What happens with the narrative when a major character dies? How can we tell a story without a reliable narrator? In this point we didn't meet our own expectations. The story is great but it slumbers beneath the surface and cannot really take off, because there is no mouthpiece to tell it.
Kai Rosenkranz
《哥特王朝 3》开发者、作曲家Kai Rosenkranz,
Gothic 3's developer and composer

Some areas like this desert stronghold can only be entered after you gained enough reputation with their faction. Or killed the guards.
战斗系统也是大不如前。由于每次攻击都会带来僵直,所以谁先出手,谁就是近战赢家——与前作看重操作时机的战斗理念完全背道而驰。本作还引入一个完全鸡肋的耐力条(endurance bar),没战斗多久,耐力条就耗光了,这在耗时颇长的街头战中显得格格不入。但是,本作的弓箭系统大幅改良,由于加入手动瞄准与物理效果,弓箭的游玩性大幅提高。
魔法和前作没什么区别,但魔法树的成长性却比不上前作。前作,主角只是一个普通人,要经历一系列试炼才能证明自己有资质学习魔法;本作,主角一开始就能够施法。有些高等级法术让人啧啧称奇,如操控昼夜更替等。但只有主角才能施放这些法术,其他 NPC 只会基础的攻击法咒。

《哥特王朝 3》的地图设计巧妙,能记录玩家已探索的区域、任务清单,已积攒的声望值。
The other aspects of this game don't have such extenuating circumstances. Gone is the rewarding exploration with hand-placed items, replaced by progressive randomised loot where the contents of chests you find are decided by the number of chests previously opened. This results in situations where the player manages to brave caves filled with monsters only to be rewarded with junk, while finding the better items in chests on the side of the road.
Combat is a shadow of its former self: melee is
decided by who manages to strike first due to stun-
locking – a far cry from the previous Gothics where timing was essential. There's also a new, completely unnecessary endurance bar that quickly drains as soon as combat starts and makes no sense in a game with lengthy town battles. Archery, on the other hand, is improved due to adding manual aiming and physics, which made it feel much more satisfying.
Magic is relatively the same, but the progression structure was changed for the worse. You don't start as a mundane character that has to prove himself if he wants to become a mage – now you can focus on magic from the beginning. Some of the higher level spells are quite spectacular, like changing night into day, but only the player has access to them since all other mages are limited to basic offensive spells.

Gothic 3 offers an excellent map that tracks the locations you’ve discovered, their quests and your reputation.
2008 年,JoWood Entertainment 发行《哥特王朝 3:遗弃之神(Gothic III: Forsaken Gods)》,这是一款由 Trime Games 开发的独立外传游戏。可惜,这款游戏更像是厂商赚快钱的产物,原作的毛病一个不落,优点却丢个一干二净。
In 2008 JoWooD Entertainment published Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods, a stand-alone expansion developed by Trine Games. Sadly, it's little more than a quick cash-in, replicating Gothic 3's faults without any of its redeeming qualities.
说到游戏引擎,从当时来看,《哥特王朝 3》的引擎很不错。规模如此大的开放世界游戏全程不会出现任何载入画面,是相当难得。不过许多视觉设定需要修复,例如渲染距离过短的问题。鉴于本作想要渲染一种沉重压抑的氛围,过于明亮的游戏色调就格格不入。在这方面,系列前作的表现要好得多。
值得一提的是,《哥特王朝 3》发行时 bug 满天飞,直到社区补丁(Community Patch)修复大量游戏漏洞后,玩家才能享受到一段完整的游玩体验。此外,该补丁还提供全新的 AI 与平衡性,不过说到底,这个修复还是为了完善游戏原本千疮百孔的游戏体验。如果你想体验《哥特王朝 3》的魅力所在,社区补丁的 bug 修复自然必不可少,但你最好关掉社区补丁的难度调整,在简单难度选择法师职业,这才是趣味性最佳的游戏方式。[2]
《哥特王朝 3》虽然毛病多多,但也别有一番风味,一方面在于游戏体量大,另一方面在于它有志打造一个栩栩如生的真实世界——然而时代和预算限制了这一伟大志向。哪怕如此,《哥特王朝 3》也有许多独到之处,只要打上适合的补丁,它依然能给玩家带来不俗的游玩体验。也许你不一定要通关,但这款游戏肯定能提供一些瞬间,让你眼前一亮、终生难忘。
社区补丁(Community Patch):必备模组。修复原作上百个致使游戏闪退的 bug,提供可选的平衡性/ AI 难度模式,让游戏难度更高,更具复杂性——当然也有人认为这个改动没什么意义。
内容模组(Content Mod):一款基于任务包的额外模组,增加更多的任务、物品、道具,提供全新材质。
Engine-wise, Gothic 3 looks quite good for its time, and the lack of any loading screen in such a huge open world is an impressive feat. That said, there are plenty of visual quirks that require some tweaking – the draw distance especially, since it's pitifully small. The game is also too colourful and bright for the grim atmosphere it wants to portray, something that its predecessors did quite well.
It should be noted that Gothic 3 was bug-ridden on launch and only after extensive patching by the community was it truly finished. More than that, the fans added an optional alternative AI and system balancing to the game, but all it does, ultimately, is smooth a broken experience. While the community's bug fixes are absolutely essential, breezing through the game on Easy as a mage with the alternative changes disabled is probably the most enjoyable way to see what this game does well.
In its own twisted way, Gothic 3 is an endearing game, thanks to its scope and ambition in creating a living, breathing world – which was beyond the time and budget Piranha Bytes had available. Even so, there are a couple of unique elements here, and with the proper patches it is a worthwhile experience. Not necessarily one that needs to be finished, but one that can offer some worthwhile moments.
Community Patch: Absolutely essential, it eliminates hundreds of game-breaking bugs. It also offers optional alternative balancing/AI, which makes the game harder and more complex – though arguably not better.
Questpaket: Adds a lot of new content to the game, especially new quests. Has fan-made German voice acting but a rather poor English translation.
Content Mod: Expands upon the Questpaket, adding even more quests, items, equipment and new textures.
2 译者注:作者认为,《哥特王朝 3》的战斗系统无可救药,只有剧情与世界观才是亮点。所以采用社区补丁时只需利用其修复bug功能即可,没有必要刻意调高难度影响自己的游戏体验。这里让译者想到《上古卷轴5》及其衍生作《恩达瑞尔》,由于操作手感的局限性,最高难度(传奇或钢铁之路)的游戏体验有时比不上老手级或专家级。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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