在《面具》里,我的目标是让同行伙伴变得不同寻常,这在一定程度上是为了让玩家更好地体会那种在异乡、为异客的感受。欧库(Okku)[2] 的创作灵感基本来自《幽灵公主》[3] 中各个体型庞大的兽神。我在零几年的时候第一次看这部电影,当时我就觉得,如果能在游戏里成为这样一个兽神就好了……如果不行的话,能在旅途中有这样一个伙伴也好。
On Mask, my goal was to make the companions feel unusual and different, partly to reinforce the player's impression of being a stranger in a strange land. Okku was mostly inspired by the giant animal gods in Princess Mononoke. When I first saw that movie in the early 2000s, I wanted to be one of those guys in a game… or failing that, I wanted to travel with one.
George Ziets
《背叛者的面具》创意总监George Ziets,
Mask of the Betrayer's creative lead

你的旅程横跨数个位面,途中不乏极为奇异的地区,比如无信者之墙(the Wall of the Faithless)。在这里,生前不信仰神明的人在死后仍要遭受折磨。
You’ll journey across the planes to exotic places such as the Wall of the Faithless, where those without a god are sent to suffer after death.
好在除了引入灵魂能量机制以外,Obsidian 工作室还带来了相当不错的叙事。《无冬之夜 2》的剧情是经典的拯救世界那一套,而《背叛者的面具》则大量致敬了《异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)》,向玩家呈现了一个篇幅较短、着眼于个人的,在旅程中寻找解除诅咒之法的故事。游戏精妙地运用了 D&D 中一些容易被忽略的设定,比如神祗的本性以及异次元位面。这让玩家得以探索各个妙趣横生的地区,从温带森林[4] 到死神宝库,从阴影位面到梦境之中,处处都能欣赏奇异的风光。
能够加入队伍的角色同样相当特别,总体来说人物形象也塑造得很好。你可以与三名或五名同伴结伴而行(其中有两人是互斥的):一位种族为半天界生物的牧师,一位托雷红袍法师会(Red Wizard of Thay)[5] 的成员,一位可以入梦的萨满,一个可怖的、由无数死灵构成的不死生物,以及一位熊神,也即兽魂们的王者。

Thankfully, Obsidian delivered a great narrative alongside its Spirit Meter. While NWN2's campaign was a poorly paced save-the-world plot, MotB borrows heavily from Planescape: Torment, presenting a short and personal story of searching for answers to your curse. The game graciously takes advantage of often overlooked aspects of D&D's settings, such as the nature of the gods and the extra-dimensional planes. This provides many interesting vistas and dungeons to explore, from temperate forests to death vaults, from shadow planes to the inside of dreams.
The characters that join you are also unique and generally very well-written. You may travel with three of five companions (two of them mutually exclusive): a half-celestial cleric, a Red Wizard of Thay, a dream-walker shaman, an undead abomination made of convicted souls and, last but not least, a Bear God, king of animal spirits.
The companions will react to your actions and choices – please them and they will impart various boons, antagonise them and they might leave. They very rarely ask you to pick sides amongst themselves, but each has a personal goal which drives them. These come with a suitably big influence swing, but may be a suboptimal action for you. Just be mindful that they may even attack you if you cross them.

You’re free to explore the world in search of clues, but must pay attention to your Spirit Meter during travels.
提示:你可以开作弊器或者 MOD 来将所有可选伙伴拉进队伍。毕竟无论如何战斗都很简单,你就没有必要放过和他们的精彩对话了。
TIP: use cheats or mods to get all companions into your party at the same time. Combat is easy regardless, and there's no point missing out on their excellent dialogue.
可惜的是,D&D 的阵营系统[6] 太过简单,这让游戏难以达到理想中的道德深度。不过,在我玩过的游戏里,《背叛者的面具》的邪恶路线还是最令人满意的。根据你做过的选择,游戏会走向不同的结局(以及一小段对应的结局动画)。
《背叛者的面具》改进包,《泽希尔风暴》版(MotB Makeover SoZ Edition):这是一个相当复杂的 MOD,添加了在下一部资料片《无冬之夜 2:泽希尔风暴》(Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir)才发布的功能,比如创建全队人物(最多 8人),允许队友兼职以及更复杂的物品制作系统。建议保存下来多玩一周目,因为它会大幅改变整个游戏。
雄鸡作弊器(Rooster Cheat):移除了队伍人数上限,允许玩家和 4 名伙伴同行。这个 MOD 尤其适合重视剧情和角色扮演,但不那么在乎战斗的玩家。
爱情故事(Romance Pack):允许你和部分伙伴谈情说爱,同时还为来自《无冬之夜 2》原作的、可能开启一段风流韵事的角色添加了额外剧情。
Besides companion interactions and a healthy amount of choices regarding quest resolution, a large part of role-playing in MotB revolves around how you choose to view the curse. It's slowly sucking your life, but it also bestows you the power to devour spirits (and other abilities players might uncover by learning to control the curse).
Sadly, the simplistic nature of D&D's alignment system largely removes around the moral depth this choice could have had. Still, MotB has the most satisfying evil path of any game I've played, and there are multiple endings (and ending slides) to fit your choices.
Simply put, Mask of the Betrayer is brilliant. The writing is of high quality and refreshingly original. The way the gameplay and story is tied together by the Spirit Meter is excellent, and I hope it is remembered in the future. Building and planning your character is as fun as ever. And even more nice things are hidden in the details: a stellar bit of voice acting here, a cool role-playing choice there, a powerful unique item hiding behind that.
The combat may be too easy and the gameplay mostly mediocre but, with so much other good stuff in the game, does it even matter?
MotB Makeover SoZ Edition: A complex mod that adds features introduced in NWN2: Storm of Zehir, such as full party creation (up to eight characters), companion multi-classing and an expanded crafting system. Save for a replay, as it changes the game a lot.
Rooster Cheat: Removes the party limit, allowing you to travel with four companions. A mod for those who value story and role-playing over combat.
Romance Pack: Allows you to romance some of your companions, and adds extra scenes tying up possible romances from NWN2’s original campaign.
2 译者注:欧库是游戏中的一位熊神,也就是头图中的那只白熊。
3 译者注:吉卜力工作室于 1997 年推出的电影,导演为宫崎骏。影片中,主角被卷入了一场人类与森林兽神的冲突,并因此结识了一位由狼神抚养长大的少女(也即“幽灵公主”)。
4 译者注:应该是指游戏中可以前往的、毗邻莱瑟曼的灰白森林(Ashenwood)。
5 译者注:也译作“塞尔红袍巫师会”等,为 D&D 世界观的一个著名设定。红袍法师会是托雷(Thay)地区的实质统治者,多次谋划侵吞阿格拉隆(Aglarond)和莱瑟曼地区。由于勾结邪恶势力、行事风格狠辣,红袍法师会可谓是恶名昭彰,但在其统治下的托雷(因为有大量的奴隶和不死生物充当劳动力)又能出口巨额的粮食和魔法物品,在费伦大陆上也拥有着难以撼动的影响力。
6 译者注:也即由“善良-中立-邪恶”和“守序-中立-混乱”两条坐标轴组合而成的 9 大阵营。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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