我最喜欢的游戏机制就是 roguelike 的永久死亡机制——一个花费数小时创建的角色可能会因为一些糟糕的决定或是一次糟糕的运气而被永久地摧毁。当你无法翻来覆去地重新加载两分钟前保存的内容直到你彻底征服所有的阻碍时,决策将变得有意义,游戏将再度成为游戏而不是款可互动的电影。
My favourite gameplay mechanic is roguelike permadeath: a character who took hours to build up can be destroyed forever by a few poor decisions and a single turn of bad luck. When you can't just reload a save from two minutes ago again and again until you get past any obstacle, decisions become meaningful and the game stops being a quasi-interactive movie and becomes a game again.
Linley Henzell
《地城探宝》原版的开发者Linley Henzell,
Crawl's original developer

Crawl shines on its attention to details, such as how using cutting weapons on a Hydra will spawn more heads, giving it more attacks per turn.
在《地城探宝》中宗教信仰起到了至关重要的作用,你的角色可以崇拜许多的神以获得不同的好处,同时会被要求执行一些特定的行为。有些行为简单易行,例如伊利威龙(Elyvilon)[1] 会要求玩家摧毁武器并驱散邪恶魔法,有些则令人匪夷所思,比如艾什恩扎里(Ashenzari)[2] 会让你穿上被诅咒的装备。这些神明提供的天赋也是相当有趣,像是狄梅诺斯(Dithmenos)[3] 的追随者会被黑暗所包围,吉瓦(Jiyva)[4] 的高阶信徒会产生随机的变异,那些疯狂地想成为“索姆”(Xom)[5] 玩物的家伙们将把《地城探宝》变成一款非议莫测、不公平并极其困难的游戏。
这款游戏诞生于 1995 年,当时只是由程序员 Linley Henzell 开发的一款名为《林利的地城探宝》(Linley’s Dungeon Crawl)的游戏,在 1997 年首次发布后一直持续更新到 2003 年。
Religion plays a very important role in Crawl as your character can worship many different gods, each providing different benefits while at the same time requiring a specific code of conduct – those range from simple, like Elyvilon wanting you to destroy weapons and avoid evil magic, to strange, like Ashenzari wanting you to wear cursed equipment. Some of the gifts given by those gods can be interesting too: followers of Dithmenos are surrounded by darkness, high-level Jiyva worshippers receive random mutations and those crazy enough to become Xom's playthings will turn Crawl into an unpredictable, unfair and extremely difficult game.
The game began its life back in 1995 as Linley's Dungeon Crawl, when it was still being developed by a single programmer, Linley Henzell. It was first released in 1997, then constantly updated until 2003.
石头汤(stone soup)这个版本本应是开发团队开发间隙的临时分支方案,但一段时间之后原方案显然遭到了放弃,致使《地城探宝:石头汤》成了正式版本。
与许多 roguelike 游戏一样,《地城探宝》的剧情比重不大——玩家需要寻找符文才能进入佐特(Zot)领域取回不可思议的宝珠(Orb)。尽管有着与宗教相关的文本和地牢支线帮助充实整个世界,但这并不是游戏最吸引人的部分。尽管如此,对于这样一款设计精良的优秀游戏来说这只是个小小的遗憾。
虽然《地城探宝:石头汤》可能不是我最喜欢的 roguelike 游戏,但它是在尝试《迷宫骇客》等游戏之前对这类游戏的不错介绍,对于那些认为经典的 roguelike 游戏是过时的或是过于遥不可及的人来说,它可能是最好的敲门砖。
The “stone soup” version was supposed to be a temporary fork when the development team went on a hiatus, but after some time it was clear that the project was abandoned and DCSS became the official version.
Like many roguelikes, Crawl is light on the plot – you search for Runes which will allow you to enter the realm of Zot to retrieve a mysterious Orb. It's not the most fascinating premise, although religion-related flavour text and some of the dungeon branches help to flesh out the world a little bit. Still, it's just a minor complaint about an otherwise excellent and well-designed game.
While Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup might not be my favourite roguelike, it's a great introduction to the genre before trying to get into titles like NetHack and probably the best choice for those who find typical roguelikes antiquated or too cryptic.

使用 ASCII 模式也能玩。这里我们放弃了对暴力之神托戈(Trog)的信仰,取而代之的是信仰了戏法之神尼姆莱克斯欧索贝(Nemelex Xobeh)。对于这次背叛的可怖惩罚正等待着我们。
1 译者注:全称是治愈者伊利威龙(Elyvilon the Healer),是游戏中仁慈善良的治愈之神。
2 译者注:全称是束缚者艾什恩扎里(Ashenzari the Shackled),掌管占卜和诅咒的神明。
3 译者注:全称是暗影之主狄梅诺斯(Dithmenos the Shadowed),是个邪恶的黑暗之神。
4 译者注:全称是无形之吉瓦(Jiyva the Shapeless),匍匐于混沌的不定型粘液之神。
5 译者注:全称是难以言测的索姆(Xom the Unpredictable),无序的混沌之神。

Playing in ASCII mode is also possible. Here we abandoned Trog, the God of Violence, in favour of Nemelex Xobeh, the Trickster God. A terrible punishment for this betrayal awaits us.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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