与《晨风》的可定制 UI 大相径庭,《湮灭》的用户界面是基于列表定制的,而且专为主机开发。
A radical departure from Morrowind’s customisable UI, Oblivion’s interface is list-based and designed for consoles.

Oblivion added two mini-games: a reflex-based one for lock-picking and a crude logic puzzle for speechcraft.

老派 RPG 的很多要素都被简化掉了,然而剩下一些却完整的保留了下来,导致游戏很不均衡。
Many of the old-school RPG elements were streamlined, but others were kept intact, resulting in an uneven game.

《战栗孤岛(The Shivering Isles)》资料片直接把玩家从本篇中老套的欧式奇幻拽出来,丢进了一个疯狂次元。
The Shivering Isles expansion moves away from generic European fantasy, sending you into a plane of madness.
Gameplay-wise, Oblivion uses an action combat system with realistic hit detection, a clear departure from the statistical combat hidden by faux animations from the previous games. While this leads to better game feeling in all areas, it plays the same way from start to finish. No longer are there enemies that drain stats which require special medicine to reverse, nor the annoyingly charming Cliff Racers of Morrowind that would swoop down on the player. Outside of vampires that can turn invisible, Oblivion’s combat is all about smacking enemies and seeing their life bar go down.
Admittedly, the trap design of dungeons does try to shore up fights by adding environmental factors, and turning them against enemies is rewarding but it is not enough to redeem the rest of the experience.
Every issue mentioned here gets amplified by the invasive level-scaling system, which not only spawns creatures appropriate to your current progress – e.g. replacing a pack of wolves with a group of minotaurs – but also levels up them up to match you, making every encounter, again, fall into a rigid sameness quickly.
《湮灭》后来推出了两部资料片:《九骑士(Knights of the Nine)》让玩家收集一套神器来击败法师之王,而《战栗孤岛》则将玩家送到了疯狂次元,该资料片赢得了大量好评。
Oblivion received two expansions: Knights of the Nine asks you to collect a set of relics to fight the Sorcerer-King, while the critically acclaimed Shivering Isles sends players to the plane of madness.
游戏还以游戏内的 Radiant AI 作为卖点,宣称该 AI 能够为 NPC 安排动态路径。但是,游戏里 NPC 数量不多,而他们停下来去执行脚本的时候又太过刻意,最终给玩家又一次带来了丰富的恐怖谷体验。
《湮灭》到目前为止仍然是备受争议的一款作品,主机玩家们首次进入一整个生动有趣的庞大世界时的惊叹无疑是对本作的赞赏,但是 CRPG 粉丝感受到的苦涩也很真实:他们认为本作(和《辐射 3》一样)开创了将传统 CRPG 设计逐步“降维”成讨好主机市场的,华而不实的爆米花游戏趋势。
Unofficial Oblivion Patch:修复了成千上万个 bug。
DarNified UI:提供了适合 PC 游玩的界面。
Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul:一款加入了大量怪物、物品和任务并移除了等级同步的 Mod。
Nehrim:At Fate’s Edge:一款很多方面超越了原作的整体革新 Mod。
The game also sold itself on its Radiant AI, which supposedly gave dynamic schedules to NPCs. However, given the small population and the obvious moments when they stop to execute their script, it mostly resulted in generating the uncanny valley effect yet again.
Oblivion is and shall remain a controversial title. The wonderment of console players first exposed to a massive living world proves the game worthy of praise. But just as genuine was the bitterness of CRPG fans that hold Oblivion (along with Fallout 3) as the seminal example of the trend to mutilate CRPG design into palatable slop for the console mass market.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch: fixes thousands of bugs.
DarNified UI: Offers an interface more suited for PCs.
Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul: A large mod that adds monsters, items, quests and removes level-scaling.
Nehrim: At Fate’s Edge: A brilliant total overhaul mod that often surpasses the original game.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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