The story is gameplay – the alliances/enemies you make in the game affect missions, respect, endgame choices, reactivity, and also special perks for your character as well. Interaction with a character in the game is a game system and gameplay in itself, which was our goal. We didn't want the story or dialogue to be divorced from the missions or gameplay.
Chris Avellone
Alpha Protocol's lead designerChris Avellone,
Alpha Protocol's lead designer

You have a time limit to choose between the various dialogue options, and they will all have long-term consequences.
游戏里有许多 NPC 让人印象深刻,与《异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)》不同,由于游戏的背景设定是现实世界,玩家能感受到一种亲切感。我必须要说,本作最出色的角色莫过于史蒂芬 · 赫克(Steven Heck)。你和这名反社会叛逃特工在一起的每一刻,都会享受到无厘头幽默的魅力。对史蒂芬来说,把人质五花大绑、淋上汽油、再扔个打火机,纯属家常便饭。
不过,本作也有不足,大多与游戏机制相关。《阿尔法协议》是第三人称射击游戏,将《杀出重围(Deus Ex)》与掩护机制相结合。你可以蹑手蹑脚,躲避摄像头,出其不意击晕警卫;也可以大摇大摆地掏出武器,见人就射。作为 RPG 游戏,本作的角色系统虽然稍显简单,但质量精良,玩家可以提升主角的技能(武器、搏击、技术等),还会根据自己做出的抉择,行为与玩法,解锁各种被动加成[4] 。
问题在于,有些能力过于强大,有些却极其鸡肋。例如,潜行技能会让敌人变成一个个“小聋瞎”,再加上连环射杀(Chain Shot)这一技能,玩家可以不费吹灰之力处决任何敌人(包括首领和头目)。
There are several memorable NPCs in the game, although, because the story is grounded in reality, they are not as far-fetched as in games like Planescape: Torment. I have to point out Steven Heck, who must be applauded as one of the most memorable characters in gaming. Every minute the player spends with this psychopathic rogue agent is comedic gold. Just don't be surprised if the guy ties up the hostages, pours some fuel on them and finally sets them on fire.
However, not everything is nice and good, thanks to problems found in the game mechanics. By default, the game is a third-person shooter, mixed up with Deus Ex influences and fairly hectic cover mechanics. You can sneak around, evade cameras and knock out unalert guards, or just draw your weapons and gun everyone down. Being an RPG, Alpha Protocol also has a nice (although shallow) character progression system, which lets the player upgrade Thorton's skills (weapons, martial arts, technical affinity, etc), as well as offering unique passive perks that are unlocked based on your choices, actions and playstyle.
The problem is that some of these abilities are useless, while others are overpowered. For example, using a Stealth skill which briefly turns you invisible together with the Chain Shot skill allows players to easily finish off anybody, even bosses.
2013 年,Chris Avellone 在一次采访中透露,续作选用更荒诞的艺术风格,可参照电影《杀死比尔(Kill Bill)》与《黑道圣徒(The Saints Row)》系列游戏;同时,受《黑暗之魂(Dark Souls)》影响,续作还将采用异步多人模式[6] 。但由于销量惨淡,SEGA 不愿投资续作。
Chris Avellone revealed in a 2013 interview that his plans for a sequel involved a wackier tone, similar to Kill Bill and the Saints Row games, while also featuring an asynchronous multiplayer element, inspired by Dark Souls. However, due to poor sales, SEGA has no interest in a sequel.
《阿尔法协议》在技术上也有让人诟病之处。控制设置显然是为了迎合手柄玩家。如果用鼠标移动视角,有时会让人抓狂。游戏还存在纹理串流(texture streaming),人工智能等方面的问题,整体上也缺乏打磨,许多小 bug 让玩家叫苦不迭。
《阿尔法协议》里的小游戏也颇具争议,褒贬不一。个人认为,这些小游戏设计得很好,考验玩家的专注力与手眼协调力,而非只是 QTE (quick time events)或零碎解密。想黑入电脑,你要在矩阵里找到匹配的代码条[5] 。想要破解电子回路,你要破解一个视觉迷宫。想要撬锁,你要手动调整开锁器的位置。但由于鼠标控制生硬不自然,这些小游戏可能有点难,但只要你掌握诀窍,就会发现它们其实并不难。如果你真的卡在某一关过不去,扔一枚电磁脉冲(EMP)手榴弹即可暴力通关。
Sadly, the game has some shortcomings in the technical department as well. Controls were clearly designed with controllers in mind, which makes the camera movement with a mouse pretty frustrating sometimes. It also has some texture streaming and AI problems, and lacks some overall polish, with players complaining about several minor bugs.
The mini-games are a controversial point, since people are divided over whether or not they are designed well. I personally feel that they are among the best of their kind, because they require actual concentration, hand-eye coordination, and they are not focused on quick time events or trivial puzzles. During hacking, you have to find matching lines of codes in a running matrix. To disable an electric circuit, you must solve a visual maze. And to pick a lock, you have to manually move the pins of the lock. It is true that, because of the jerky mouse controls, these can become somewhat difficult, but, once you get used to how they work, they are quite manageable. And if you get stuck, they can be bypassed with a few EMP grenades.
With all that said, who is this game for? Well, if you value good stories, like to experience the consequences of your choices and love conspiracies, then give Alpha Protocol a shot. You might find a rough diamond under the technical difficulties.
4 译者注:例如,在教学关卡里,如果和米娜首次对话选择风度翩翩(即温和)的姿态,就会解锁被动天赋,降低所有技能的冷却时间。
5 译者注:玩家要在一个 18×9 的矩阵中找到指定的数字排列。除了目标外,其他数字都在不断滚动,很考验眼力。
6 译者注:异步多人模式,asynchronous multiplayer mode,指玩家可以参与同一个游戏活动,但不要求同时在线。例如《黑暗之魂》的玩家留言,《死亡搁浅》的玩家信息及物资共享等。

The cover mechanics are serviceable, but will occasionally give players a hard time, likely forcing a reload.

The longer you keep your aim reticule over the target, the higher your accuracy and the critical hit chance.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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