事情是这样的,对我来说,FPS 和 RPG 并不是独立的游戏类型。FPS 是《新维加斯》在 VATS 战斗系统[1] 之外的战斗风格,但是 RPG 要素会影响玩家如何去使用战斗系统,不管他们是采用实时第一人称战斗还是 VATS 战斗系统。
I guess the thing is, I don't really view RPG and FPS as separate genres. FPS is the style of combat that the game has outside of VATS. But the RPG always influences how you use that combat system, whether it's in VATS or in first-person real-time.
Josh Sawyer
《新维加斯》首席设计师Josh Sawyer,
New Vegas' lead designer

在 VATS 系统的辅助下,玩家可以击伤敌人的肢体、毁坏敌人的武器或是引爆还未爆炸的手雷。
With VATS, the player can cripple specific body parts, damage enemy weapons or shoot unexploded grenades.
不过再怎么说,《新维加斯》也是一款围绕经济关系展开的游戏。因此,凯撒军团并不只是因为他们享受作恶而作恶,而是因为他们建立了非常成功的战争经济,这一体制要求他们作恶,并且是制度化的的平庸之恶[2] 。
他们将他们所做的丧尽天良的事儿以经济因素、受害者谴责[3] 及其冷酷的优越感合理化。如果玩家不能始终坚定地保持着自己的道德观,那么就很容易以他们的方式看待事物。他们可以说是电子游戏里最令人恐惧的那种反派,因为他们并不像传统的游戏里那些片面、动机不明、只是为了作恶而作恶的反派,而更像是从现实生活中走出的反派,有现实的目标、结果至上且不择手段,令人毛骨悚然。
在凯撒军团火光通明的战争营地之外,是一片辽阔的美洲大沙漠,随处可见唱歌的牛仔们、休憩的蜥蜴、变异的巨人,以及有一肚子故事要讲、身穿皮衣的无政府主义者。整块莫哈维废土就是为了给其上发生的短篇故事提供叙事框架而构建的,这些故事就好像《迷离时空(Twilight Zone)》[4] 中那些离奇瑰丽的短剧,并在主线任务的三部曲大结局发生之前徐徐上演。
就是这些故事让我在游戏中体验到了令人愉快的 250 个小时(甚至几乎没感觉到无聊)!支线任务里能找到的有趣而又独立的小故事的量就是这么大。

Fallout: New Vegas is a game about economics, after all, so Ceasar's Legion weren't evil simply because they enjoyed being evil, but rather because they had created a fairly successful war economy that required them to be evil. It required them to systemise a banality of evil.
They rationalise the horrible things they do with economics, victim-blaming and their sneering superiority complex. If you lost track of your moral compass, you could easily get talked into seeing things their way. They were terrifying video game villains because they didn't resemble video game villains. They resembled villains from real life. And that was horrifying.
Outside of their torchlit war camps was a vast American desert full of singing cowboys, lounge lizards, mutated hulks and leather-clad anarchists who had a vast number of stories to tell. The Mojave Wasteland is built as a narrative-framing device for its short stories, little Twilight Zone side-quests that tell strange and wonderful episodes before the three-part series finale of the main quest.
That's how I was able to squeeze a gratifying 250 hours (that were rarely boring!) out of the game; there's simply an insane amount of enjoyably self-contained stories to be found in the side-quests.

Travelling with certain companions may tear apart your faction allegiances, if you choose to recruit with them.
在 DLC 中,玩家同样能体验到这样极高水平的情节叙事。作为当年少数几个能把 DLC 做好的游戏,《新维加斯》把四部剧情拓展包的每一部都做得好像是个迷你资料片一般,在加入了大量优秀的新内容的同时,也提供了在同一世界观内探索一些新故事的可能性。另外,不接受黑子的反驳,《死钱(Dead Money)》就是最好的!
奇妙的故事,有意义的选择以及对其构建的世界的深思熟虑,渗进了游戏的方方面面。正因此,它成为了我在这一世代最为喜爱的游戏。凭借这些原因,《辐射:新维加斯》成为了史上最佳的 FPS-RPG 游戏之一,并足以和《杀出重围(Deus Ex)》以及《网络奇兵 2(System Shock 2)》相提并论。
《新维加斯》reddit 有一个简便模组入门指南,列出了所有必装模组,例如 bug 修复和可选视觉调整类。这里列出一些其他模组:
JSawyer:由原作首席设计师开发的一款模组,加入了困难生存条件、HP 减少、等级上限降低以及给医疗针增加重量从而使得游戏难度提高。
Project Nevada:《新维加斯》所有模组中最受欢迎的一款,由开发了《辐射 3:废土客版(Fallout 3:Wanderer’s Edition)》的团队所开发,是一款加入了新特性、调整了平衡性、添加了新武器和植入物的大型模组。
Fallout-Project Brazil:提供了一整个全新的战役,关于一场在玩家避难所中打响的内战。
Autumn Leaves:一款专业的任务模组,要求玩家解决一桩离奇的杀人迷案。
Fallout - The Frontier:一个超大饭制扩展包,加入了一张非常大的新地图、工作车辆、新敌人和一大堆新任务,包括两条故事线。
Brave New World:邀请新的配音演员为 145 名 NPC 重新配音,为游戏世界带来更多生机。
You can see this same episodic storytelling happening in the DLCs as well. As one of the few games of its generation to do DLC right, New Vegas sold four story add-ons that were each like mini expansion packs, adding in a good chunk of extra content while also exploring a new story in this universe that had something interesting to tell. And screw the haters, Dead Money was the best one!
Fascinating stories, meaningful choices and a thoughtful awareness of its world are baked into nearly every element of this game, and for those reasons it is my favourite game of its generation. These are the reasons why Fallout: New Vegas is one of the best FPSRPGs of all time, and deserves to be as highly regarded as Deus Ex and System Shock 2.
The New Vegas reddit has a handy mod guide that includes all must-have mods, such as bug fixes and optional visual changes. Here's a few extra ones:
JSawyer: Created by the game’s own lead designer,
this mod makes the game harder with various tweaks, such as harsher survival conditions, less HP, lower level cap and adding weight to stimpacks.
Project Nevada: Made by Fallout 3: Wanderer’s Edition’s team, it’s a huge mod that adds many new features, new content and changes to the balancing.
Fallout - Project Brazil: Offers a whole new campaign, where a civil war erupts inside your vault.
Autumn Leaves: A professionally made new quest where you’ll have to solve an exotic murder mystery.
Fallout - The Frontier: A huge fan-made expansion that adds a large new map, working vehicles, new enemies and tons of new quests. Includes two story paths.
Brave New World: Re-voices 145 NPCs with new voice actors, bringing a lot more variety to the world.
1 译者注:Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System,缩写为V.A.T.S,是《辐射 3》、《辐射:新维加斯》、《辐射 4》中采用的战斗系统,可以射击敌人的特定部位,也能提供类似时间暂停或是子弹时间的视觉动态战斗体验。
2 译者注:平庸之恶,原文 A banality of evil,是指在意识形态机器下无思想、无责任的犯罪。 一种对自己思想的消除,对下达命令的无条件服从,对个人价值判断权利放弃的恶。典出美国政治理论家于 1963 年发表的著作《艾希曼在耶路撒冷:一份关于平庸的恶的报告》
3 译者注:受害者谴责(Victim-blame)或称作检讨受害者、检讨被害人、责怪受害者、怪罪受害者等,一种认知方式,是指在侵害行为或犯罪事件中,将过错部分以至全部归咎于受害者,认为受到伤害一定是因为受害人本身有错。在对欺凌、抢劫、强奸、性骚扰等行为的评论中经常出现。
4 译者注:由洛德 · 瑟林(Rod Serling)创作的美国电视剧集。每集均为互无关联的独立故事,内容有不同类型,包括心理恐怖、幻想、科幻、悬疑和心理惊悚,并经常以一个可怕或大逆转剧情作结束,同时会带出一定的警世寓意。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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