I think some folks prefer stats, and stats definitely have their place. But I wanted to see how it felt hiding that stuff to make it more about judgement calls and play experience. That, and the absence of information makes us fill in the gaps with our own interpretations. Usually those are cooler than anything I could come up with!
Daniel Fedor
《末日拾荒者》作者Daniel Fedor,
NEO Scavenger's creator

The game’s CYOA segments have great writing and atmosphere, but can kill you without warning, forcing a restart.
Every aspect of NEO Scavenger follows this logic. The game features a robust survival system that requires you to regularly eat, drink, sleep, treat your wounds, protect yourself from the cold and medicate against diseases. Of course, not all water you find is safe for drinking, and eating meat without cooking it might be a bad idea. Even something like wearing two right-foot boots can result in blisters and affect you negatively. Is it worse than walking around barefoot? It's up to you to figure it out.
Along the way, you'll die – a lot. But it's OK, the fun in NEO Scavenger lies precisely in learning how to survive this harsh post-apocalyptic world. The many characters you create will never gain experience nor level up, but after a while you – the player – will learn how to scavenge, craft items, assess risks and survive for a few days without dying of hypothermia.
末日拾荒者 NSE(Extended NeoScav):极大扩充了游戏内容,加入了新的特性、配方、战斗动作、势力、物品、任务、地点乃至一辆能骑的自行车。同时也对平衡做出了很棒的调整。
Mighty (mini)Mod of Doom [1] :名字里有迷你,但这一 mod 提供海量新内容和平衡调整。
Science & Sorcery:这个 mod 引入了魔法,让游戏多了点《暗影狂奔》(Shadowrun)的味道。截止笔者写这篇文章时还在更新。
At that point, you might then be ready to begin searching for answers, to discover out what happened to the world, to explore its borders, interact with its inhabitants and follow whispered rumours towards the game's cryptic main quest. Or become a cannibal. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
Extended NeoScav: Expands the game in every way, adding new traits, crafting recipes, combat moves, factions, items, quests, locations and even a rideable bicycle, plus a few well-thought-out balance changes.
Mighty (mini)Mod of Doom: Despite the name, it also adds a huge amount of content and rebalancing.
Science & Sorcery: This WIP mod aims to give a Shadowrun-ish feel, adding magic to the game.

1 后两个 mod 没有民间汉化,直译的话分别是“强力末日(小) mod ”和“科学与魔法”。不过以上三个 mod 都可以在贴吧或者原网站下载。

The abstract combat screen allows for unusual and elaborate scenes to take place, such as kicking a religious fanatic while pulling a plastic sledge.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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