Unlike most games, there is no clear single goal in a fantasy roleplaying game. Instead, you are directing the actions of a character to achieve the goals you want him/ her to achieve. Although most people accept normal goals such as “make lots of money” or “become a feared warrior”, you can choose any yardstick you want to measure your success. After all, it's your life – you ARE the character.
Eamon的开发者Donald Brown,
Eamon's creator

I kill the last enemy of the Beginner's Cave and he drops his magical sword, which I'll carry to new adventures. It has the special power to produce fire, which can be used to solve puzzles in this adventure.
看到游戏的成功,唐纳德・布朗(Donald Brown)创建了《剑术(SwordThrust)》(1981),这是《埃蒙》的续集,但这次是一个商业产品。尽管有一些改进,比如更好的界面和更多的咒语,但它完全没能《埃蒙》那样受欢迎,也没有多少冒险经历,随后布朗放弃了继续开发这款游戏。
《埃蒙》的自由、公共领域特性使它在美国传播开来,既然布朗把《埃蒙》抛在身后,社区就面临着保持游戏活力的挑战。程序员约翰尼尔森(John Nelson)破解了游戏系统,允许进行更复杂的设计,并于 1984 年成立了《埃蒙》用户俱乐部(National Eamon Users Club),该协会对《埃蒙》冒险活动进行了分类,并出版了一份包含评论和设计技巧的时事通讯。
1988 年,俱乐部改名为:伊蒙冒险家协会( The Eamon Adventurer’s Guild),由托马斯·祖乔夫斯基领导,至今仍在 www.eamonag.org。他们记录了包含 256 次冒险,大部分是在 1984 年到 1994 年之间创建的,但遗憾的是,在 2005 年就停止了更新。
Seeing the game's success, Donald Brown created SwordThrust (1981), a sequel to Eamon, but this time a commercial product. Despite several improvements, such as a better interface and more spells, it was never as popular and had few adventures made for it, resulting in Brown abandoning game development.
The free, public domain nature of Eamon had made it spread across the US and, with Brown leaving Eamon behind, the community rose to the challenge of keeping the game alive. Programmer John Nelson hacked the system to allow for more complex designs and in 1984 founded the National Eamon Users Club, an association that catalogued Eamon adventures and published a newsletter with reviews and design tips.
In 1988 the club became The Eamon Adventurer's Guild, helmed by Thomas Zuchowski, and can still be found at www.eamonag.org. Their records contain 256 adventures, most created between 1984 and 1994, but sadly it stopped being updated in 2005.
《埃蒙》冒险公会制作了一张 CD,里面附带了 242 个公共领域的冒险、地图、指南、他们所有的通讯新闻组以及一些模拟器。您可以 在这里下载.
The Eamon Adventure's Guild produced a CD which comes with 242 public domain adventures, maps, guides, all their newsletters and some emulators. You can download it here.
Today it's easy to download these adventures and enjoy how diverse they are. You might be a pirate, a cop or a time-traveller, delve into Moria, hunt hackers, fight cyborgs, explore the inside of the Death Star, or even play as Batman pursuing the Joker.
Of course, the problem with having a game entirely based on user-generated content is that the quality varies wildly. Some games are creative and well-designed, while others suffer from poor writing, cheap deaths, obtuse puzzles and tiresome combat. The Star Wars adventure listed above sounds cool, but it's filled with endless battles against stormtroopers.
Yet, I finished it. Mostly because I really wanted to bring a lightsaber with me. Mind you, the lightsaber functions like any other sword, and it was actually weaker than the weapons I had. The only thing special about it was its name. But this incredible power that words have to feed our imagination is precisely why Eamon conquered so many fans.

The status screen showing stats, gear and skills. Don't get too attached: weapons break and character death is permanent!

SwordThrust 加入了一些改进,例如顶部的状态窗口,但它却从未像 Eamon 那样流行。
SwordThrust introduced several improvements, such as a status window on top, but was never as popular as Eamon.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明