对我来说,游戏的易用性就意味着任何玩家都能在最快时间内开始游戏并能舒服的进行游戏。在现在这个年代,这也就代表游戏应当具备一些诸如鼠标操控、提示框、快捷键等等便捷功能。不应该让用户和 UI 搏斗,而是让 UI 适应用户的使用方式。不过,在游戏简单的 UI 背后隐藏着一只猛兽。我个人一般把《ToME》看作一款战术 RPG 型的类 Rogue 游戏[…]
To me, accessible means that any player should be able to start the game and feel at home as fast as possible. In this day and age, this means having mouse control, tooltips, hotkeys and so on. The user should never have to fight the UI, it's the UI that should adapt. But behind the simple UI is hidden a beast. I tend to describe ToME as a tactical RPG roguelike[...]
Nicolas “DarkGod”Casalini
《马基埃亚尔的传说》创作者Nicolas “DarkGod” Casalini,
Tales of Maj'Eyal's creator

主线任务路上的村庄和地牢总是固定位置的,不过其他的可选区域或是游荡 NPC 都是随机的。
The main towns and dungeons are always in the same place on the world map, but there are random optional areas and roaming parties of NPCs.
如果解锁新的种族/职业、尝试任务的新解法或是一路做主线还是不能满足你,《ToME》里有 1700 多个成就等你来完成,还时不时有特殊的在线事件:游戏开发者会突然上线并开启一扇通往神秘次元的传送门,这一定会让你倍儿开心。
This gives ToME a very rare quality which I love: true power comes not from big numbers, but from versatility. A Chronomancer can split time, test multiple tactics for a few turns and then choose the timeline that worked better; a Doombringer can take an enemy with him into a demonic plane to duel; a Necromancer can perform a dark ritual to turn into a Lich and avoid (perma)death once, and so on.
It's a game that's always challenging (partly due to enemies level-scaling up), but building a good mix of abilities and equipment that can provide tactical options is far more important than min-maxing stats.
If unlocking new classes/races, trying new quest solutions and following the main story isn't enough to keep you motivated, ToME also offers over 1,700 achievements to pursue and special online events – you might be happily playing when a developer comes online and opens a portal to a mysterious plane!
在《ToME》的网站和 Steam 创意工坊上有几个玩家制作的模组可供下载,添加了新种族、新职业、UI 改进以及中文和日语翻译。
There are several fan-made add-ons for download at ToME's website and on Steam Workshop, adding new races, classes, UI improvements and translations into Chinese and Japanese.
游戏仍在持续地开发中,开发者们不断地将新特性和资料片加入游戏。在 2014 年和 2018 年
分别发售了两部资料片:《乌洛克的灰烬(Ashes of Urh’Rok,2014)》和《禁忌邪教(Forbidden Cults,2018)》,为主线剧情加了不少新内容。不过真正来劲的是 2016 年推出的《愤怒的余灰(Embers of Rage)》,加入了一整条全新的剧情线,玩家在其中扮演兽人和其盟友们,可以使用枪械和蒸汽链锯等新鲜玩意,另外,还引入了一个新的制作系统。
如果传统的类 Rogue 游戏没办法满足你,甚至你已经浸淫多年,那我推荐你试试《ToME》。你能在官网上下到免费的基本版,这游戏比那些 3A 大作内容更多,创意更多,激情也更多,可别错过了。
The game is still in constant development, with new features and expansions being introduced. Ashes of Urh'Rok (2014) and Forbidden Cults (2018) added more content to the main campaign, but the real attraction is Embers of Rage (2016), which adds an entirely new campaign where you play as Orcs and their allies, using technology like pistols and steam-powered saw-blades, as well as a new crafting system.
ToME also has an Infinite Dungeon mode and an Arena mode for those who care more about fighting, so you can see why it's a game I've spent hundreds of hours playing – and will still keep playing.
If classic roguelikes never felt satisfying for you, or even if you're a long-time veteran, I recommend trying Tales of Maj'Eyal. You can get the basic version for free on the official website, but this is a game that has more content, creativity and passion than most big-budget RPGs out there. Don't miss it.

《ToME》是一款具有高度战术要求的类 Rogue 游戏,它给了玩家多种多样的能力,极为大量的信息展示,并考验玩家面对各种挑战(不管是随机的还是固定的)时的策略。

ToME is a highly tactical roguelike, that gives players many versatile abilities, plenty of information and tests them against all sorts of challenges – both random and fixed.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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