One of our key concepts was to give players around the world the chance to feel like they had genuinely encountered and taken on these mythical beasts that we all have in our collective consciousness. Our art directors and designers tried not to stray too far from the imagery found in ancient legends and iconography.
Kento Kinoshita
《龙之信条:黑暗觉醒》总监Kento Kinoshita,
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen's director

Combat is refreshingly tactile, from climbing larger monsters to grappling with smaller creatures to cutting the heads of hydras.
游戏整体剧情比较简单,一开始便将觉者跟龙联系在了一起,然后基本上就是一系列线性的主线任务。有许多布告栏上的支线任务,像是“杀死五头狼”这种,但是更有趣的是通过角色对话触发的支线任务,在这种任务中,决策一般会引导任务的走向,甚至有时候会害死重要 NPC。
《龙之信条》涵盖内容非常出色,但是美中不足的是有些事情无从解释,因为伪造重要任务道具(自己留下原样本或者破坏任务,改变结果)和 NPC 好感度系统(控制 NPC 跟你的关系以及决定二人之间的暧昧关系),这些都有着长远的影响,但是游戏却几乎没有提及过这些。
起初该游戏被设计为一款开放世界游戏,但是开发过程中,游戏的地图被一减再减,最后《龙之信条》只留下了开放世界设计的痕迹,但是其内容太少,完全不足以称之为开放世界。除了格兰索伦城(Gran Soren)以及卡萨迪斯渔村(Cassardis)以外,根本没有一个真正的定居点,只有几个堡垒和营地。游戏中的许多任务会让玩家多次横穿地图,迫使玩家浪费时间来回折返,以及跟那些复活的低等级小怪战斗。

The story is somewhat rudimentary, linking the Arisen to the Dragon from the beginning, and thereafter following a largely linear series of main quests. There are many optional noticeboard quests of the type “kill 5 wolves”, but more interesting are the side-quests initiated by talking with characters, where decisions can lead to or block further quests, sometimes even eliminating prominent NPCs.
Dragon's Dogma contains an impressive but poorly explained depth as features such as making forgeries of important items (to keep the original for yourself or to sabotage a quest, changing its outcome) and the NPC Affinity system (which controls your relation with every single NPC and determines your romantic interest) have lasting consequences, yet the game barely mentions them.
Initially intended to be an open-world game, the scope was drastically reduced during development, leaving Dragon's Dogma with the vestiges of open-world design but a setting too small to match. Aside from the city of Gran Soren and the fishing village of Cassardis there are no real settlements to speak of, only a few forts or camps. The game's many quests will take the player across the map multiple times, forcing unwitting players to waste time backtracking and fighting the same respawning mobs of low-level foes.

There are five elemental enchantments, plus several status effects such as slow, poison, silence, burning, wet, etc.
2015 年,Capcom 发布了《龙之信条网络版》,这是一款免费的 MMO 衍生作。该游戏只有日服。游戏同时推出了改编动画,由 Sublimation 工作室制作,2020 年在 Netflix 上开播。
In 2015, Capcom released Dragon's Dogma Online, a free-to-play MMO spin-off available only in Japan. The game also got an anime adaptation by studio Sublimation, released on Netflix in 2020.
幸运的是,一年后发布的《龙之信条:黑暗觉醒》增加了快速旅行系统,大大减少了不必要的跑路,虽然黑暗觉醒版本也对游戏本体进行了一些优化,但是其最大的魅力在于黑咒岛(Bitterblack Isle),一个巨大的地牢,并且加入了新的宝物和怪物——包括会突袭的死尸噬菌体,它们会被死去敌人的尸体所吸引,然后趁你不注意突袭你。为了进行高等级的游戏,该岛屿是与游戏本体分开的,你可以随自己意愿决定进去探险的时机。
奇怪的是,《龙之信条》并没有尽其所能,像是更大的怪物——可以在上面爬,而且会做出一系列有趣的行为——一开始很少见,到了后期才会尽数出现。NPC 好感系统和从者意愿系统(控制从者的行为)等重要的系统很显眼但是同时又让人不明所以。这些最后都让人觉得很不爽并且有些玩家也会从网上搜寻这些资源。
尽管如此,龙之信条还是把团队的精髓部分全都做了出来,如果愿意玩玩看的话,你将不止会遇到许多种传说中的传奇生物,还能收获一头最稀有的神兽——一个做的很棒的动作类 RPG。
World Difficulty by Lefein:这是一款针对那些已经精通游戏的玩家设计的难度模组。它大大增加了游戏难度,要求你掌握每一项技能、物品和状态效果才能存活。绝对不建议在初次游戏使用。
1.5 版本适用于主游戏模式,2.0 版本适用于新游戏+模式。要获取最新更新,请查看模组开发者的 Discord 频道。
Thankfully, the Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen version released a year later expands the existing fast-travel system, greatly reducing the amount of backtracking necessary. Although Dark Arisen also makes various minor changes to the base game, its real draw is Bitterblack Isle, a vast dungeon that introduces new treasures and monsters – including deadly necrophages that attack by surprise, attracted by the corpses of slain enemies. Intended for high-level play, the Isle is separate from the main game and can be ventured into as early or late as one desires.
Curiously, Dragon's Dogma fails to play into its strengths as much as it could have, with the larger monsters – both climbable and featuring a range of interesting behaviors – appearing only sparingly at first, and a number of creatures emerging only in the final stage of the game. Important systems such as NPC Affinity and Pawn Inclinations (which control Pawn behaviour) are opaque and poorly explained, often resulting in frustrating outcomes and leading wiser players to seek online sources of information.
Still, Dragon's Dogma manages to recapture much of the spirit of group adventuring. Those willing to give it a try will not only encounter many legendary creatures but also that rarest of beasts – an RPG with action-based combat done right.
World Difficulty by Lefein: A difficulty mod for those who already mastered the game, it greatly increases the challenge of the game, forcing you to use every skill, item and status effect in order to survive. Definetly not recommended for a first playthrough.
The 1.5 version is for the main game mode, the 2.0 version is for New Game + mode. For the lastest updates, check the mod developer's Discord channel.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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