We didn't want the vision of the game to be in any way distorted or dampened. An odd example of that occurred during a conversation with a publisher who said that, on account of their market research, players overall want their protagonist to be an Elvish woman and that if we had changed The Witcher accordingly they would have considered negotiating a contract.
Michał Kiciński
CD Projekt 联合创始人Michał Kiciński,
CD Projekt's co-founder

In combat you must pick one of three combat styles best suited to your enemies and then carefully time your clicks to chain attacks.
每升一级,杰洛特会得到三种天赋点,青铜天赋点,白银天赋点与黄金天赋点[5] 。消耗天赋点可以强化杰洛特的能力。白银天赋点和黄金天赋点更稀有,是解锁高等级能力的必需品。
由于猎魔人是超乎常人的怪物杀手,游戏伊始,杰洛特就能同时与多名敌人周旋,钢剑杀人,银剑除魔——掌握速击、强击、群击三种战斗风格(分别针对灵活型敌人、重甲型敌人与为数众多的敌人)。杰洛特也可以使用其他近战武器(因为只有长剑才有处决动画,所以并不推荐使用其他近战武器)[6] ,但无法使用远程武器。

When levelling up, Geralt earns skill points of three types: bronze, silver and gold. These can be spent to improve his abilities, with higher levels requiring the rarer silver and gold ones to unlock.
As witchers are superhuman monster hunters, Geralt is able to take on multiple enemies at once from the very start, using one of his two swords – steel against humans and their like, silver against monsters – and a fast, strong or group fighting style (which works well against agile, armoured and numerous opponents, respectively). Using other melee weapons is possible – but suboptimal, as Geralt's kill only works with his swords – but ranged combat is not possible.
The game offers two camera modes for you to play in. Clicking on the enemy when in top-down view will cause Geralt to automatically close the distance and attack, while clicking on the ground will move him away and/or evade attacks. Over-the-shoulder camera makes controls more action-like, with manual, keyboard-controlled movement. In both modes well-timed button presses will chain attacks into combos, with increasingly more elaborate animations and higher damage as the protagonist's abilities increase.

The Witcher features sex scenes and full-frontal nudity, that were censored on the US version.
《猎魔人》系列原著在波兰家喻户晓,其风靡程度让同类奇幻作品望尘莫及。发售前,玩家就翘首以盼,上架没过多久,各地的实体光盘就宣告售罄。《猎魔人》短篇小说集《最后的心愿》[7] ,是唯一一部改编为电影(及电视剧)的波兰奇幻文学作品。
The Witcher book series' popularity in Poland is incomparable to any other fantasy franchise. One week after the game's long-awaited release it was out of stock everywhere. One of The Witcher short-stories collections, The Last Wish, remains the only Polish fantasy book adapted into a film (and a TV series).
杰洛特还会使用五种简易版法术——法印(Sign),能在关键时刻派上用场,可以消耗技能点强化法印效果。不过,想要战胜强大的敌人,必须做好充足的准备——查阅书籍、走访 NPC,了解目标信息;运用炼金术熬制魔药,短暂提升杰洛特的战力;根据敌人的弱点采取针对性战术。
CD Projekt 在游戏里内置了一款模组编辑器,玩家可以使用一些有趣的民间冒险模组:
医学疑难 1&2(Medical Problem I&II):这个冒险传奇分为两部分,一种怪病悄然而至,杰洛特要找到隐藏于瘟疫背后的真相。这段剧情有多种结局,游玩时间超过 15 小时,叙事设计巧妙,剧情文本动人。
诅咒、爱情与背叛(And a Curse, and Love, and Betrayal):一款大型民间模组,杰洛特要在一个矿洞里斩妖除魔,帮一位年轻女子为其情人祛除狼人诅咒。游玩时间约为 12 小时。
全面战斗平衡模组(Full Combat Rebalance Mod):重新调整游戏的战斗机制,旨在更加贴合原著设定。由模组制作人 Andrzej “Flash” Kwiatkowski 创作,他的作品还包括 Flash’s Witcher Mod,这个模组为游戏增加了三个全新的难度级别,修复 bug 等。后来,他被 CD Projekt Red 聘用。
Geralt also knows five simple spells called Signs, which can help him in a pinch and be upgraded by spending skill points. The toughest fights, however, require thorough preparation – learning about your target via books and NPCs, then using alchemy to brew potions that will temporarily boost Geralt's abilities and exploit the monster's weakness.
Most of the time, however, is spent talking to people living in the city of Vyzima and its rural surroundings. Over the course of his adventure Geralt will meet all sorts of characters, and it's by interacting with them that players will get immersed into this rich world – solving many problems and pondering over morally grey issues – but also hearing gossip, fist fighting in taverns, playing dice and occasionally getting drunk in the company of good friends.
Because ultimately, this is what The Witcher is all about – becoming Geralt of Rivia and living his life for a little while. And it does it very well.
CD Projekt released a toolset with the game, leading to some interesting fan-made adventures and mods:
Medical Problems I & II: A fantastic two-part saga where Geralt must uncover the mystery behind a strange illness. Features multiple endings and over 15 hours of gameplay, with great writing and design.
And a Curse, and Love, and Betrayal: One of the biggest fan-made Witcher mods, you must cleanse a mine and solve a lover’s curse. About 12 hours long.
Full Combat Rebalance Mod: Completely revamps the combat, aiming to make it closer to the books. It was developed by Andrzej “Flash” Kwiatkowski, who also did Flash’s Witcher Mod, which adds higher difficulty settings to the game, bug fixes and other features. He was later hired by CD Projekt Red.
4 译者注:虽然战斗风格只有三种,但是银剑和钢剑的技能动画和技能效果也有所区别,所以也有说法称本作有六种战斗风格(如 steam 商品简介)。
5 译者注:杰洛特每升一级,会获得3点青铜天赋,2点白银天赋(15级解锁)和1点黄金天赋(34级解锁)
6 译者注:此外,杰洛特升级所提升的能力都是针对钢剑和银剑,所以使用其他武器性价比低。但有时,某些特殊武器会发挥奇效,例如前期用火把应对棘魔树,用斧子击溃持盾敌人等。
7 译者注:The Last Wish,也是《巫师3》叶奈法专属支线的任务名
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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