You can dismantle your gear, then use their materials to upgrade equipment, dye them and socket magical gems.

Dialogue is very simple, with few choices besides asking for exposition and refusing side-quests. But it’s often funny.

You can mix effects, carriers and modifiers to create your own spells, from walking on water to ricocheting fireballs.

游戏里有大量的活动,比如照搬的《吉他英雄》(Guitar Hero)、航船、玩骰子、赛马和建造一座小镇。
There are numerous activities, such as a Guitar Hero rip-off, sailing, playing dice, horse racing and building a village.
其他令人费解的设计决策还包括永远可见的完整地下城地图,又或者会时刻显示所有敌人的小地图,其中还包括那些“隐藏”的单位。游戏里甚至会宣扬自己 AI 系统的缺陷:加载画面的小提示中有一条是“爬上岩石,这样近战敌人就会因为无法触碰到你而傻站着”。
然而《两个世界 2》最深的罪孽其实是它许多新颖的特点都几乎没有被充分发挥。比如:你可以划船并手动操纵吊杆来御风而行,但没有多少地方是需要划船到达的;你可以获得一匹马,但只能在第一块大陆上骑它;你可以为装备染色,但可选择的颜色极其有限,并且只能染上几个固定的部位;你可以创造出如增加跳跃高度或水上行走的法术,但却没什么施展它们的机会;你可以潜行、盗窃和暗杀,但它们只有在极少数情况下能发挥作用。幸好诸如《世界融合(Worldmerge)》等模组成功地抢救了大多数问题,并且增加了可供这些特色大展身手的额外内容。
There are other good ideas, but poor design choices end up diminishing them. The game has a classless character system that promotes spreading your skills, but requires wielding a staff when casting spells and forbids you from using bows with heavy armour or robes, limiting your gameplay options.
Similarly, equipment is mostly restricted by level, limiting your effective choices to your current level tier, as it will deal a lot more damage than the previous tier (an issue Two Worlds 1 also had).
That's not to mention odd choices like having dungeon maps always fully revealed or how enemies are all displayed on the mini-map, even “hidden” ones. The game even promotes glaring AI faults: a loading screen tip is to climb on rocks, so that melee enemies can't find a way to reach you and just stand still.
However, the worst sin of Two Worlds II is how many of its novel features are criminally underused. You can sail a boat, manually positioning the boom to harness the wind, but there's few places to sail to. You get a horse, but can only use it on the first continent. You can dye armour, but there are few colours and you can only dye certain parts of it. You can make spells to jump higher or walk on water, but there's little reason to use them. You can sneak, steal and assassinate, but that's rarely useful. Luckily, mods like Worldmerge manage to salvage much of that, adding content to better explore those features.
《两个世界 2》曾因在 2017 年出售原本承诺会免费发布的更新《黑暗召唤》(Call of the Tenebrae)以及为了游戏内的道具收费而取消游戏的控制台指令而身陷各种争议。
Two Worlds II was surrounded by controversy, selling the 2017 expansion Call of the Tenebrae, which was previously promised as a free update, and disabling the game's console commands in order to sell micro-transactions.
多人模式同样内容丰富。其中的合作模式包括了一部线性、着重于战斗、长度约为 10 小时的战役,其时间点被设定在系列第一和第二作之间的,某个时刻。还有其他诸如多人死斗、双人决斗、争夺水晶、追捕、守卫王座等模式,甚至还有可供玩家建造农田、风车、熔炉、警卫室、店铺等建筑的村庄模式,玩家还需要时不时抵抗怪物的入侵。这些内容都十分简单,但有总好过没有。
《两个世界 2》的魅力正来自它的反差感—— 它充满雄心壮志,却缺乏深度,但可供玩家体验的新奇内容源源不断,造就了一段令人上瘾的体验,让人总是不禁想问:“接下来又是什么?”。这款作品或许不合所有人的口味,但只要是愿意忍受其粗糙感和局限性的玩家,一定可以收获一份时长可观的快乐体验。
世界融合:《两个世界 2》的终极模组包。它将游戏的主线战役、《飞行城堡的海盗(Pirates of the Flying Fortress)》资料片以及多人模式下的地图融合进一个世界里,并增加了三种不同的难度设定。它还增加了更优秀的 AI、难度更高的战斗、可供追寻的秘密、拓展过的角色创建内容、更丰富的装备染色选项、解除需要装备法杖才能施法的限制、允许穿任意类型的装备时使用弓箭的能力、更长的渲染距离、可击杀的 NPC、新的武器与装备、新的任务和首领级敌人等等诸多内容。即使是第一次通关时也强烈推荐!
Multiplayer is also extensive. There's a separate co-op mode with a linear and combat-heavy 10-hour campaign set sometime between Two Worlds 1 and 2,
plus modes like Deathmatch, Duel, Crystal, Capture, Defend the Throne and even a Village mode, where you build farms, mills, forges, guardhouses, shops and the like, occasionally defending them from monsters. It's all very simplistic, but nice to have nonetheless.
Two Worlds II's charm comes from this contrast. It's extremely ambitious – but, while it lacks depth, the constant stream of new things to do leads to an addictive experience, always asking “what's next?”. It's not a game for everyone, but those willing to endure some roughness and limitations will certainly find themselves entertained for many hours.
Worldmerge: The ultimate mod pack for Two Worlds II, it fuses the main campaign, the Pirates of the Flying Fortress expansion and the multiplayer maps into a single world, with three new difficulty settings. It also adds better AI, tougher combat, hidden secrets to pursue, an expanded character creation, more armour colouring options, the ability to cast spells with any weapon and use bows with any armour, increased draw distance, killable NPCs, new weapons, armour, quests, boss enemies and much more. Highly recommended, even for a first playthrough.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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