《质量效应》已经成为了开发团队与粉丝之间的共同经历——这不仅仅是指在游戏体验上的共同经历,也是在设计和开发中的共同经历。粉丝们对于盖拉斯(Garrus)和塔莉(Tali)满满的爱令他们成为了《质量效应 2》中的可攻略对象。对于更有深度的 RPG 系统的需求催生出了《质量效应 3》中主要的改变。
Mass Effect has been a shared experience between the development team and our fans – not just a shared experience in playing the games, but in designing and developing them. An outpouring of love for Garrus and Tali led to their inclusion as love interests in ME2.
A request for deeper RPG systems led to key design changes in ME3.Casey Hudson
《质量效应》系列执行制作人Casey Hudson,
Mass Effect series' executive producer

Enemies now have several abilities and will throw grenades, deploy turrets, use shields, buff allies and pilot mechs – which you can steal for yourself.
相比《质量效应 2》中的那种一条路走到黑,本作中的关卡设计有了肉眼可见的提升。游戏中有了更多的开放空间,额外道路和可选分支,这些地方往往藏着一些战利品和额外的剧情内容,像是日志文件(尽管黑客和跳线小游戏都被移除了)。那些齐胸高的墙和箱子现在也不那么显眼了,你不会再被场景中突兀的掩体剧透即将发生的交火。
本作中的声音演出同样值得提及。游戏中的音乐由多位作曲家在好莱坞资深配乐家 Clint Mansell 的带领下创作。出众的的声音设计值得你使用优秀的外放设备。作为系列传统,本作中的配音同样非常出彩。
然而《质量效应 3》在发售时就引起了巨大的争议,因为一个重要的小队成员需要通过首发 DLC(From Ashes)来解锁,而且这个 DLC 还不包含在基础版的游戏中。毫无疑问,系列粉丝不会想错过任何一部 DLC 中的内容,尤其是最后发售的《神堡(Citadel)》DLC。这个 DLC 饱含对整个系列的回忆和情怀,同时也是一场为薛帕德准备的告别派对。
Level design is a noticeable improvement over the linear corridors of ME2. There are more open spaces, alternative paths and optional branches, which usually net a loot cache or additional story elements like datalogs (though the hacking and bypass mini-game were entirely removed). Sets of chest-high walls and crates are also less obvious this time, so you are not immediately alerted of an incoming firefight.
All this makes the “walking around” experience more enjoyable, not just a downtime between combat and dialogue. Environments are visually impressive, with some truly awe-inspiring backgrounds, from beautiful alien cities to war-torn battlefields.
Audio layer is worth mentioning too, with music created by several composers, led by Hollywood veteran Clint Mansell, and sound design rewarding playing the game with good audio setups. Voice acting is also superb, as per series tradition.
ME3 caused a certain controversy on launch, due to one important squad member being locked behind a “Day 1” DLC (From Ashes), which is (to this day) not included with the base version of the game. Fans of the series will definitely want to play the third game with this and other DLCs, especially the final one (Citadel), which serves as a send-off for Shepard and will cause a surge of memories from previous games.
由于在《质量效应》和《质量效应 2》的封面和宣传中只出现了男性薛帕德,BioWare 举办了一场投票来选出官方的女性薛帕德形象。最终有 1 万 9 千名粉丝把票投给了一个红发的形象。也因此《质量效应 3》的包装盒封面是双面的,其中一面上印的是男性薛帕德,而另一面上印的是女性薛帕德。
After only featuring a male Shepard in ME1 and 2's cover and promo material, BioWare held a vote to choose the official female Shepard. She was voted a redhead by 19k fans, and so ME3's box came with a two-sided cover art – one male, another female.
《质量效应 3》还加入了单独的多人任务,多人游戏也与单人战役中的收割者战争紧密相连。通过玩这些多人任务,或是玩 iOS 平台上的《质量效应:渗透者(Mass Effect: Infiltrator)》,玩家可以获得更多可用于单人战役的“战争物资”(war assets),并影响最终的结局。[1]
即便如此,还是有很多人对这部游戏——同时也是整个三部曲的结局感到不满,并在网络对此进行口诛笔伐。BioWare 在之后发布了一个免费的 DLC 《扩展结局(Extended Cut)》来安抚玩家,但仍有一些粉丝认为最后的结局令人失望。
《质量效应》三部曲已然成为了一个标杆。尽管总是会有人对其(大量)未被兑现的承诺感到失望,它还是成功地将电影化的动作 RPG 和紧密的小队关系结合在了一起,并为 BioWare 和许多其他 RPG 游戏指明了未来的道路。
扩展银河模组(Expanded Galaxy Mod):加入了新的技能,事件,物品以及一些额外的任务。
《质量效应 3》重新调整(ME3Recalibrated):一个非官方补丁包,修复了很多 BUG,还顺带修改了一些设定冲突。
材质包(A Lot of Textures):包含大量高清材质。
ME3 also adds separate multiplayer missions, tied to the in-game galactic war. By playing these missions (or the Mass Effect: Infiltrator game for iOS), players earn additional “war assets” that are used in the single-player campaign, influencing its outcome.
Regardless, the game's – and therefore the whole trilogy's – ending(s) were deemed unsatisfactory by many and led to an online uproar. BioWare later released a free DLC (Extended Cut) addressing these concerns, but some fans still consider it a letdown.
The Mass Effect trilogy stands as a landmark. While some will always be disappointed by the (many) unfulfilled promises, its successful blend of cinematic Action RPGs with strong squad member relationship elements ensured the direction of future BioWare games – and of many other RPGs.
Expanded Galaxy Mod: Adds new features, events, items and several extra missions across the galaxy.
ME3Recalibrated: An unofficial patch, it addresses many bugs, as well as some lore inconsistencies.
MEHEM: Gives the game a different, happier ending.
A Lot of Textures: A large pack with new HD textures.
1 译者注:在原版的《质量效应 3》中,玩家收集到的战争物资会受到战备等级(Readiness Rating)的影响,而在通常情况下战备等级只能通过多人游戏来提升。

Weapon mods are back, and you can now customise your loadout, restricted only by the weight limit of each class.

The endings change depending on how many war assets you gathered, either in missions or in the multiplayer.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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