在魔戒模组中你可以保卫米那斯提力斯(Minas Tirith)。
战场人数修改器(Battle Size Changer):可以让你提高战斗中士兵数量的上限,从默认的 100 人提升到最大的 1000 人。
魔戒——第三纪元最后之日(The Last Days of the Third Age):玩家可以扮演任意一个托尔金书中的幻想种族,在魔戒战争中选择一方作战。
星球大战:征服(Star Wars Conquest):一个设定在《星球大战》宇宙的大型模组,你可以探索,和英雄们作战,征服银河系。
达摩克利斯之剑(Sword of Damocles):增加了一个复杂的王国管理系统,超过 100 种军队和其他内容。

在星战模组中你可以扮演一名西斯领主(Sith lord)征服银河系。
弗洛瑞斯集合包(Floris Mod Pack):一个由粉丝们创作的精品模组集合,强烈推荐。
AD 1257(Anno Domini 1257):背景设置在十字军东征和蒙古入侵时期。
潘德的预言(Prophesy of Pendor):一个很流行但富有挑战性的模组,敌人强大,战斗很惨烈。
冰与火之歌(A Clash of Kings):背景设定在乔治马丁的《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)世界。
战剑征服(Warsword Conquest):一个基于战锤(Warhammer Fantasy)的惊艳模组。

The Last Days of the Third Age mod allows you to defend Minas Tirith.
Mods for Mount & Blade
Battle Size Changer: Allows you to increase the maximum number of soldiers in battle at once, from the default 100 to a max of 1,000.
The Last Days of the Third Age: Lets the player fight on either side of the War of the Ring, as one of Tolkien’s various fantasy races.
Star Wars Conquest: A huge mod set in the Star Wars universe that allows you to explore, battle heroes and conquer the galaxy.
Sword of Damocles: Adds a complex kingdom management system, over 100+ troop types and much more.

Conquer the galaxy as a Sith lord in the Star Wars Conquest mod.
Mods for Mount & Blade: Warband
Floris Mod Pack: A compilation of great mods created by the fans. Highly recommended.
Anno Domini 1257: Set during the Crusades and Mongol Invasions.
Brytenwalda: A complex mod set in Britain after the fall of Rome.
Prophesy of Pendor: A popular but challenging mod, with tough enemies and deadly combat.
A Clash of Kings: Set in the world of G.R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones.
Warsword Conquest: An amazing mod based on Warhammer Fantasy.
As a sandbox game there is no overarching narrative guiding progression in M&B, so “winning” falls to a player's own particular interests. This could mean aiding your faction in achieving dominance, but could also involve more character-specific goals.
Perhaps you wish to aid a pretender to wrest the throne from her rival and in turn be granted a lordship. Both your Renown (earned in battle) and your Relationship rating with lords and townspeople will determine if they even acknowledge you, and are impacted by quests and the decisions you make.
If combat is your main goal, the XP gained from kills and completing missions increases your stats, which in turn opens the door for higher skill levels. Skills are all passive, and range from dealing more damage with certain weapons to riding better horses, tracking other groups, capturing prisoners, persuading nobles and better training of troops.
Yes, your troops will also level up, following one of several upgrade trees. Those Swadian farmers you recruited might become powerful knights, while the Khergit recruits can become agile horse archers.
《火与剑》设定在 17 世纪的波兰,游戏基于诺贝尔文学奖得主亨利克 · 显克微支(Henryk Sienkiewicz)的同名小说改编。
The With Fire & Sword expansion is set in 1600s Poland and it's based on a famous novel of the same name, written by Nobel-winning author Henryk Sienkiewicz.
TaleWorlds 对游戏细节的关注和打磨致力于为玩家提供一场忠于历史的中世纪旅程,而并非纯粹的幻想虚构,这是《骑马与砍杀》受人喜爱的一方面。武器和盔甲看起来很粗糙,并不华丽,城堡、城镇和村庄都是用木头和石头做的,而且卡拉迪亚人的外观和行为保持着一致:穷人不干净,浑身疲惫,而贵族衣着光鲜,可以专心于个人兴趣。
2010 年,一部名为《骑马与砍杀:战团》(Mount & Blade: Warband)的独立资料片发售,该资料片加入了一个新派系,成立你的王国的能力,以及多人模式。随后又发行了历史合集,包括《火与剑》(With Fire & Sword,2011),《拿破仑战争》(Napoleonic War,2012)和《维京征服》(Viking Conquest,2014),增加了枪、大炮、伏击和很多新元素。但《战团》仍然是最受欢迎的一作,这要归功于它的众多精品模组。
The effort and care for detail put in by TaleWorlds to create a faithful medieval experience rather than a fantastic one is an endearing facet of Mount & Blade: weapons and armour are more rugged than gaudy, castles, towns and villages are made of hew wood or stone, and the people of Calradia look and act the part: the poor are unwashed and weary, while the nobility are somewhat clean and focused on self-interest.
In 2010, a stand-alone expansion called Mount & Blade: Warband was released, adding a new faction, the ability to form your kingdom and multiplayer. Then came historical packs: With Fire & Sword (2011), Napoleonic Wars (2012) and Viking Conquest (2014), adding guns, cannons, ambushes and much more. Still, Warband remains the most popular version, thanks to its amazing variety of excellent mods.
Ultimately, the core of Mount & Blade is reflected in its name, giving a harrowing and entertaining taste of being a medieval battle commander. But it does so within a subtly immersive world of conflict and choice shaped by your victories or defeats, by mount and by blade.

Characters don’t have much of a personality, but dialogues offer many options, from serving kings to marrying nobles.

You can buy weapons, armour, horses, food for the troops or even live as a trader, making profit on trade goods.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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