《无冬之夜 2》先前一直通过 Gamespy 提供多人模式服务器,但这项服务已于 2012 年关闭了。不过,你还是能在社区搭建的服务器上游玩,可以在 https://nwnlist.herokuapp.com/ 找到服务器列表。
The biggest problems during development were an unrealistic scope and a lack of focus on quality/fun from the beginning.
It's arguable that the former resulted in the latter. With D&D games, it's easy to become consumed by the idea of adding every feat, class, and race you can find in various books.Josh Sawyer
《无冬之夜 2》首席设计师Josh Sawyer,
NWN 2's lead designer

《无冬之夜 2》大量地采用了技能检定,特别是在某些对话中有许多检定,多种选项会导向不同的结果。
NWN2 makes great use of skill checks, especially during some of its dialogs, where it presents multiple approaches with varying results.
《无冬之夜 2》的剧情共分为三幕:第一幕讲述了在通往无冬城的路上和无冬城内发生的低级别冒险;第二幕主要围绕一场规模庞大的审判展开;而第三幕则聚焦于收拢盟友并挫败幕后黑手阴谋的过程。
整体上来说游戏的剧情中规中矩,但是第一幕的剧情节奏实在是不敢恭维,一路上只有无穷无尽的陷阱、地牢和需要解锁的大门。第二幕中的审判环节倒是完美的展现了如何把对话做成 Boss 战,但是有点扫兴的是,不管玩家是否成功通过审判,都对后续剧情发展影响不大。第三幕交给玩家一座要塞来打理,也正好能让你在紧张的剧情发展中喘口气,虽然最后玩家会发现做出的大部分决定都没什么结果。
在剧情中,你的队伍会不断壮大,每次都会来四个新人,最后你一共会获得 12 名同伴(大部分人选是你挑的,有时是剧情强制),同伴的职业囊括了除野蛮人外的所有基础职业。这使得玩家可选的职业都能互相串联起来,不过游戏对同伴的描述有些少了,大部分同伴还都是照着他们职业的刻板印象来塑造的,这点算得上是有点遗憾。同伴们有时候会在任务途中提出异议,玩家的选择会提高或是降低他们的忠诚度,从而影响到剧情后期对忠诚度检定的结果。
总的来说,《无冬之夜 2》打下了一部 CRPG 佳作的底子,但是内容稍显匮乏,这一点在资料片里也有体现。
第一部资料片名为《背叛者面具(Mask of Betrayer)》,增加了新的剧情战役,剧本水平大幅度提高的。而第二部资料片《泽西尔风暴(Storm of Zehir)》的游戏体验更加出色。另外,第三方工作室 Ossian Studios 还为《无冬之夜 2》制作了一部官方冒险模组——《西门城之谜(Mysteries of Westgate)》,引入了一座小城市和数量较少而难度相对较高的战斗。

《无冬之夜 2》有三种不同的镜头和控制模式,从第三人称到上帝视角都有,但是他们都不怎么好用。
NWN2's campaign is split into three acts: the first featuring low-level adventuring on the road to and inside the city of Neverwinter, the second revolving around an excellent trial, and the third around gathering allies to stop the big bad.
The campaign as a whole is not bad or particularly good, but the pacing of the first act is horrendous, involving seemingly endless traipses to dungeons to unlock plot gates. The trial in the second act is a great example of how to do dialogue as a boss battle, only slightly undercut by the fact that your failure means nothing. The third act gives the player a stronghold to manage, providing a much-needed breath of fresh air, even if the decisions are mostly without consequence.
During the campaign, you are joined by four-at-a-time of 12 total companions (mostly at your choice, sometimes imposed), one of every base class except the Barbarian. This makes all PC classes relevant, but the writing is spread a bit thin, and most of the characters are stereotypes of their class. They will sometimes interject during quests, allowing you to gain or lose loyalty with them, which has consequences later in the campaign when that loyalty is tested.
Overall, NWN2 is a very strong foundation for a good CRPG, but the content is lacking, something which was addressed in the expansions.
The first one, Mask of the Betrayer, featured a new campaign with vastly improved writing, while the second expansion, Storm of Zehir, introduced one with much stronger gameplay. NWN2 also received an official third-party adventure pack made by Ossian Studios called Mysteries of Westgate, featuring a small city with less but more significant combat.

NWN2 features three different camera and control modes, from third-person to top-down, but they all work poorly.
《无冬之夜 2》先前一直通过 Gamespy 提供多人模式服务器,但这项服务已于 2012 年关闭了。不过,你还是能在社区搭建的服务器上游玩,可以在https://nwnlist.herokuapp.com/ 找到服务器列表。
网上能找到许多对《无冬之夜 2》的玩家帮助良多的资源,比如《无冬之夜 2》wiki,里面详细记述了游戏机制;以及在线角色创建器,站点名是www.nwn2db.com 。
NWN2 offered persistent multiplayer servers through Gamespy, but the service closed in 2012. You can still play through community-hosted servers, listed at https://nwnlist.herokuapp.com/
There are some valuable resources for NWN2 players, such as the NWN2 wiki, which offers extensive documentation on the game's mechanics, and the online Character Builder, available at www.nwn2db.com
综上所述,与其说《无冬之夜 2》是一款成功的 RPG 游戏,不如说它更大的贡献是为成功的 RPG 打下了良好的基础。不过本作仍然值得一试,你大可以只把它当做是 mod 或是资料片的开胃菜。
《无冬之夜 2》的工具集功能非常强大,但是不如《无冬之夜》的工具集好用,不过粉丝们仍然创造了不少出色的内容:
Tony_K’s Companion and Monster AI mod:提高了游戏的 AI,让他们更加聪明了,同时加入了不少生活质量改良和特性。
Kaedrin‘s PrC Pack:加入了很多新的种族、职业和进阶职业,同时还新增了许多新的法术和牧师的神圣领域。
Baldur‘s Gate Reloaded:对初代《博德之门》的完全重制,并把其运用的规则升级到了《龙与地下城》3.5 版规则。
Wulverheim:一部庞大的开放世界沙盒战役,受《上古卷轴 4:湮灭(The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)》启发而制作。
Pool of Radiance Remastered:对经典的 CRPG 《光芒之池(Pool of Radiance)》的重制,收获了不少奖项。
The Maimed God’s Saga:一部出色的模组,玩家扮演一名提尔神的牧师,进行一项会考验他信仰的任务,聚焦于角色扮演,剧本优秀。
Conan Chronicles:一部多章节剧情战役,基于多个《野蛮人柯南(Conan the Barbarian)》[5] 中的短篇故事。
Planescape-The Shaper of Dreams:一部关于试图从深渊中拯救自己丈夫的妻子的伟大传奇。
Dark Waters:一部三节海盗剧情战役,将游戏引擎压榨到了极致,加入了海战和卡片收集等新游戏模式。
With all this considered, Neverwinter Night 2 is more successful as a foundation for a great RPG than it is one itself, but it is still worth checking out, if only for mods or as an appetizer for the expansions.
NWN2’s toolset is very powerful, but lost NWN1’s accessibility. Still, fans created some fantastic content:
Tony_K’s Companion and Monster AI Mod: Improves the game’s AI, making it smarter and adding many quality-of-life features and improvements.
Kaedrin’s PrC Pack: Adds many new races, classes and prestige classes, plus new spells and cleric domains.
Baldur’s Gate Reloaded: A complete remake of the first Baldur’s Gate, updated to fit the D&D 3.5 ruleset.
Wulverheim: A huge, open-world sandbox campaign, heavily inspired by The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Pool of Radiance Remastered: An award-winning remake of classic CRPG Pool of Radiance.
The Maimed God’s Saga: A brilliant module where you play a cleric of Tyr sent on a quest that will test his faith. Has great writing and a heavy role-playing focus.
Conan Chronicles: A multi-chapter campaign based on various short stories from Conan the Barbarian.
Planescape - The Shaper of Dreams: An epic saga of a woman trying save her husband from the Abyss.
Dark Waters: A three-part pirate campaign that pushes the limits of the engine, adding new gameplay modes such as naval battles and card collecting.
5 译者注:《野蛮人柯南》是罗伯特 · 欧文 · 霍华德在 1932 年开始于《诡丽幻谭》上刊登的一系列奇幻冒险故事。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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