The problem that we found was that, because of this classless system, you kinda only needed to play one or two characters – you know, the one you like, and maybe a second one. It wouldn't be this cool thing that they had in Diablo, where you intend to play every other class. [...] People had no need to make a Ranger because they just played a Witch with a bow. That's why we added the Ascendancy classes.
Chris Wilson
《流放之路》制作人兼主设计师Chris Wilson,
Path of Exile's producer and lead designer

Path of Exile tries to innovate in every aspect, including loot. Even “white” tier items are valuable, as they can be used to craft powerful unique items.
最近的另一个改动是升华(Ascendancy)职业,这是在终盘阶段为的专精系统,它提供了强力的新游玩方式,不过和每个职业绑定。尽管游戏大体上是无职业的,但这个系统让玩家有更多的动力去尝试所有的职业。为了解锁升华职业,玩家必须通关帝王迷宫(The Lord’s Labyrinth)。这是一个有一定 roguelike 元素的迷宫,里面遍布陷阱、财宝和极端困难的首领战,而且玩家必须在不死亡的前提下通关。
Initially Path of Exile had only one chapter, then grew to four, which had to be done on all three difficulty settings to reach the endgame. The developers listened to feedback saying it felt repetitive and overhauled the entire system. They removed the difficulties and instead doubled the number of chapters – reusing the same assets and locations, but adding some visual changes and new, much more difficult battles.
Other recent changes are the Ascendancy classes, endgame specialisations that provide powerful new playstyles but are restricted to each class, thus giving players more incentive to try out all classes, despite the game's mostly classless nature. To unlock an Ascendancy class you must beat The Lord's Labyrinth, a roguelike-ish experience where you delve into a maze full of traps, treasures and extremely difficult boss battles, and must finish it without dying.
由于游戏中不存在货币,在线交易采用以物易物的形式。开发者刻意没有加入游戏内拍卖行,因此玩家通常利用www.poe.trade 这类服务来列出自己希望进行的交易。
Since the game doesn't have a currency, online trades are based on bartering. The developers intentionally avoid adding an auction house, so players often use services like www.poe.trade to index their trades.
《流放之路》要求全程联网,在城镇内其他玩家是可见的,你可以在这里交易、创建队伍或者发起 PvP 挑战。这让整个游戏世界生气蓬勃,即使你是独狼玩家。不过那些寻求更高难度挑战的玩家也可以选择自力更生模式(Solo Self-Found),回避所有的在线交流。
These are joined by other creative mechanics, such as the lack of currency, a rich crafting system, random maps with special modifiers, buff potions that refill as you kill, etc. Everything in Path of Exile feels familiar, but offers interesting new twists.
The game is always online, with other players being visible when inside towns, so you can trade, create parties or jump on a PvP match. This makes the game feel alive even when playing alone, but those seeking an even bigger challenge can lock themselves off from all online interaction in Solo Self-Found mode.
In the end, all these mechanics and features serve Path of Exile's main strength: player choice. Even with the best build and items, no character will be able to excel at everything. Every choice brings trade-offs, and the end result is an experience that's unique and memorable for the player.

庞大的被动技能树包括了 1325 个节点。一些节点提供微小的属性增益,而另一些能够极大地改变角色游玩的方式。

The massive passive skill tree features 1,325 nodes. Some offer small stat bonuses, while others will radically change how your character plays.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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