I clearly remember when we discovered how creating an icy surface made the orcs slip on it.
I think it was when we realised that we were right in trying to create a simulated world where everything was possible. This was really fun.Raphael Colantonio
《暗黑弥赛亚》创意总监Raphael Colantonio,
Dark Messiah's creative director

UI 设计简单优雅,有个快捷栏,一个小的槽式物品栏还有三个可以花费技能点的技能树。
The UI is simple and elegant, with a quick bar, a small slot-based inventory and three talent trees you can spend skill points on.
魔法技能树以火球术和治愈术等标准魔法为主,但也有冻结地面和夜视之类的法术,还有种非常有趣的心灵遥控能力,其运作方法就好像《半条命 2(Half - Life 2)》里面的重力枪(Gravity Gun)一样。
《暗黑弥赛亚》使用的是 2006 年版本的 Valve 的起源引擎(Source Engine),并且辅以 Havok 强大的物理引擎。开发团队成功地将宏伟的中世纪建筑完美地展示了出来,包括雄伟的大门,教堂,破碎的寺庙,兽人建筑和一艘完整的船等等。但是其也并非是完美的:在一些狭隘的边缘行走或跳跃时要格外小心,有些地方的光源可能会阻挡你的视野,第三章的追逐可能会因为路线曲折和攀爬绳索而令人恼火。有时游戏也会突然崩溃,因此请时刻注意存档。
尽管关卡做的都很出色,但是它们都太线性了——大概正是因为这个原因,Arkane 甚至连地图都懒得做了。但是隐藏物品却不少,并且取决于你对游戏的熟悉程度,它们或许可以左右你的生死。
The Magic skill tree features standard fare such as fireballs and healing magic, but also spells to freeze the ground, see in the dark, plus an amusing telekinesis power that works just like Half-Life 2's Gravity Gun.
While you'll grow quite powerful during your journey, equipment change will be sparse. Still, with each new sword, dagger, staff, bow or armour you'll get visibly stronger, and some weapons have special abilities that manage to make them fairly memorable.
Dark Messiah employs a 2006 version of Valve's Source engine, complemented by Havok's powerful physics engine. The developers managed to deliver an outstanding presentation of medieval architecture, with massive gates, churches, temples in ruins, Orc constructions, a complete boat and much more. It's not without its flaws, though: walking and jumping on narrow edges has to be executed with extreme caution, light sources in some places may deter your field of view and the chase in the third chapter can be annoying with its twists and turns and rope climbing. It also tends to crash sometimes, so save often.
While levels can be impressive, they are all too linear – so much so, Arkane didn't even bother to include a map system. But there are plenty of secret item caches to find, which depending on your familiarity with the game may decide if you live or die.
即使是在自己最小众的游戏中,Arkane 对于细节的把控也是非比寻常:可以让你锻造自己的剑的熔炉;一把可以用来射断绳索用以攀爬的弓箭;一看到你就害怕得发抖的法师学徒;在杀害一定数量的敌人以后你会获得一个的“肾上腺素提升”模式,允许你强化法术或是秒杀敌人。这是一部充满激情的作品,尽管其中的细节很多都不重要而且还有一些陈词滥调,但是它们依旧带来了许多乐趣。
非常可惜,所有的这些都无法使其从大作层出的 2006 年脱颖而出。尽管如此,任何对第一人称 RPG 稍有兴趣的人都应该尝试本作——或者想要尝试有史以来最好的踢腿物理系统的人。还没有一只脚比萨雷斯的更加强壮[1] 。
Multiplayer, although nearly dead at the time of the writing, still can be enjoyed if you find some friends and an available server. Game modes include the classic “capture the flag” and “crusade”, where the teams try to take control of the whole map and can level up like in the single-player mode. The maps are visually stunning and well-designed, with open arenas for inexorable bloodshed and nooks and crannies for sneaking around and setting up traps and ambushes.
Arkane's concern for details is substantial even on their least known game: there's a forge that you can use to make your own sword; a bow that allows you to shoot ropes and climb them; mage apprentices that tremble in fear once they see you; and a rewarding “adrenaline boost” that activates after a certain number of killings, allowing you to mangle enemies with a single strike or beefed-up spell. A work of passion, these details add a lot to the fun factor, even if they are not very important or innovative.
Unfortunately, none of this was enough to make this underrated game stand out among the other big releases of 2006. Nonetheless, Dark Messiah should be tried by anyone with at least a mild interest in first-person RPGs – or that wants to experience the best kicking physics of all time. There has not yet been a foot stronger than Sareth's.
1 译者注:或许《死亡空间》的主角艾萨克可以与之一较高下。

游戏的主体是近战,但是你也可以使用从火球到心灵遥控等 12 种法术。
The game is focused on melee combat, but you’ll also have access to 12 spells, from fireballs to telekinesis.

The multiplayer mode offers five classes with unique skills and huge arenas for battle.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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