and manages to convey the desired mood of every scene, all without losing that distinct feeling Star Wars music should have.
Sadly, due to a sudden change of heart from the publisher, Obsidian was forced to end development prematurely, releasing an unfinished and buggy game, cutting a big chunk of its content – which was later heroically restored by modders after years of work.
如果你看重精心设计的角色、深思熟虑的剧本以及优秀的文笔,那么你一定要试试《西斯领主》。即使你更喜欢注重战斗的 RPG,之前提到过的这些突出优点应该也能让你考虑赏玩一番这块明珠——更何况现在技术问题已经基本被 mod 开发者们解决了。
《西斯领主》复原内容(The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod, TSLRCM):这支团队和 Obsidian 的一些开发者进行了密切合作,最终复原了被删减的内容,与此同时还修复了数不清的 bug。可以说是必选项。
M4-78EP:TSLRCM 的一个可选内容,在游戏中加入了一颗新的星球。这颗星球在开发过程中被删减了,因此 mod 制作者们彻底重做了这一部分。
瑞文的复仇(Revenge of Revan[1]):一个爱好者制作的拓展包,现已放弃开发。这仅仅是个试玩版,但提供了一些很棒的场面。
If you value well-crafted characters, mature plots and great writing in games, then you should definitely give The Sith Lords a try. Even if you favour combat-focused RPGs, the sheer strength of the aforementioned aspects should make you consider playing this gem, especially now that its technical problems have been addressed by modders.
The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM): The team worked closely with some of Obsidian’s developers to restore the game’s cut content, while also fixing hundreds of bugs. A must-have.
M4-78EP: An optional part of the TSLRCM, it adds a new planet to the game, which was cut during development and had to be entirely recreated.
Revenge of Revan: A demo for a now abandoned fan-made expansion, it offers some great moments.
1 译者注:瑞文是《旧共和国武士》系列中的重要人物。瑞文曾是绝地武士,但后来在一次任务中被西斯皇帝洗脑成为西斯领主达斯 · 瑞文。《西斯领主》中的重要角色科瑞娅就是瑞文绝地时期的导师。

《西斯领主》的制造系统是 RPG 中最优秀的制造系统之一。这个系统十分灵活,而且利用上了游戏内的所有技能。
The Sith Lords’ crafting system is one of the best in RPGs. It’s very flexible and makes use of every skill in the game.

游戏中有 12 名伙伴,其中一些人在加入时要求主角具有特定的性别或阵营。
There are 12 companions in the game, with some of them exclusive to specific genders or alignments.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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