我们发现现代 RPG 游戏有些缺少这种解密和小队制玩法,而这也是我们制作《魔岩山传说》一个重要原因。但是让我们制作《魔岩山传说》更重要的原因是,我们是这种 RPG 类型的资深老粉,而我们不愿看到在当代再也没人制作这样的游戏。很显然,必须要有人挺身而出,拯救第一人称小队制 RPG (Blobber)的式微了。
We feel that puzzles and also party-based gameplay to some extent are lacking in modern RPGs, and this is one of the factors that led to the development of Grimrock.
But, more importantly, we are huge fans of the genre and can't bear that these types of awesome games are not made anymore. So, clearly somebody had to step in and do something.Petri Häkkinen
Almost Human 联合创始人Petri Häkkinen,
Almost Human co-founder

Mages not only have to spend skill points to master the various schools of magic, but also need to know the correct rune input, usually found in scrolls.
另外这类游戏还有一个通病便是战斗很容易演变成你与怪物的战斗圆舞曲(combat mambo)。也就是说,你攻击一下怪物,然后立马闪开,然后再预判怪物将要行进的道路,再重复一次此操作,直到怪彻底被打死为止。
《魔岩山传说》最终的销量出人意料的好,一周之内就回本并且最终卖出了将近一百万份游戏。续集计划当然提上了日程,最终《魔岩山传说 2(Legend of Grimrock II)》正式发售于 2014 年。二代游戏不再设置于深山中,而将玩家的队伍置于一座与世隔绝的小岛上,同时允许玩家自由探索整座小岛。
《魔岩山传说 2》基本在所有方面都超越了其前作,加入了水下区域、Boss 战、更加智能的怪物以及更加强调垂直探索,但奇怪的是最终它的销量和影响都没能超过其前作。

One problem that has plagued games of this ilk from the beginning is how easy it is to trivialise combat with the so-called “combat mambo”. Attack a monster, then quickly sidestep and turn to face where the monster will move. Repeat until it dies.
Past games tried various monster AI routines, which Grimrock also does but then goes one further and subtly builds the levels around the monster's strengths, giving them the home-field advantage.
The game feels lonely at times as there is no one around to talk to, but this benefits the overall atmosphere as the sense of isolation adds an element of survival to the game, making players rely more on their supplies and the game's crafting system.
Legend of Grimrock turned out to be a surprise hit, selling nearly one million units and paying for its development in less than a week. A sequel was therefore inevitable, and Legend of Grimrock II roared onto the scene in 2014. Instead of a mountain prison, the party is now stranded on a remote island, allowing for non-linear exploration in every direction.
The sequel is superior to the original in almost every sense, adding underwater areas, boss battles, smarter monsters and a stronger emphasis on vertical movement... and yet it somehow failed to rival the impact (and sales) of the first game.

The second game is set on a remote island, offering a huge non-linear dungeon crawler surrounded by gorgeous vistas.
至尊任务(The Master Quest): 第一代《魔岩山传说》的副本,附带了一些附加内容。此地牢设计的很精巧同时游玩体验也很棒。
马兰维尔的矿坑(Mines of Malan Vael):一个附带了新的矿坑地砖的简单地牢。你需要查明为何矿坑里的工人都失踪了。
至尊之匙(The Master key):基于《地牢大事(Dungeon Master)》为灵感来源制作的地牢,其谜题和战斗的结合设计的很好。此地牢的作者还做了一个以《混沌反击(Chaos Strikes Back)》为灵感的地牢,但不如这个地牢好玩。
禁忌之厅(The Forbidden Halls):你的队伍发现了一个废弃的大厅并决定探索一下。这个地牢的一些附加内容比较奇怪且烦人,但总体而言还是很好玩的。

The Grimrock games are first and foremost a homage to a school of game design that is considered outdated, but clearly not unwanted. Already, several games have tried to cash in on their success by riding in its wake, but so far none of them have matched it. It's not often that one game can revive an entire gaming sub-genre, but that's exactly what Legend of Grimrock did.
Fan-Made Dungeons:
One of Grimrock’s high points is the dungeon editor. As grid-based dungeons are easy to plan and build, there have been plenty of fan-made dungeons made, especially for the first game. Here are some highlights:
The Master Quest: The first game’s campaign with extra content. Works very well and is highly enjoyable.
Mines of Malan Vael: A short dungeon with a new mine tileset. Find out why all the workers in a mine have disappeared.
The Master Key: A dungeon that’s heavily inspired by Dungeon Master, a nice mixture of puzzles and combat. The author also did a dungeon based on Chaos Strikes Back, but it’s not as enjoyable as this one.
The Forbidden Halls: Your party discovers some abandoned halls and decides to explore them. It features some odd and annoying additions, but overall it’s quite enjoyable.

The level editor is easy to understand and provides a great deal of freedom when in able hands.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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