……(玩家)不会被传统射击游戏的桎梏所限制,他可以随心所欲地行动,然后看看整个世界会对他的行为做出怎样的反应。我们很自豪,因为我们成功地实现了 FPS 与 RPG 游戏之间非同寻常的融合。我们整合了潜行和恐怖元素,每种类型的玩家都能收获自己独特的游玩体验。
...[the player] is not limited by shooter-standard corridor limits; he can act at his will and see how the outer world reacts to his doings. We are very glad we managed to implement the unusual mix of FPS and RPG, integrating the elements of stealth and, horror, so as to provide a unique playthrough to each of the players.
Anton Bolshakov
《潜行者:切尔诺贝利的阴影》项目总监Anton Bolshakov,
STALKER: SoC's project lead

The moody lighting effects and grim soundscape lend uncanny beauty to the vast Zone.
但这并不是说《潜行者》完美无缺。一个微不足道的战术误判就足以让战斗从富有挑战迅速变成无望取胜,特别是与某些人类敌人对战的时候——即使用的是和玩家同样的装备,他们也有极为不公平的高抗性。当玩家背了太多战利品的时候,回城处理负重的操作会非常繁琐。另外,技术上的问题也会导致任务过程卡死以及古怪的 AI 行为,某种意义上说,这也是对封锁区中变幻莫测的一种隐喻,不过只要打上粉丝制作的大量 mod 和补丁,这些问题就可以轻松解决。
《切尔诺贝利的阴影》之后又衍生出了两款游戏,《晴空(Clear Sky)》(Clear Sky)和《普里皮亚季的呼唤(Call of Pripyat)》。2008 年推出的《晴空》是一部前传,引入了装备定制和派系势力系统,允许玩家在战争中选择势力、协助夺取战略要点或者保持中立。2009 年推出的《普里皮亚季的呼唤》是打磨最精细的一作,不仅改进了 AI、UI、任务和潜行的玩法,而且游戏也是最为简化的。
尽管后来的这两作游戏都有自己的迷人之处,但它们没能再现出《切尔诺贝利的阴影》中那种严酷而充满压迫力的氛围。不过《潜行者》系列同样以其庞大的 mod 数量而闻名,即使初代作品仍然有着最好的“原生体验”,但《苦难(Misery)》和《切尔诺贝利的呼唤(Call of Chernobyl)》这些优秀的 mod 最近把《普里皮亚季的呼唤》变成了粉丝必备。
STALKER isn't without its fair share of faults. Combat can abruptly shift from challenging to punishing with the slightest tactical misstep, especially against humans whose resilience can prove unfairly advantageous even when using the same gear as the player. Backtracking can become a chore when carrying too much loot, and technical oddities can lead to broken quests and wonky AI. A fitting metaphor to the Zone's unpredictability, one might say, but these issues can be easily eliminated with the game's numerous fan-made mods and patches.
Shadow of Chernobyl would go on to spawn two additional games, Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat. Clear Sky (2008) is a prequel that introduces gear customisation and a faction system, allowing players to take sides in a war and help capture strategic points or remain neutral. Call of Pripyat (2009) is the most polished entry, with improved AI, UI, quests and stealth gameplay, but also the most streamlined.
As engaging as these games are, their atmospheres fail to replicate the harsh oppressiveness of Shadow of Chernobyl. Still, the STALKER series is known for its extensive library of mods, and while the original game remains the best “vanilla experience”, excellent mods like Misery and Call of Chernobyl recently turned Call of Pripyat into a must-own for fans.
《潜行者》最初在 2001 年公布,在发售前经历了多次修改。某些功能在最终版本中被删除掉了,不过在续作中又被重新引入,例如派系战争系统。
Originally announced in 2001, STALKER suffered many revisions before being released. Some features, such as a faction wars system, were cut from the final build and later reintroduced in the sequels.
封锁区开垦计划(Zone Reclamation Project):一个庞大的漏洞修复包,但没有做更多的改动,推荐在初次游玩时使用。
秋日极光 2(Autumn Aurora 2):极大地改进了画面,调整了部分玩法和 UI,内置了“封锁区开垦”模组。如果你想要更好的画质,那么这是个不错的模组合集。
失落的阿尔法(Lost Alpha):免费的粉丝制作独立游戏,基于《潜行者》早期开发过程的概念制作。
潜行者:切尔诺贝利的呼唤(S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl):利用《普里皮亚季的呼唤》的引擎,把全部三作游戏的地图集合成了一个巨大的沙盒游戏,同时还有许多自己的模组。
The greatest achievement of STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl is its peerless transplantation of survival horror to an open world. Like the Zone itself, the game is foreboding and relentless, but beneath its intimidating facade lies a captivating sandbox that invites players to explore its nooks and crannies, presenting an opportunity to bolster their gear and unravel the mystery behind one of the eeriest locales in both gaming and human history.
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl Mods:
Zone Reclamation Project: A large bug fix pack with no further changes. Recommended for a first playthrough.
Autumn Aurora 2: Greatly improves the graphics, tweaks gameplay and UI and includes the Zone Reclamation mod. A good all-in-one pack if you want better visuals.
Lost Alpha: A free, fan-made stand-alone game based on concepts STALKER had early in its development.
STALKER: Call of Pripyat Mods:
Misery: The most popular of all STALKER mods, it turns Call of Pripyat into a hardcore survival game.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl: Combines the maps of all three games into one massive sandbox game using Call of Pripyat’s engine. Also has many of its own mods.

Artefacts can give several types of bonus, like increased burn resistance, but they usually come with a drawback.

你的 PDA 既可以追踪任务,也可以显示隐藏储藏点的情报,后者可以通过搜刮敌人的 PDA 来获取。
Your PDA tracks quests and can also display information about hidden caches learned by looting enemies’ PDAs.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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